Facebook and websites are 2 important ways to grow your business now days. To be old school is fine but having a up to date website is a must. I have checked it out a few times before I heard about this ball. I thought they closed shop and disappeared just like morich did.
Agreed, I have talked to him as well as some others. You just never get a justifying answer. Jason has been fighting a illness and Jason is a lot of things to Visionary, he can only work a few hours a week because of this. They are a small company in a very competitive business when you have to do a lot of the work and you feel bad it can be hard. I think they are focusing on the business they have, which at the moment is international orders are doing a lot better than domestic.
That's a shame. Really.
Speaking as a bowler who loved many of the early Visionary balls,
If Jason is the only Wonder family member left to do all that is necessary to keep Visionary afloat, and he is ill enough that he can't spend the requisite amount of time to do what is required, maybe it's best if it dies an honorable, peaceful death now, rather than to try to hang on by its fingernails, until even the faithful can't support the product.
Keeping a bowling ball company afloat takes a lot of very hard work and dedicated, resourceful people. It is strictly a non-trivial job that takes more than 40 hours a week, when you have all the resources necessary.