My son has started back in bowling this year. He's a Freshman and is bowling with the High School Club team and is actually loving it.
I feel because I see what he could be if I hadn't taken him out of the bowling scene. It's been 4-5 years since he threw really and it showed right off, but he's making it with some recent 2 game sets of 401 and 443.
He throwing an odd name reactive ball...don't even know what the ball is. But he's got a Gryphon G3 and a Scorcher NPT that's a little more shined.
For Christmas I picked up 2 used balls from Carlos and am hoping they will be ready to be drilled this weekend. He'll be throwing the newer Warlock and a Purple Ogre. Personally, with the lanes the team is throwing on, I think those 2 new balls and a G3 will be an excellent 3 ball combo. The NPT really has made for a great spare ball and drier lane ball.
So here's to a better 2014 for him now that I'll have him throwing all Visionary!!