Barry & Scott,
How fascinating. Before I read Barry's reply just above, I wrote this to Scott, knowing he had and loves his Ogre:
"Interesting developments, for me, on the Ogre - none good.
1. Got the BTM review today, Unbelievable review: with the stock 600 grit finish, it's only useful on their heavy oil pattern. Yes, of course the cover is easliy changeable.
2. Got mine today after a call from Buddies yesterday tell me their shortest pin Ogre is 3 1/4". Damn! There are no 2" or even 3" pins availble yet.
3. Mine is virtually totally Pumpkin orange; very little black. Almost the most ghastly, ugly colored ball I have ever seen.
Despite all the above, I'll probably put the pin in, next to or directly below the ring finger and the CG below somewhere; it will need a weight hole. somehwere. Double darn!!! That will be control drill of some sort.
I will take it down to at least 2000 grit matte, maybe even 4000 grit matte, or 1000 grit + polish.
Maybe I'll try to get a 15 lb one if I can get one with a 2" - 2.5" pin.
I'm hoping to make it a control ball for mediums like the Blue-Green Centaur is for light oil."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."