Hello all,
I have been around some, but not able to post much due to time constraints, etc. However, with the closing of my shop, I resigned from MoRich and thus decided to look at any equipment I wanted to. I had never thrown or even drilled a Visionary ball before, but the Slate Blue caught my eye due to its urethane cover and real core. Well...from there, I have since added the rest of the Gargoyles, the Ogre, and the Blue/Green Centaur. All of them are great pieces and if you have any questions for me in comparison to another brand, let m eknow and I will help you out as much as I can. Due to me throwiong lefty full time now due to my right arm bicep tendon rupture, I may not be able to give GREAT side by side comparisons, but I still know ball motion and ball characteristics.
Have a good one!