My thoughts:
1. Hard to tell about the drilling without knowing your release and delivery specs AND the amount of oil on which you intend to use the OP.
2. Under normal circumstances, the Hornet is for light oil and the OP is for true medium oil. So usually I'd use another ball between those two - UNLESS - you were to change the surface of one of them or put an unusual drilling on the OP.
3. The OP is not the sort to overreact EVEN if you put the pin over the ring finger or over the bridge are and you have an average sort of release. (If you have a LOT of revs or you have a lot of tilt or a lot of rotation OR you bowl on a severe wet/dry, any of those factors can change the reaction of the OP.)
It's hard to gauge your use of the Hornet strictly from your Nationals description, BECAUSE there's a huge variance between lanes and what any one person will see in Sgls/Dbls there. I've seen everything from completely burnt heads, requiring playing the 5th arrow with plastic to people simply moving 2-3 boards with their feet from what they played in team event, and with the same ball.
Given that disclaimer,
From your description of your use of the Hornet at Nationals in sgls/dbls, I would suggest putting the pin above the level of the bridge. BUT since the OP has much less flare than the Hornet, depending on your rev rate, I wouldn't suggest a 5.5" pin to PAP, maybe more in the 4.5" - 5" range.
I'm still inclined to think you'd need either a ball between them or a ball that can cover medium-light to medium oil. The OP is, as I mentioned above, a true medium oil ball.
The cover on the OP is pretty strong, given its polish and its 2.6" RG and .029" RG differential and the fact it is a medium oil ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."