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Author Topic: PBA Events  (Read 4504 times)


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PBA Events
« on: October 31, 2004, 03:24:07 PM »
Another small ball company got there name out there in the bowling world today and that company is Morich. My question is how does the CEO of Visionary expect to grow and get there name out there if they do not take risk just like Morich did. Personally i would think that this company would lose money because you cannot uses there equipment on any PBA level. Another thing is that I had to switch companies because of this and I had switched out with Morich I think this will be a pretty good trade.



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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2004, 12:28:40 PM »

     First of all, let me introduce myself.  My name is Jason Wonders, VP of marketing for Visionary Bowling Products.  Up to this point, I have tried to refrain from posting on ballreviews because it is my belief that one of the best ways to get non-biased opinions from bowlers is to view forums like this as an outsider.  The last thing I want is for my presence here to change the way anyone posts about our equipment.  

     As for the PBA, many things have changed over the past ten years, including the Registration fees and format.  As I am sure most of you are aware, the product registration has increased dramatically over the past few years and companies like ourselves have been forced to make very tough decisions on our involvement with the PBA.  

     While the information that Scott received from Samantha are factually true, there are many other factors that go into product registration that most bowlers are not aware of.  For example, every company that registers with the PBA, no matter which level, must comp a certain number of balls for each Senior Tour event.  This amounts to approximately $7,000 that gets tacked on to the registration right from the top.  In addition, if you ever expect to get a touring player to use your equipment, you must also comp a fair amount of balls to the national tour truck.  Add to this the cost of staff members, incentives for bowlers who make the telecasts, the additional PBA fees for bowlers using our equipment on TV, and a touring ball rep (if you desire), and costs add up significantly.  What starts out as a $55,000 investment can very easily become $150,000 or more.
     Now, if you decide to take the grassroots program, the cost is $35,000 plus the seed balls to the Senior Tour.  This registration package allows all Regional and Senior players to utilize the equipment.  However, if for some reason the PBA decides to televise a senior event, the bowlers will not be allowed to use the equipment during the TV finals.  Add to this the cost of Senior and Regional staff members and what it essentially amounts to is a company spending at least $45-50,000 to have the PBA give their approval so that bowlers can use your equipment in non-promotional bowling events.

     After numerous board meetings, and countless hours of discussing our options, we decided to remove ourselves from the PBA for the 2004-2005 season.  It is our opinion at this point in time, that the promotional value we receive from registering with the PBA is no longer equal to the cost of registering.  Now, this in no way means that we will not be registered in the future, and hopefully at some point our company will grow to the point where the PBA registration fees will no longer be an issue.

     I want to take this opportunity to apologize to all of the senior and regional players that use our equipment, or purchased some of our equipment with the intention of using it during this PBA season.  We understand that our decision has inconvenienced some bowlers, and for that we are truly sorry.

     There are many reasons beyond those discussed here that influenced our decision, and to go through all of them here would be unnecessary, but if you have any particular questions that you would like answered, I will do my best to answer them for you.

     As always, we thank you for your support,
               Jason Wonders
          Visionary Bowling Products

       To answer questions that were previously asked:

scotts33:  We have been fully registered with the PBA up until this season.  Any bowler could use our equipment during any PBA event (televised or not) prior to this year.

charlest:  While it wasn't necessary for us to hand over the check before the bowlers bowled in the finals, it was agreed to that if someone did make the telecast, we would pay the PBA an additional $7500 per bowler, per event.  So, if 3 people made the telecast it would cost us $22,500 plus incentives (usually between $2,000-$6,000 per bowler)


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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2004, 12:42:14 PM »
Kudos Jason for replying to this subject!  I just joined your Test Staff in mid August and couldn't be more pleased so far with your products!  I have no plans on joining/doing any PBA events, I am an amatuer and enjoy bowling league.  I do plan on attending/bowling some ABC events however.  I think it is GREAT that a company such as yours is producing high quality, high caliber equipment at a price us average Joe's can afford.  Your company's decision to not pass the insane fees established by the PBA (and thus Big Name Companies)to us bowlers is proof to me that you are dedicated to providing us with products needed at resonable prices.  I can't stand or afford companies bringing out a new ball every other month (or close to it) in order to both make big money and pay PBA.

Edited on 11/7/2004 1:42 PM


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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2004, 05:50:04 PM »
Thanks for coming onboard so to speak Jason.  Sure sets a lot of things straight that many of us including me don't know enough about nor have the "real" facts.

I believe as do many that your input will have the best effect on Visionary ball users.

I look forward to your input and will be using Visionary for a long time.  

BTW--the Centaur is really one of the best secrets out there for a THS.  So glad you guys haven't just brought out one hook in abox after another.  



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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2004, 12:29:46 PM »
I will be doing the same not renewing my test staff membership. That is to bad  cause they make wonderful equipment top of the line. But i don't know how they will excel with out going and taking risks. After i found out about them not signing i have been using Morich and for a small company they also make great equipment


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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2004, 12:49:24 PM »
I did renew my test staff memebership and it's the best bang for the $ in bowling equipment.  I don't bowl PBA events so it doesn't matter.  Sorry you guys can't use their stuff cuz I agree it's good equipment.  

Who else renewed or came on board this year?



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Re: PBA Events
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2004, 02:38:51 PM »
Scott, I renewed this year.  I think this is my third renewal.
I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"
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