I have two older guys who have lost a lot of ball speed and are struggling with todays reactives over reacting. I have suggested the slate blue for both. Both will move down from 15 to 14 lb. They both want to be able to play more down and in instead of swinging the lane.
Bowler 1 : Avg track 5 1/2 over and 1 1/8 up, comes around the side so gets some side roll on the ball. 12-13 mph. This side roll does not help with his reactive ball jumping, but this is his style and he is actually pretty consistent. Just doesn't have the revs to bring the ball back strong enough when swinging the lane. Currently uses a Ebonite stinger, stacked lev, pin below ring, weight hole on VAL. I did not drill this as I would have gone pin up, but I did polish ball up which gave him some length, but still too much for him. He does clip holes some, esp on a pin down red pearl urethane hammer.
So here is my thoughts on layout for the SBG...bowler 1: Pin above ring at 2 oclock, 3 3/4 to PAP, and cg toward palm ( between stacked and label) so can add hole later but not needed now. Pin up to stay off holes, but leverage pin to not be too weak. THS with clean backends, wood AMF, oil line at ten, buff to 42 ft.
Bowler 2 : Lower track at 4 3/4 over, 1 up, same ball speed and similar release. Good lift and side roll but not enough revs to bring a swing back, but too much for down and in with his pin under label lev Red Monster. Different house but similar shot with Bruns wood, good backends, somewhat drier and shorter pattern. Layout for bowler 2 : pin beside ring at leverage and cg once again toward palm.No danger of holes hitting for him. His ball seems more violent off the back end of the pattern. (prob due to lower track...side turn)
What do you think ? I have not personally tossed one of these yet. Only thing close is my Power Groove Dry/R. So I want them do be able to play down the dry and stay in play, but still maintain some punch and carry. Your thoughts please oh yee of the Visionary camp. Thanks, Al