My stats: 18.5 mph at release, 540-570 CATS, league shot is 40' THS with fresh backends, heavy volume in the middle. My axis rotation depends on what part of the lane I am playing. Typically the deeper I go, the more "around the ball" I get.
Crossover I took it from OOB to the spinner and added a light coat of Factory Finish. I did this because I watched someone else on my team throw the ball at box finish and it just seemed that the solid part of the coverstock wanted to grab the lane early. I wanted something to go down and lane but still give me some motion once I encountered carrydown. Ball has been phenominal as I am averaging 250 with it
Ogre Solid I took to 1000 abralon simply because the OOB finish was too dull for my stats. Tried it at 2000 but when I got into alot of carrydown or had to move deeper, it wasnt enough to get to the pocket and carry lots of 9 counts. The 1000 abralon surface allows me to get a good read on the pattern and works best when I can play more in the track area when the lanes are fresh.
Spartan I have not gotten too comfortable with it yet. Tried it at various surfaces and seems to fall right in between my Ogre and Crossover. It is a little more overall hook than the Ogre and yet less backend than the Crossover.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!