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Author Topic: question about ogre SS  (Read 3091 times)


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question about ogre SS
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:53:08 AM »
Even though I have an ogre particle, I am not the most knowledgable about Visionary equipment. I just bought that ball cause I wanted a particle in my arsenal and that ball got alot of recommendations. I am now considering adding the Ogre SS to my arsenal but before I do I am just wondering if some of you out there can tell me what this ball would be comparable to from other companies. Would it be similar to maybe a black widow pearl, or maybe a rapid fire pearl. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.



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Re: question about ogre SS
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2009, 06:27:42 PM »
No ball will have a look on medium-heavy to heavy oil similar to the look you get from a skid/flip pearl resin like the Ogre SS on medium or lighter oil. so far, physics prevents that,

There are a number of balls out that do handle medium-heavy oil. They have asymmetric cores and usually have a 4000 grit Abralon matte finish to enable them to have a relatively sharp backend at the breakpoint. Many newer balls are following this philosophy based, I believe, on the incredible success of the Virtual Gravity.

Some of them are: Breakpoint, Jigsaw, Seige, Rogue Cell, Virtual Gravity, Clutch, Bounty Hunter, Evolve, Black Widow Sting, DYnamo X2.

Some of these need medium oil at a minimum, some of them need heavier oil than that to preserve their energy. All REQUIRE the proper drilling due to the sensitivity of the Mass Bias placemtn.
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