I use Visionary and Track, also. I was a Test Staff Member, but did not renew, due to not wanting to purchase alot of balls. When I was a member most of the releases were for heavy oil and I only need so many balls for the same condition. I think that they have changed their philosophy on their releases and it seems that they have come out with some good ones lately. But, the test staff is a good deal, and Visionary is a great company to deal with.
I have a Charcoal Executioner, Rule and Mean Machine. My Ex and my Rule overlap a bit on what they can cover, but the shot is a bit different. I would say the hit that you get with Visionary equipment is very compairable to that of Track. I would/am considering picking up a new ball and looking at either an Xception, Equation^2 (when it comes out) or the Green Gargoyle. Needing something for light conditions.
I don't know that I got a good layout on my Executioner.? But if you can have Rick drill it, I do not question that he would drill it correctly. Thanks to him I have changed my mechanics and increased my avg 20+ pins. Anyway, I have a good friend that throws Visionary and he has very good luck with all of the equipment that he tries. We live a couple of hours from the plant and he will even drive over and pick it up from them.
Hope all this helps. I will send you a PM, also.
Mike Cunningham
Frankenstein never scared me. But Marsupials do, .....cause they're fassst!!!!!