With high speed, the Immortals are a very good choice. Due to the high flare potential, you get the ball quickly into a roll with a strong setup, so the Immortal Solid sounds like a good option to me - and you can still open up the surface if you need more/earlier traction.
Besides, the AMB Particle Centaur is also an option, also lots of flare for the high speed guys, but with extra traction from the coverstock.
Not sure about the new New Breed Solid, haven't heard or seen anything about its potential, but it would be my next choice. Other balls to consider are the pure recative AMB Centaur or the Frankie May Gryphon, but they'd IMHO be a step down from the IS or AMBP, probably medium to medium-oily condition balls for you, even witha strong layout.
Not sure if the Particle Ogre is the best choice. Not because it was a bad ball, but the low flare core could probably not work so well with your higher speed.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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