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Author Topic: Same Drilling/3 Different Gargoyles  (Read 926 times)


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Same Drilling/3 Different Gargoyles
« on: August 25, 2003, 01:06:57 AM »
Visionary buddies...Here's a question I posed to Jim Wonders last year and this is what he does with his balls...wondering how you guys feel about this.  Jim evidently rolls the ball much like I do.  I am a 50's male right hander would classify myself as a tweener..can play in and out...average speed.  

Jim said what he does is use the same drilling pattern on ALL of his balls and uses the different specs/tweaks ball surfaces and changes balls for varying lane conditions, but they are all drilled the same way.

I have used just about every offering that Visionary has put out the last two years except the Burgandy Gryphon.  

I am looking to purchase the Gargoyle line Granite, which I have one, Green and Blue drilling them all with a heavy roll strong drilling 3 3/8"x 3 3/8"s.

Like to hear your opinions....why I should do it this way and why not?
I believe it will simplify the game for me and I still have a few exotic drillings like a Midnight Scorcher for floods and Purple Ex for sport conditions...etc.  




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Re: Same Drilling/3 Different Gargoyles
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2003, 09:45:38 PM »
Scott---That's exactly what I was thinking of doing.  First, I would not have unlimited funds to build a huge arsenal.  Second, I feel I am a fairly good bowler, but not necessarily good/great enought to be able to pick and choose between slightly different drilling layouts for whatever particular shot that is out there.  Thus, following the "keep it simple stupid" KISS moto, I was wanting to rely on the same layout but different ball specs/surface treatment to give me the different read of the lane.  Any other adjustments would then only be with ball speed/line/etc.