I wonder if you're not trying to use the ball on too much oil. I've used this ball a bit, mainly on light to medium-light oil. Mine is drilled roughly 4.5x4, but pin is above & right of the ring finger, quite unusual for me, but it's still urethane and it needs some help in the length department.
Anyway, I've never seen over/under with this ball, unless I was trying to play the oil line. Being pearl urethane, I think this ball needs to see definite dry, even though it doesn't get resin-like length.
My 2 cents:
I admit I have not tried to change the 1500 grit polished coverstock surface it's too good the way it is, for me. But it is a HARD coverstock, as most urethanes are. If I could suggest something, if you're getting over/under (1. try not to play the oil line), sand it to about 600 - 800 grit, then apply something like Resurrection or Clean and Sheen to smooth the sanding lines (on urethane this is advisable), then apply a non-abrasive polish like Snake OIl or Brunswick's High Gloss polish. This will keep that rougher undercoating and the polish will, should, still give you length.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 6/11/2008 4:40 AM