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Author Topic: Test Staff Members  (Read 3118 times)


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Test Staff Members
« on: November 18, 2010, 03:43:09 AM »
Please take a look at my post on the visionary website under rumors.  I have also discussed this on the visionary page on facebook.  I am here in Indidanpolis and I am a test staffer.  But apparently...someone is hooking up non-test staff members on balls at the the same, or better prices than what I can get them for.  Some people are getting spartans and gladiaor pearls for either $75 for both...or $235...which is the same as what we can get them for.  I am a platinum members...I paid over $500 because I ordered an additional ball....and they are letting people do this.  I could have saved my money.  And the way...if you are waiting on a spartan...these hook ups may be why you having gotten yours yet....just my humble opinion.



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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 12:21:13 PM »
OK, before things get out of hand here, I would like to post a response so that everyone knows the true story, and rumors are not started.

One of our sales representatives, Willie Wells, made his way through Indianapolis about a month ago, and promoted our equipment to pro shops and bowlers.  This gentleman did purchase the test staff package, and obviously feels slighted in some manner.  

During his trip, I informed Willie that I was considering putting a woman from the midwest on our amateur staff, and that if he found a couple really good female bowlers that would like to promote our equipment, to sell them a couple balls at $75 each, and see how they bowled and if they promoted the equipment well.  

This is not a direct sale program....Nobody is going around selling equipment for cheaper prices, and we are not cutting out the Pro Shops.  Most manufacturers do trial runs with certain bowlers before they put them on staff.  This is simply our trial run with two women in the Indianapolis area!

Quite honestly, this is a private business matter, and should have never become public information.  Deals made to bowlers in an attempt to find staffers who are worth supporting/sponsoring and hiring as a staff member, is common practice within every industry.

Jason Wonders
Visionary Bowling Products

Edited on 11/18/2010 1:22 PM


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 12:25:05 PM »

I commend you for responding in an honest and straight foward way. I also agree with your statements as far as this was a private matter that should not have gone public.

IMO this person should have gone to you first before posting stuff all over facebook and here.
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Roto Grip.. King of Them All!!

Storm ain''t so bad either!! LOL

I also like AMF/900 Global..

Edited on 11/18/2010 1:27 PM
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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 01:00:29 PM »
This topic needs to be deleted, As Jason mentioned this is a personal/business matter and does not need to be made public.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2010, 02:46:01 PM »
Have to chime in on this as well....


Let me see if I get this correct.  You think you are being slighted by Jason (and in essence VBP) because a couple of people bought balls for $75 compared to the prices you agreed to when you signed on as a test staffer???

Let me see.4 balls, 2 shirts, and a 3 ball bag all for $500..I believe that was the price.  There are 4 New Breeds in the lineup and at the prices tests staff is given, that more than takes care of your cost..and you haven't even gone into the bag, shirts, etc. is this being slighted????  Even if you got the balls for $75, that's $465+ when you get done adding the accessories!

Let's see the quote from Jason, "Most manufacturers do trial runs with certain bowlers before they put them on staff. ".  Did you know that??  So..let me ask you this!!  If you decide to get balls from someone else, ie Storm/Roto Grip or Ebonite (or one of their many different names), are you going to do the same complaining about being slighted??  My guess is you might not because apparently you didn't know (a) the reason for why this happened or (b) that all of the other manufacturers already do this!

Just so you know..and this has been discussed many times.  TCBA bowlers get discounts on prices as well.  So, are you going to post another "I feel slighted" topic when you come into contact with some TCBA members that got discounts as well??  

Before you do, understand that TCBA members get that as a result of the affiliation VBP has with the TCBA in that they sponsor the league.  I will tell you this though...for the example I mentioned above with the New Breeds, the test staff member gets quite a bit more than what the TCBA members get if ordering the same stuff.  

In the end, Jason tries very hard to make himself available to anyone that's got a question, and really, this should have been taken up with him and him alone.  If you took the time to do it the right way, I think you'd more than find him to be on the up and up, direct and honest about what he says...which is more than you'll get from any of the others!  Also.what's the chances of you talking with someone that's got the intricate knowledge that he's got about how the industry works??  Probably slim to none as more than likely, you'll be stuck with Joe Answer-the-phone-guy.  I'm sure given the opportunity and time to rectify the situation, Jason would have done everything he could to help you out.
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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 03:08:28 PM »
And just to add 1 more to that, the test staff members get free shipping


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 03:58:35 PM »
For everyones information...I did not just go on facebook or anywhere else for that matter without trying to talk to the people first.  I called and talked to a few people there, got some questions answered, some weren't, and then I did not hear from them again until I called them again. Jason was not one of them, but according to someone they had given him my information.  I can't talk to people if they decide to not talk to me. As far as feeling slighted...yes I do feel that way.  I never said that what I got was not a great deal.....hence....that's why I bought it. What I did have a problem with was several people asking me about if I can get them the deal that the other people had. I knew nothing about it, and probably shouldn't have, but I have every right to try to ask questions when I have spent $587 and somebody else is getting 2 balls for $75...especially when they are not even on the test staff. Now, jason has the right to do whatever he wants to questions asked.  But it has been over a month since the rep was here, and people are just now doing this promo thing...which is none of my business.  But look at it from my point of view...people here do not use visionarys, and were looking at me as a rep for the do I explain to them about a deal that I know nothing about and cannot get for myself.  Why would people want to join the test staff like I did, when it looks like other people have gotten a better deal than I did, and it doesn't cost as much either.  I was the one who encouraged the ladies to work with the Visionary people. I helped sell a lot of balls from the proshop here.  But I cannot answer peoples questions that I have no answer too. I guess that maybe I should have told all of these people to call Visionary for themselves...that was my fault.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2010, 04:19:44 PM »
huskeyherm as a "Test Staff Member" you are "Not" a Representative of the company and should not be presenting yourself as one. You are a "Discount Member" and not a representative of Visionary. You should direct that to an actual Visionary Representative or a "Staff Member". You should be more than satisfied with the discount pricing that you do receive for the quality product and very personable service that Visionary has always supplied the bowling community.
Rod Piasecki
Lord Field Staff


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2010, 04:34:05 PM »
Someone will always get a better deal. Or say they did. If someone ask and you don't know, that is the answer to give. Problem solved.
Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2010, 04:47:37 PM »
You are so right Proform...I am not a rep.  I should have told all these people here in Indianapolis to call the Visionary people themselves with all of their questions.  I am not a "Staff Member" and never claimed to be. I do know the difference.  But I want you to also know this....even when the rep was here...nobody knew about the test staff.  I was the one who did the research, checked into everything and informed the other people here about the program....not the Visionary Rep....not the proshops.  I have done a lot of good for nobody here was using their equipment. they have sold alot of balls because of me.  Futhermore....if I have a problem with something, I have every right to say something about it. Once again.....never said that I didn't get a great deal....that's why I bought the package in the first place. But people keep bring that just because I am a test staff person, I am not supposed to inquire about something? If you all are test staff memebers, and people are able to get better deals than you got, and they are not even on the test staff, you have no right to ask questions?  What do you do when you do not get any answers?  People can say alot when a situation hasn't happened to them.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2010, 04:51:56 PM »
Like I said on the Visionary website...I asked a question.  No one else has had this it must have been only a problem or mis-understanding here in Indianapolis......problem solved.  Jason and I will and have worked through this.  I am done with it.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2010, 05:30:05 AM »
One other thing to add though you did say you were done....and it's not a dig.

Best thing to do, and that's what I think Jason would want if for you to promote.  You took the initiative in seeking out the information so you are one up on a lot of others!!  

If you like the equipment....say so and promote what you know, that being the test staff.  What you don't know you can't answer....plain and simple and it's ok to admit it.  But Jason with a question and you will get an answer.  It took all of 40 minutes for an answer to be gotten in this forum!!

Hope it all goes well in the end!!
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!  

g thing is back....with a vengeance!! - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!! - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!!

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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2010, 05:48:31 AM »
It took all of 40 minutes for an answer to be gotten in this forum!!
 Gee...I wonder why?  



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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2010, 07:25:27 AM »
Well....Ii took longer than 40 minutes to get an answer....this has been a little over a week long process, but I have talked to the right person, and that is Jason.  Jason has talked to me and we have cleared up the issues that were going on. I am going on record here, so that everybody knows. There have not been any special or extra deals going on here. There was bad, and some false,  communication on both sides. Jason is doing the right thing with the 2 ladies that are testing out Visionary Products. They are definitely deserving of the opportunity.  Apparently, a proshop here has decided to sell Visionary balls at cost, which is the price that a test staffer gets to pay, for whatever reason, and not make a profit off of it. People do not even have to have the balls drilled there.  They have basically undercut a few other proshops.....that is why people felt like that others were getting deals. I want to personally thank Jason for clearing that and a few other issues up with me and the rest of the people here. are right, I should and will continue to promote the Visionary equipment here, but tell everybody that has any questions to call the Visionary people.  Like I have stated before, I have never talked down about there product.


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Re: Test Staff Members
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2010, 07:37:27 AM »
Apparently, a proshop here has decided to sell Visionary balls at cost, which is the price that a test staffer gets to pay, for whatever reason, and not make a profit off of it. People do not even have to have the balls drilled there.  


Please state price with tax that this shop is selling for example Pearl Gladiator and a Spartan!
