I have a CE that I've been using regularly on 2 leagues.
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/fufunbean/detail?.dir=6578&.dnm=5e2c.jpgCurrently, the cover is 400 grit wetsand, with 5000 grit Ebonite polish over it. I only have 2000 and 5000 grit left on this polish, when it is done I want to pick up some Rough Buff and High Gloss from Bwick. I was wondering has anybody tried the 220 sand with rough buff on their CE? I really like the look the AI gave me, but I sold it in favor of the CE. Any input would be appreciated.
If you are wondering why, I just want something to kick alittle harder in carrydown.
FUFUGore in '06!