Nice bowling!
To answer your question...No.
I am still rolling the Violet Gargoyle. And the Crossover is the ball. I absolutely love the predictability and carry of it.
I have been in a slump the last two months, as far as league has gone, but I have been rolling the V. Gargoyle well in pot hi/lo doubles. I haven't practiced like last year and that has hurt some. Once the stress of the Holiday season is over, and I have full-time employment, I'll be back with some VBP figjam to share. lol.
I got the new Mixed Breed. I missed on the layout though. I use an IT* thumb insert, which takes out a lot of mass and weight. I could not drill the x-hole where I wanted. I believe that the ball specs were way wrong for me. I drilled it to be strong, which it is, down and in that is, but that is not my game. I will get another M.B. or wait for the pearl version.
If you didn't like that strike, just watch this one!