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Author Topic: 2009 YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIPS  (Read 1941 times)


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« on: March 13, 2009, 05:18:42 AM »
I just called to check to see if there was an error to the entry form on the 2009 Youth Championships....This is what I found out....You will be surprised!!!!

 Youth Championship                      Adult Championship

$8.25  Lineage                         $7.50 Lineage
$1.00 Prize Fund                       $14.00 Prize Fund
$13.75 Expenses                        $8.50 Expenses
$23 per person per event               $30 per person per event

This info is correct!

The kids are bowling to win scholarship money.... $1.00 to prize fund??? They also told me that part of the "Expenses" go to scholarship also BUT it depended on how much the tournament directors expenses were gonna be?? They could NOT give me an answer how much out of the "Expenses" will be added!!!  How is the adult tournament so different? They show $14.00 to the prize fund??? This is bad in my opinion....depends how much her expenses are what goes to the kids??? There is not a set amount that she can spend? Why wouldn't they have got someone who lives closer to run it so the expenses don't take all the prize fund? They are taking FULL advantage of our kids!!! We will NOT be bowling this tournament!!!!
TNT ProShop
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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 01:22:11 PM »
Youth bowlers have been getting screwed over since the inception of the USBC. I'm sick of it. They do nothing but pass rules willy nilly, and do whatever they want.

They actually take money OUT of our smart funds on a yearly basis to line their pockets.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 01:24:39 PM »
Kiall Hill
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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 02:30:54 PM »
I'm glad to hear that were not the only one's that feel this way. I hope to get the word out and let other parents and junior bowlers aware of how USBC is treating our kids. This is for the Central California USBC Association is there any other state running the same tournament with the same prize fund break down.  Is California the only one doing this to our kids!!!!!
TNT ProShop
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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2009, 09:05:22 AM »
I would like to take a moment to correct some inaccurate information that has been posted here regarding the entry fees for the USBC Youth Open.  Below you will find the wording of Rule #9 of the USBC Youth Open Championships rules which includes the breakdown of the entry fees for the event(s).  It reads as follows:

"9. Fees
Entry fee for all divisions is $120-per 4-person team, $120-per doubles pair (includes singles). All-events fee (optional) is $5.00 per bowler. Total cost of team, doubles, singles, and all-events for a 4-person entry: $380.00. Entry fee breakdown for singles, doubles, team event: $17.00 scholarship fee and $13.00 expense fee. Scholarship fees will be returned $100%. All-events fee of $5.00 will be returned 100% in scholarships. All-events category must be entered and be paid before the first ball of competition has been thrown by the bowler."

This information can be found in the competitors guide for the USBC Youth Open which can be found at the following link:

While the entry fee was increased $5 for each of the Team, Doubles and Singles events, 100% of that increase goes into the prize fund.  In addition, last year (2008)$15 of the $25 entry fee was allocated for expenses.  As you can see, this year that figure has been reduced to $13 which results in an additional $2 for the prize fund.

As USBC continues to search for an official sponsor for the event, a more difficult challenge in these uncertain times, unfortunately we have to rely 100% on the entry fees of the bowlers to generate the prize funds.  We sincerely hope this changes soon to allow USBC to award the types of prizes that should be commesurate with a national championship.

As to the comments about an Adult championship I am unsure of where the writer would get this information from USBC.

There are plans to offer an Adult/Youth Tournament during the run of the Junior Gold Championships.  This event is run by the hosting associations.  At this time, USBC does not have any information on the entry fees planned.  As soon as this information becomes available, it will be posted on in the Junior Gold Competitors guide which can be found at the following link:

If you have any questions regarding our youth events, do not hesitate to contact me at

Gary Schmit
USBC Youth Tournament Manager


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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2009, 03:41:15 PM »
Thanks for the information Gary. I have a flyer in my hand that is on green paper that is titled 2009 Youth Championship hosted by Central California USBC Association. I do have the correct information on the breakdown. It was taken right off the flyer. Team Event at AMF Sierra Lanes and Doubles and Singles at AMF Rodeo Lanes. Rule #9 on this flyer is "Teams" not "Fees". I would be happy to mail you a copy of my flyer showing I DO have accurate information. The contact person on the flyer is:

CUSBC Youth Championships
P.O Box 1497, Vista CA. 92085-1497

This is the phone number I contacted that I received the information about the tournament from the women that answered at that number. She also did not state who she was when she answered and I had to ask if it was Cal USBC? She was the one that told me that there is NOT a set amount that goes to the "Prize Fund".  The youth scholarship depended on what was coming out of the expenses after she paid her "Bills" for coming every weekend to Fresno from Vista. I am a little confused by your response that the information that you posted is nothing compared to what I have on the flyer??? Normally when showing a breakdown on a tournament flyer you show exactly how the money is going to be distributed. Lineage,  Prize Fund, Expenses? How is there not a "set" amount? If you would like more information from my flyer you can message me or maybe you should contact the "contact" from the flyer and get her information?
TNT ProShop
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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2009, 06:04:45 PM »
The tournament you are referring to is NOT the USBC Youth Open Championships which will be held July 10-11 and 16-25 in Indianapolis.  This appears to be an association championship in California.

USBC HQ in Arlington would most likely not have the entry fee breakdown for this association event on file.

Gary Schmit
USBC Youth Tournament Manager