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Author Topic: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic  (Read 2913 times)


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Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« on: October 30, 2006, 09:17:24 AM »
I've noticed that Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic is being promoted extensively on (Youth page, High School page, Sport Bowling page, and Home page)

The article starts "Youth bowlers will compete for more than $33,000 in scholarship awards in the Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Youth Classic, a USBC Sport Bowling event scheduled for Nov. 22-26 at AMF Irving Lanes in Irving, Texas."

Then you can go to Elite Bowlers Tour web-site to get the skinny on the tournament and the entry form. This is where you find:


Last I heard awarding bowling equipment and attire for achievement were against the latest USBC Youth eligibility rules!

The tournament's rules also state that:
"3. Must have maintained a 2.0 GPA to receive SMART scholarships."
As far as I've heard SMART doesn't care about grades...and to my knowledge has refused to change that policy. (One of the reasons my organization no longer uses SMART.)

I'd like to know how this got by the tournament certification and Jr Gold certification processes. They have to be aware of it as you are supposed to submit your advertising flyers with your applications. Do tournaments with large guaranteed scholarships destined for SMART management get special dispensation on eligibility rules?


Duke of Earl

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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2006, 06:55:41 AM »
You should send a copy of your note directly to the USBC awards person and ask this question. I know someone who won a ball at JG last year and had to sign a waiver. As always, USBC does whatever it wants and to hell with anyone who doesn't get into bed with them. I'd like to see them make a public announcement to Chris Barnes and Columbia that they will not be able to give this stuff away and the reasons why. Good luck seeing that!


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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 04:59:25 AM »
I did send a note to Mr Dalkin re: this. His response:
"Good point.  Recently the Youth Committee received input from the
National High School Athletic Association about Rule 400.  As a result
we have loosened the restriction and are placing some of the
responsibility in the hands of the youth and parent.  By copy of this
response to Jeanne Klescewski, I am asking her to give you an update.
The changes will not modify the national recognition program, but will
provide more flexibility at the state and local level depending on the
respective high school eligibility rules within that state."

Duke of Earl

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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 09:01:41 AM »
KATHI - you ACTUALLY got a response from Dalkin? You must be a GOD (or GODDESS).

Like I said, they'll keep changing the rules to benefit them however they want. How about touting the new high school bowling championship even though you must be bowling as a varsity sport, a senior, must have a min 3.0 GPA, must have community involvement and of course last but not least, be nominated and then approved by their committee in order to compete. Does anyone know a lawyer who would like to file a discrimination suit (maybe include Denny's and the PBA as well). Actually, forget the PBA they are already short on money.

Maybe they could add some side action to the tournament such as a spelling bee, a draw the squirrel contest and maybe a costume ball. Maybe in honor of their Convention keynote speaker the girl who wins will whip off her shirt and accept her trophy and scholarship in a USBC sports bra.

When will this organization do ANYTHING for it's dues paying members? It's sickening at this point.


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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 01:31:35 PM »
where can i get some information on this tournament?
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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2006, 05:12:49 PM »
To be fair to Roger Dalkin, he has always answered my correspondence. We don't usually agree on anything but he does respond to me.

Now link for finding the tournament is

Does look like a very nice tournament. As of late this afternoon their entry form has been changed to show that balls and shoes will be awarded in random drawings. This updated entry form comes up when you click on the link in the new article that was re-posted this afternoon on

Edited on 11/1/2006 11:56 PM


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Re: Chris Barnes Thanksgiving Classic
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2006, 09:01:34 PM »
This tournament is in our home house this year.  The center still has no information about the tournament and the temporary manager did not even know it was going to be held there.  We will be getting a new center manager as of the 6th of November.  I did read about the awarded prizes which I find very interesting. Being this is a high school level tournament the awards violate several governing bodies rules.  NCAA, UIL, Texas High School Bowling and USBC come to mind.  I may be wrong but performance based merchandise awards are banned.  Also certain awards or items given away as gifts last I looked violate Texas UIL rules.  So they cannot even give away balls.  Ebonite tried to GIVE every high school bowler in DFW a bowling ball a couple of years ago for free and it could not happen due to UIL rules.  If I also remember correctly the University of Wisconsin's basketball team got busted for Nike shoes a couple of years ago.  I hope they have everything squared away by the time of the tournament.  Come see us during the tournament at M&M Pro Shop.

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