
General Category => Youth Bowling => Topic started by: SDJrCranKer on September 07, 2003, 03:09:56 AM

Title: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: SDJrCranKer on September 07, 2003, 03:09:56 AM
I gotta give props to THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND, MR. TY STOCKLE for shooting BILLS<---(300) durning the JAT qualifier.

Mess with one So Cal bowler mess with all of us!!!!!!!

Edited on 9/7/2003 11:54 PM
Title: Re: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: BowlinCutie21 on September 07, 2003, 11:09:44 PM
Yes good job Ty, im proud of you, i wish i could of saw it but i didnt oh well! your still my bowlin stud!
If You Dont Like It, Dont Look At It
Title: Re: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: Mark French on September 08, 2003, 01:44:05 AM
Here's a fun little fact for ya'll from Palos Verdes. I bowled with Brian Leseberg and Mason Sherman for qualifying and I had low game on the pair first game with a 277. Beat that.
Title: Re: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: Silencer on September 08, 2003, 03:13:24 AM
congrats Ty on the 300, cant forget about Mason shooting 805 and not leading because marcus battiest shot 810, also good job to josh blanchard shooting 297. Just think if USA in bakersfield was last weekend then you had this shot, scores woulda been twice as high if thats possible?
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
Title: Re: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: Silencer on September 08, 2003, 04:32:00 PM
Yo Evan, Jeff Speisman won, he was 605 over after mp, cut was like plus 450 i think, I don't really know the scores, no more honor scores were shot, but I wasn't really watching much, had stupid 2 hour all stars meeting, atleast all stars is lookin a little more respectable now.
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
Title: Re: CONGRATS!!!!!
Post by: B-Mac on September 08, 2003, 05:23:34 PM
Way to go Ty.

 while we are on some congrats......

   Congrats to seattle's chris kirchner. He took 3rd at the us amatuer in tacoma this weekend and will be in vegas. he took 22nd at jog and won the leilani swiss in july. Definetly on a roll right now.

Robert McPheron

Beer enhances learning...look it made Bud wiser!

Edited on 9/8/2003 5:32 PM