My first year, experience, after that, the mission. And even though I failed that mission of making the team, I only left with my head down once because I threw myself out of the cut. Every other time, I learned more and more about myself.
The scholarship amount is, weak, for how many kids are there ( it was $200 if you made first cut, then scattered if you made match play when I was bowling) I won more money in the warm up tournaments and side events back then, so I wasnt bowling to make scholarship money.
Now the kids today automatically believe they are bowling as the best the youth in the country, when they are bowling against the few of the best youth bowlers in the country. The qualifying process is ridiculous now-a-days, so you're not seeing the elite bowlers showcased anymore. And it does come down to some who have a good week, while one of the best might not have a great week and finish outside of the number (I.E. Josh Blanchard)....just my opinion
Justin Buford