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easy slide cheating?
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:31:54 AM »
i was bowling in a tournament a couple weeks ago and the approaches were sticky because nobody cleaned them, well i took out my easy slide and the woman taking scores is like you can't use that, its against the rules or whatever why is that?

Age: 16
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2005, 05:21:57 AM »
Ok shameless plug time.  Go to and look around.  We are the only company that makes a product specifically for those wide footprint shoes with interchangeable soles!  Why?  Because there is a gap and customers requested it.  It even has a protection band for the toe of the shoe.  Last year at BowlExpo VIA the lane company was having a contest and giving away $100 bills if you could strike on their lanes they setup.  They were literally sweeping EZ Slide of the approach with a wisk broom.  People were sticking and sliding all over the place.  The boss yells at me to get up there.  So I prep a frog green Bowler's Slide Sock and go win a $100.  People were looking at my foot and I had 0 problems sliding.  Slick, Tacky does not matter.  Legal no question!  Warning! not all socks are the same.  There are big differences!

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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2005, 10:53:32 AM »
As, I stated earlier as as charlest and Bob/Smash49 have also stated see Rule #12.  It is illegal to use the stuff.  Bob makes a quality product.  Buy one!  $12 shipped.  NO excuses for bowler's at all. Read Rule #12...cuz if you bowl on my pair I am calling it on you.  You my friend will cease!



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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2005, 07:34:09 PM »
We make custom socks to cover the heel!!!   It is a small extra charge but we do it!.  All you need to do is put the info in the info box on the order form.  These are not made in China like some others.  We have customers that request the front part of the heel be covered fairly often.  Nice to be American made and be able to do it!  We're the actual manufacture not a marketer.  We sell thousands of slides socks a year and still are able to do custom work.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Sliding Consistently on ALL Conditions is Our Business!!!

Edited on 11/26/2005 9:34 PM

Edited on 11/26/2005 9:38 PM

Edited on 11/26/2005 9:40 PM
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2005, 08:01:34 PM »
Listen to Smash49!!!!  He is onto something.  Ever since my pro shop got a hold of these slide socks, they have been selling like crazy.  I know quite a few people that swear by these things.  It will aleviate the whole EZ slide problem.  BUT...from what I remember, the rules state that you are not to use any foreign substance at any time on the bottom of your shoes.
Steven Vance
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2005, 03:03:51 PM »
EZ slide is not illegal.  And for those who say it is for the hand, please explain why it is called EZ SLIDE.  If it's illegal please show me where it is on the banned substances list, where it is named specifically in the rule book, or any rule directly stating that you cannot use it.

CharlesT, I also have a teflon piece on my slide sole.  I also use EZSLIDE in one house because I stick, as does almost everyone else.  If asked I put it away.  I use it on the carpet behind the lanes and wipe my shoe on said carpet to minimize its effect (affect? lol) on others.  

However the best use of EZSLIDE is to place 3 lines of it on a table behind the pit and watch what happens.
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2005, 04:02:46 PM »
It may not be illegal (although I believe if it isn't it should be) - HOWEVER - folks - there really is such a thing as manners.

It would be considered poor form for me to drip my soda pop all over the approaches or settee area. Someone could get hurt!! Likewise - poor form to leave powder substances all over the approach or settee area - WHETHER YOU MEANT TO PUT THEM THERE OR NOT!!!

If someone on my pair of lanes is using the ez slide stuff, I first tell my team, then go tell the offending person the CORRECT way to use the stuff (away from the settee area, gently put a little on the shoe, then wipe it off in it's entirety). They usually go along with it. If not, every time they use it I take a towel and wipe up the floor where they've stood, walked, and bowled. Tends to slow things down - and they get the message pretty quickly.

Best justice I've ever seen -tried to talk to a guy on the other team in our mixed league. He got mad at me, and put it all over his shoe. Left white footprints behind. got up to bowl, slid, and went about 10 feet out on to the lane... He learned what I was trying to tell him first hand!!!
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2005, 05:00:01 PM »
See rule 12 of the USBC Rule book.  EZ Slide is a trade name.  Johnson and Johnson baby powder, Marlboro cigarette ashes, etc are not mentioned by name.  The key words in the rule are Application of ANY Foreign Substance.  The rule is a little vague because it does not name products by name but if you take it literally it means anything that detracts from the possibility.  ANYTHING!

Bowler's Slide Sock: Sliding Consistently on ALL Conditions is Our Business!!! -
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2005, 06:18:05 AM »
I realise this is topic is in Youth Bowling.

I'd like to know how many posters in this topic bowl ABC/USBC Natl's and if you you use EZ Slide?

Please post.




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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2005, 01:24:34 PM »
Bowled ABC Nats. last Feb.  The gift shop carries our product now!  We put 2 teams in last year and never saw any powder anything anywhere.  There was no place to put it if you had it.  The low end around 7 and 8 was like a meat locker and the high end was a little warm.  David Ozio was changing heels a lot when we were on the low end but I think he was also testing some new product.  I had no problems and shot 575.  The next day we moved to the high end and I had a bad set shot 519.  We move over and I shoot 651.  No approach problems at all.  Ozio was locked in too and shot 699.  The only problem we had was Tommy Kress had a shirt without a collar and they zapped himfor it.  Made him go change.  If they were that strict about the clothing I can imagine anything else.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Sliding Consistently on ALL Conditions is Our Business!!! -

Edited on 12/1/2005 2:15 PM

Edited on 12/1/2005 2:16 PM

Edited on 12/1/2005 2:17 PM
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2005, 01:28:02 PM »
the CORRECT way to use the stuff (away from the settee area, gently put a little on the shoe, then wipe it off in it's entirety).

Odd.  That's exactly how I use it.  But what do I know?
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2005, 01:43:16 PM »
See rule 12 of the USBC Rule book.  EZ Slide is a trade name.  Johnson and Johnson baby powder, Marlboro cigarette ashes, etc are not mentioned by name.  The key words in the rule are Application of ANY Foreign Substance.  The rule is a little vague because it does not name products by name but if you take it literally it means anything that detracts from the possibility.  ANYTHING!


Actually the key words are Application of any foreigh substance that detracts from the ability of a player...
Not quite so clear as Smash49 would have you believe.  
Perhaps if I see someone with a slide sock I can complain - the sock is not part of the shoe, therefore foreign.

Look, I understand all the brouhaha about this (I've had the wonderful experience of looking up at my feet at the foul line) - I don't like it when Joe Schmoe uses about a quart of the stuff on my approach either.  For one thing the rule is entirely too vague (how odd, an ABC oops, USBC rule being vague); and for another there are times when everyone is sticking and something needs to be done.  I'm very careful that, when I use it, I do as Mumzie described so as to minimize the effect on anyone else.  But until such time as either it is specifically mentioned as being illegal, or until a bowler gets a specific complaint, it's legal.  Til then, keep your towels off the ball return because you are probably spreading foreign substances over the approach.
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2005, 02:32:27 PM »

You are right.  If someone thinks they are being interfered with then anything is fair game.  Even those $200 pairs of interchangeable sole and heel shoes. USBC rules cut and dry???  It all goes to who is interpreting the rules. How do you know if that heel didn't leave something???  I think it detracts from my game so I'll call it! Then you go on a witch hunt.  We have customers that are tired of putting up with the powder mess.  Once they start using the product they are almost totally immune.  If you read the rules to the letter all one has to think is that it detracts and is dangerous.  You tell someone to shut up and bowl and that everything is ok .  Then they fall on the approach and watch what happens.  It's a nasty mess the whole thing but until USBC sets approach standards and care along with what exactly can be used there is a problem.  More and more people will complain and call the rule.  There are 12 slide sock manufactures, 4 slide powder manfactures half dozen shoe makers with interchangeable soles and heels.  If it was all about a Slide Sock Manufactures crusade against EZ Slide you would see Dexter of some other company campaigning too.  Matter of fact EZ Slide on the approach has almost Zero to no effect on our performance.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Sliding Consistently on ALL Conditions is Our Business!!! -
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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2005, 02:39:17 PM »
EZ slide is not illegal. ...

CharlesT, I also have a teflon piece on my slide sole.  I also use EZSLIDE in one house because I stick, as does almost everyone else.  If asked I put it away.  I use it on the carpet behind the lanes and wipe my shoe on said carpet to minimize its effect (affect? lol) on others.
Will Jesus bring the pork chops?

I know EZ SLide is not illegal, except where specifically mentioned as in the ABC/USBCs. Even there people use it. We had to use it Tuesday night here in NJ because it was VERY humid and the wood approaches absorbed some hunidity. It was the 2nd half of the 2nd game before I had rubbed enough EZ SLide into the sole of my shoe so that I didn't need to do it any more. 6 out of the 10 bowlers all took out their EZ SLide after the first time they tried to bowl. NOT ONE OF US GOT A DROP OF IT ON THE FLOOR OR NEAR ANY OF THE OTHER 4 WHO DI DNOT NEED IT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T SLIDE.

I've printed off the Bowler's Slide Sock ad and order form; I should make the effort to get one and check it out. Darn! How it could be more slippery than teflon I don't know, but you never know. COuldn't hurt, for only $10-15.


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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2005, 05:21:28 PM »
[/quote]Actually the key words are Application of any foreigh substance that detracts from the ability of a player...
Not quite so clear as Smash49 would have you believe.  
Perhaps if I see someone with a slide sock I can complain - the sock is not part of the shoe, therefore foreign.

a sock cover for a shoe is a foreign object, not substance, just to clear that up
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

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Re: easy slide cheating?
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2005, 10:23:38 PM »
All, I'll say from years of Natl's experience is that I have NEVER seen anyone allowed to use ANY powder ever.  They see it and you get a warning.  Next time you are out.  Case closed as far as I am concerned.  Anybody uses the stuff that I am crossing with..........look out.
