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Author Topic: going adult  (Read 1429 times)


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going adult
« on: September 25, 2004, 04:06:16 PM »
At what point in a person's game can they decide it is time to turn adult? We were discussing the positives and negatives in league today. the cost for me would just be too much for what i would assume from watching adult leagues would not be made back. however, the positive is the experience of bowling with better competition. In my area, sport leagues are available for adults, but juniors only get the opportunity to bowl on sport conditions in tournaments.

On the other side, Junior tournaments cost so much with so little return, would it be a much more financially sound decision to make the switch? Can others on here discuss their experience with turning adult, the positives and negatives involved, and what they would have done in retrospect? I'm not thinking of turning adult so much this year, but my father keeps bugging me to join his team as a replacement for one of his bowlers next year, and i want to see the full spectrum of the decision. Most likely i will stay junior just for the social aspect, but i also want to look at it from another perspective.



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Re: going adult
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2004, 12:29:27 AM »
i just started my first year in adult leagues.  i had bowled in the new jersey jbt for 2 years, and won around 5k in scholarships between that and my leagues, so i would have to say the return on the entry fees wasnt too bad.  but at the same time, i am realizing now that the competition is better in the adult leagues.  competition was really good in the jbt's as well, but bowling with money at stake is a totally different experience.  pot games, brackets, eliminators, doubles, etc..., really make the game exciting, and add importance to each ball even moreso than just trying to beat the other team.  i, too, basically made my decision because i wanted to bowl with my father on sundays, which i am now doing, and that alone makes me feel like i made the right one.  you will know by the end of the year whether its the right decision, because if youre starting to get bored and tired of traveling, you will be more than ready to move to adults.  and heres the best part...FRESH OIL EVERY LEAGUE NITE!!!!!



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Re: going adult
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2004, 12:52:18 AM »

channel surfer

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Re: going adult
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2004, 06:56:38 AM »
Around here, there are not many junior tourneys. Its right next to nothing. Bowling a junior league gets you scholarship, but its very very little. 100 bucks at most.

Turning adult, you will get much more money.

Only downside might be increased competition.
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