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Author Topic: How many here  (Read 3834 times)


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How many here
« on: June 09, 2005, 04:44:42 AM »
Are involved in High School Bowling?  Coaches, Players, Sponsors, and where?  I'd like to find out about their experiences and what it is like across the country.

Bowler's Slide Sock: What's the Difference?  Quality!, Construction! and Performance!
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Re: How many here
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2005, 12:50:16 PM »
Nope, doesn't exist in this side of the state (pennsylvania)....
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: How many here
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2005, 12:56:26 PM »
I bowl for my High School Team. I go to Benjamin N. Cardozo highschool in Bayside NY. Im captain of the team. This past season we were #1 in our division (queens IV) and went all the way to the city Quater FInals where we were defeated by Tottenville, who went on to win City Championship.
Here is a link to the PSAL (public school athletic league) website for my team.
Im Ryan Hochrad (click my name for stats, look at both my freshman and sophomore years stats by switching the years on the top right of the screen)
Also, here is a link to to a chart that shows the Competition that we had in the City.
Im #46 out of over 1000 city bowlers for average with a 183.64, #109 out of more than 1000 city bowlers for total pins (2571 pins in 14 games).
For all bowlers in New York, the real competition is all from Staten island. They win the City Championships almost every year. But my team is up there ranked #10 in in the entire city and we are moving up.

"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: How many here
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2005, 01:07:26 PM »
I was involved with my high school team for the 4 years I spent in high school here in Minnesota.  My sister is currently bowling for the team.  High school bowling is where I started to learn there was more for junior bowling outside of leagues.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling
I'm Dan and I approve this message.


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Re: How many here
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2005, 01:55:33 PM »
Thanks everyone so far.  I'll put up some information about The Irving High School Bowling Club and myself.  The team website is  This is our team information website.  We are located in Irving Texas just outside of Dallas. We belong to the Dallas West District and the Central Texas Region. I have been coaching the team for a little over 2 years.  What I am finding is a wide variety of high school programs, coaching levels, and athletes opinions.  There is also big differences in equipment, money sponsorships, support, skill levels and experience.  Ryan, I looked at the PSAL site and there is a ton of information on it.  A very good site and tells alot about the sport in your area as far as stats.  How are things in your area?  What do you like and dislike about high school bowling?  What kind of coaching do you get if any?  

Dan what differences did you find?

Robert Maxfield
Irving High School Bowling Team
Bowler's Slide Sock: What's the Difference?  Quality!, Construction! and Performance!

Edited on 6/9/2005 1:47 PM
Top 100 Coaches by Bowler's Journal International 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012!  Outstanding Coach in the state of Texas by Bowler's Journal International 2006.
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T Brockette

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Re: How many here
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2005, 02:00:45 PM »

When my wife was a sales director in Denton, she was instrumental in getting
a program started in that area of North Texas. We are now in San Antonio, where
for some reason, resistance is pretty strong. She is hoping to get something
started for the next year.
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If you want to win, train your heart
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: How many here
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 02:12:17 PM »
I'm working towards getting a team at my High School, if that counts?
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Re: How many here
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2005, 02:17:07 PM »
I am involved in high school bowling at my school which is ZANE TRACE HIGH SCHOOL in Chillicothe, Ohio. i am on the varsity team. is the conference website Our school won the conference Championship and went to state. we

J Walkin

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Re: How many here
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2005, 02:19:46 PM »
I am the head coach for a team in western Nebraska (Scottsbluff). The program is going into it's fourth year as a club sport in the state of Nebraska. The Nebraska High School Bowling Federation website is . The popularity of high school bowling across the entire state is absolutely mind shattering. I would not trade it for the world. Also, this past season at the state finals, the NHSBF conducted the nations first (and only) "arena" finals. It was quite a show indeed. Check out the website for all of that info. If anyone has any questions on this subject (high school bowling that is) feel free to speak up and I will try to answer as much as I can.


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Re: How many here
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2005, 08:25:15 PM »
damn staten island teams seem like they do nothing but bowl and practice but hats off to them... i bowl in the PSAL for nyc to... w.c. bryant hs... we lost in the second rd to Lincoln who went on to lose to tottenville in the semi's... but i def think that nyc high school bowling, private and public is on a great level, our anchor, only a junior this past season anthony pepe avg 240 for the season, was second in qns individuals and 1st in city individual championships, quite a few bowlers from the psal do continue to bowl in the jbt in the east coast


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Re: How many here
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2005, 08:53:45 PM »
The program at my high school, and those in most of Minnesota are club sports.  There is very little support given by the schools and many don't recognize the programs at all.  Until my senior year in high school, the only affiliation my school had with the bowling team was the use of the school's name and logo on our shirts.  In my senior year, we actually got the city to recognize bowling as a club sport for the 3 high schools in Rochester where the students could earn the school "letter" for participation.  The biggest support we get is from the manager of the house we practice at as he does not charge the team for lineage when they practice twice a week.  All matches in this state are baker format.  The conference my high school bowls in bowls best of 5 matches with 2 matches each week.  There are 8 weeks of matches and then a conference tournament.  The winnoer of the conference tournament moves onto the state tournament and the 2nd place team goes to the Minnesota Invitational Tournament in which the top 3 teams I believe can earn a spot into the state tournament.  I believe at state you bowled 10 or so baker games for seeding, then it was a double elimination bracket.  In my days bowling, we made it to state twice, finishing third in my junior year.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling
I'm Dan and I approve this message.


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Re: How many here
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2005, 10:22:42 PM »
oo my name is brian...

unfortuately... i got hit by a car the wkend before the playoffs... go figure that so i missed my playoff games and the individuals... sucks man i wish i was there with my team


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Re: How many here
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2005, 10:25:02 PM »
We have been fairly lucky.  The Irving School District has 4 high schools.  Irving High School's team the first few years was supported by a grant.  When the grant ran out another form of support was found.  Last year there was only 3 high schools in the city and all of them had teams.  Only one of the schools gave any kind of backing to their teams.  Most of the time the schools let the teams exist on their own as long as there were no problems.  We made it to regionals which were about three hours away by bus and the school did provide that. Bowling is growing at Irving High SChool and now people are getting behind it. Most of our support comes from fund raising and corporate sponsorships.  We model many things in the program from other high schools such as Westerville South in Ohio and Allen in the Dallas area.  We are finding there is a large difference economically amongst programs districts and regions.  An example would be that local school showed up in three mercedes tour buses for the state tournament.  Some of our kids carpooled.  Some kids had 3 or 4 Lane #1 balls they brought.  We had kids in house shoes.  Last year we looked for ways to level the playing field and in some ways we succeeded.  We've been to state the last three years.  Last year one of our boys placed forth.  This year he won the state boys singles championship.  Our girls went undefeated in the district winning that title 6-0 83-7.  At regionals they beat the defending state runnerups and advanced to state again.  The boys shocked the regionals tying for second.  They beat the regional winners and were the only team to do that up until that point.  They advanced to state.  Things can be done without a lot of money.  It's harder but possible.


Tracy get Karen Miller to give you some help.  I had heard about the Dallas West Denton times.  It was just before I got to Irving.  It could be worse.  You could be in Odessa where football is a religion.  I would much rather come to San Antonio! than go to Houston.  Pile the kids on the Amtrak train and go!

Bowler's Slide Sock: What's the Difference?  Quality!, Construction! and Performance!
Top 100 Coaches by Bowler's Journal International 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012!  Outstanding Coach in the state of Texas by Bowler's Journal International 2006.
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Re: How many here
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2005, 05:52:14 AM »
damn staten island teams seem like they do nothing but bowl and practice but hats off to them... i bowl in the PSAL for nyc to... w.c. bryant hs... we lost in the second rd to Lincoln who went on to lose to tottenville in the semi's... but i def think that nyc high school bowling, private and public is on a great level, our anchor, only a junior this past season anthony pepe avg 240 for the season, was second in qns individuals and 1st in city individual championships, quite a few bowlers from the psal do continue to bowl in the jbt in the east coast

HAHA we kicked your teams A/S/S two years ago is the first round of the playoffs.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%

Edited on 6/10/2005 5:44 AM


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Re: How many here
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2005, 11:09:44 AM »
Looks like it's big in many parts of the country.  What is the level of coaching like???  Here we have some schools with no coaching and just a school sponsor.  Other Schools have a coach with no school sponsor.  Some coaches are just interested bowlers at the center and others are certified coaches.  How much coaching do you really get?

Bowler's Slide Sock: What's the Difference?  Quality!, Construction! and Performance!
Top 100 Coaches by Bowler's Journal International 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012!  Outstanding Coach in the state of Texas by Bowler's Journal International 2006.
IBPSIA Certified Pro Shop Technician
SLSM Designs Bowling Accessories.