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Author Topic: IL State YABA...........  (Read 941 times)


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IL State YABA...........
« on: March 02, 2006, 05:22:05 AM »
Whos going and on what day? Im not a YABA bowler but I am a YABA coach and I will be there with the house I coach at on Saturdays. We have about 70-80 kids going down for the event in late april so im going down with my dad who runs the YABA leauge so i can help keep our kids from going too crazy. I know IL State is about having a ton of fun as ive went to IL State 11 years out of 12 years. I just wish they would bring back the State Finals Qualifying tournament, bring back the true competition and honor of being at IL State. I'll be coming from Waukegan IL from Sunset Lanes PM squad. Ill be there bowling friday night just to bowl at yet another house in this great state of IL.

A little about my past YABA career.

Started bowling when I was 10. Bowled in YABA till I was 22. I was able to sneak in that last year due to the date of birth and ruling. I went to IL State every year but in 1995 due to my dad being very sick. Made Teams and placed in the top 10 almost every year but 3 years. Im more proud of my Singles accomplishments in my YABA years. 11 years and I was in the top 10 7 times. With 2 1 3rd, 1 2nd and back to back 1st places in my last 2 years of YABA bowling. (yeah i know, you guys probably dont care plus im just really boared LOL)

If your going to IL State YABA finals, As Carrol Lee says Good luck, Have fun, and GOOD BOWLING!!
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanct. Ave. (2004/2005)194

Tweener by day, Stroker by night
Mike Zadler



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Re: IL State YABA...........
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 07:28:20 PM »
I hated bowling state because of the handicap in team you have to shoot 1200 agame to have a chance if you don't have handicap