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Author Topic: JBT SW this Saturday, San Bernardino CA  (Read 910 times)


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JBT SW this Saturday, San Bernardino CA
« on: October 20, 2004, 03:58:33 AM »
  The JBT SW visits So Cal this Saturday with a stop at AMF Arrowhead in San Bernardino, with a 1 PM start.

  We hope So Cal bowlers who visit this site will help us spread the word about the event, and bring their 34 closest friends (or so) to bowl with them.  We know there's a lot of options for California bowlers, and we're eager to show folks the kind of program we run that's been so successful in other parts of the Southwest.

  PLEASE visit our website,, for much more about us, we hope you'll be impressed.

Hope to see you,
Jeff, JBT SW