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Author Topic: JOG question  (Read 3422 times)


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JOG question
« on: June 27, 2007, 03:49:08 PM »
Do the patterns usually play really difficult or are they usually playable? Just wondering what to expect.
Super Trooper
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Re: JOG question
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 11:58:51 PM »
They are really difficult.  Last year top 160 out of 990 (boys) was avg 191 if i remember correctly.  If you are playing in the right spot with the right ball etc etc...just make your spares lol.



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Re: JOG question
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 12:02:33 AM »
They are really difficult.  Last year top 160 out of 990 (boys) was avg 191 if i remember correctly.  If you are playing in the right spot with the right ball etc etc...just make your spares lol.


That would explain why the guy who told me the lanes were pretty easy thought so. I met him at Teen Masters and he kept telling me the lanes were really playable for him that year. Of course, he was 18th after the 12 games and 62 after 18.

It'll be my first time going, and I'm really excited. I just need to calm down and not pick my speed up.


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2007, 12:35:43 AM »
IT'S JUNIOR GOLD PATE! lol, Jesse said they are very playable in the beginning but break down really weird. usually there's more than one way that guys are playing the lanes so you can't just move off of your area, you gotta pay attention to what everyone else is doing too.
The ProStop, Round Rock TX

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Tex-Mex, my bowling will be dedicated to you.......if I do well lol, if not, I'll dedicate it to Hair or something lol. I really wish you were going, it would be so much more fun with you there :/
Super Trooper
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Re: JOG question
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 12:38:23 AM »
I think I may have made it sound like they were absolutely unplayable in my last post; obviously that is not totally true.  The first year I went I was very unexperienced and bowled horribly as a result (finished in the 800's).  Last year I was more ready for it and placed 270.  I think experience is a big factor, as most of the other first year bowlers I know tanked their first year at JG.  The way you move pair to pair makes it difficult as well because it is harder to predict how the lanes will break down.  

All I know is that I cant wait...about a week to go!



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Re: JOG question
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2007, 12:46:36 AM »
My plan is to go into the first day without really knowing much other than the practice rounds. I'm not bowling Tuesday, so I'm going to watch the guys at Thruway at 8 AM to see how the lanes transition. The plan is to find some lefties and see how they're throwing and if it's working or not. I bowl Thruway on Wednesday morning and I'll head to Transit for the 1:30 squad to do the same and scout for my set on Thursday.

My goal is to average over 180, but if I really concentrate and make good shots, I know I can do better. Oh, and I've gotta beat some of my VA peers. I have to prove that I'm not just the new kid around.


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2007, 12:52:17 AM »
My plan is to go into the first day without really knowing much other than the practice rounds. I'm not bowling Tuesday, so I'm going to watch the guys at Thruway at 8 AM to see how the lanes transition. The plan is to find some lefties and see how they're throwing and if it's working or not. I bowl Thruway on Wednesday morning and I'll head to Transit for the 1:30 squad to do the same and scout for my set on Thursday.

My goal is to average over 180, but if I really concentrate and make good shots, I know I can do better. Oh, and I've gotta beat some of my VA peers. I have to prove that I'm not just the new kid around.

I've got to do the same with the TX people lol. Can't you do coaching sessions at JOG? I'm not talking about the lane play stuff with Angelo and everyone, but like actual coaching?
Super Trooper
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Re: JOG question
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2007, 02:05:37 PM »
All the shots are playable...

If you can find a shot quick and get out to a quick start and make sure to move with the transitions you should do fine...

make sure to bring a versatile line up of bowling equipment and that everything feels comfortable before you bowl...

I have had major issues with comfort in my equipment going...

last year the shots were very playable you just had to be in the right part of the lane with the right equipment...

just go with an open mind and open arsenal and make sure to get those spares...
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
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"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Mason Sherman
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leftehh- LG

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Re: JOG question
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2007, 08:23:40 PM »
you just have to understand how to play the lanes, know what ur doing and know whats going on. Keeping clean staying in the pocket w/ a consistent look should take out the impossible factor of the 'sport shot'. if you are worried for this years Jr gold i would suggest talking it over with a coach on lane and ball play.
Bowl to Win!

Edited on 6/28/2007 8:24 PM


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2007, 09:09:55 PM »
you just have to understand how to play the lanes, know what ur doing and know whats going on. Keeping clean staying in the pocket w/ a consistent look should take out the impossible factor of the 'sport shot'. if you are worried for this years Jr gold i would suggest talking it over with a coach on lane and ball play.
Bowl to Win!

Edited on 6/28/2007 8:24 PM

I agree 100%. Be on top of your game, know when to make changes with your approach and equipment. Don't wait too long on making changes, and don't second guess yourself. If I were you, there is a lane play seminar at jog before the tournament, attend the seminar! Diandra Asbaty will be there along with Bob Learn and many other pros. You will learn a lot about lane play and how to make changes with transition.
I'm not sand bagging, I'm doing average management

MY friend is correct except it is friday, the 13th, if you do not make cut. I will be going to this. There is also a practice tournament at Doug Kents Rose Bowl on the 6th and 7th, more info can be found here
GO STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait to get up to Buffalo

I have a NIB 15 lb "Original" Original Inferno (made in USA) for trade/sale, PM me for any questions


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2007, 09:58:09 PM »
Transition at Jog is always the factor that determines how hard it will really be for your style and 100% of it depends on who you crossed and how they played them.

My college team used to practice on the three Jog Patterns from 2004 and they were all playable from about 3 angles.  When you have a tournament that big and 700 kids who come in with the mentality that they are going to stand in one spot and hook it and go through a million balls until they start striking then the patterns will play on the brink of impossible.  Play smart and done be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.  You make 85% of your non-split spares, and get the wood on your splits and you're just about a shoe-in for the cut or close to that number.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop

leftehh- LG

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Re: JOG question
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2007, 04:42:24 PM »
JOG is challenging. The patterns are difficult, but very fair. Go with your gut and be committed to all your shots. and never never give up. one bad game will not determine your fate. hell i had 9 bad games...but went 267,239,234 my last 3 and only missed cut by 20 sticks.  My advice is straighter is greater on the long pattern (up 10, up 12, 15-12, etc.).. the medium pattern can be attacked from many different angles as long as your accurate. and the short pattern is my enemy...the inside is usually flat and hooking like crazy, you almost have to give the pocket away and i dont like that lol. but have fun good luck...dont get too nervous. 2 deep breaths before every shot did me alot of good.

On the short pattern the outside gutter shot is typically where u should play.
Bowl to Win!


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 08:50:12 AM »
Last year the lanes were easier than in indy.  My first junior gold was indy and i finished 797.  I made a promise to myself that i would make cut in florida.  I was the cut at 154.  I learned that single pin spares are just as good as strikes.  Always go for the wood on splits.  Remember its 180 frames of qualifying so take it one ball at a time.
I am the Righty Rick Larence minus wrist guard.(crutch)
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Re: JOG question
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2007, 08:57:05 AM »
Don't be afraid to make the big move if you feel you have to. Make your spares and take your bad games with the have 3 days of bowling so there is room for little mistakes. Don't think ahead, live in the moment and enjoy it. If you have a bad day one, bounce back day two. Simple as that, don't's bowling, not a life or death situation. Be aggressive.
Justin Buford
Hurricane Alley Pro Shop
Burgaw. MC


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Re: JOG question
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2007, 06:14:48 PM »
All great advice thus far. . . especially from PJ Haggerty and Mike Marsico. . . Theres not much more I can add to the already great list, however; Everyone keep your eye on the prize no matter how much plus or minus you may be. . . Next week, some will be dissapointed and some will be victorious,  but each time you hit the lanes is a time you grasp another piece of knowledge to put in this sport's puzzle.  It's always a constant learning experience--

I'd like to wish everyone safe travels and the best of luck in NY!

2006 U.S Junior Amatuer Champion

David Knight Sr. @ Brunswick Deptford Bowl Deptford, NJ  
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