This was the fourth time my son had bowled at Bowlerama. The shot there has always been pretty high scoring although I think they tweeked it slightly so the scores would not be ridiculous as they often are there. If you want to complain about any house shots just come to any of our houses here in Maryland and you are guaranteed to average 10-15 pins less than any of the houses in Pennsylvania (except for maybe PenDel). My son won the scratch yesterday and while not quite a marathon with 8 qualifiers, he ended up having to bowl 17 games to win. By the way, I agree with the guy who says kids today don't understand matching conditions with equipment. Everyone just wants to see their ball hook more and more, Inferno, Infinite One etc. You kids need to understand lane conditions, break points and adjustments. My son threw a Whirlwind the entire day. If you are laughing because of the ball, he's won about $1,800 in scholarship money with it over the past 8 weeks including finishing second at the JBT challenge in NY and he's only 14. Along with buying equipment, let's not also forget what may be even more important and that is the person drilling it. If they don't know the equipment or your game, you can forget it.
Which brings me to a very heartfelt, special thanks to Dave Knight at Joe's Pro Shop in Philly for helping my son. Your talking about a guy who O'Grady credits with helping him with his success and whose son, David Jr. is by far and away the best 16 year old I've ever seen, hands down and I've been bowling for 45 years.
Stop complaining about conditions. 100 kids had to bowl on the same condition. You need to go out and learn more about your game and get equipment to match it.