What I want to know is...(and please don't take this personally),is it really that big of a deal.. Take your personal feelings aside if the rule effects YOU immediately. Is it really that big of a deal that you by law are classified as an adult, being moved to the adult level of bowling. Do YOU, as a 20 year old, really consider yourself a kid, or in this case a youth?
Why do some of the youth bowlers in this country find it okay to compete in Adult bowling tournaments, yet as soon as this age out change is announced, I've read about petitions being started to try to reverse the decision? Are you serious? No matter how you look at it, that's contradictory. To say, "I'm a USBC youth member, I'm going to go bowl the PBA Regional under rule 400 so I can compete against adult bowlers for the same money they are bowling for. Obviously I feel that I am able to compete at that level, because why else would I spent $275. But it's not fair to age me out of youth bowling at the age of 20 to go bowl against those same adults on a weekly basis." Tell me how that makes sense..
So you don't have Jr Gold, USBC Youth Open, etc. We have tournaments up in the old folks range too you know.. Honestly, more fun and challenging tournaments if you want to ultimately become the best you can be in this SPORT..The USBC Open, Masters, US Open, PBA, Team USA Trials, are not events you can just show up at and do well either.. But let me guess, the older kids are not going to be as dominant against the larger adult fields than they would be again Teenagers and Pre-Teens at national events. Ask Andrew Koff about that, he's 17 and still had 2 1/2 years to bowl at the youth level if he chooses to, and he's established himself as pretty capable of bowling against the best the scary adult bowling world has to offer.