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Author Topic: Junior Age Limits Changed  (Read 20502 times)

willie makeit

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Junior Age Limits Changed
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:58:14 AM »
So USBC does it again. If you turn 20 before 8/1/09, you will no longer be a junior bowler next season. Anyone who read this care? How many of you bowl regularly in scholarhsip tournaments and now have lost a year to do so?



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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2009, 09:10:26 PM »
i started adult league tonight freakin drunks one guy whiffs a 10 throws his shoe at me. Wtf is that i understand frustration but buddy calm down go for a walk relax something.  GOsh some adults act like little kids.  Idiots rawr angry /rantoff
yes i sandbag im left handed.
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2009, 09:14:20 PM »
There is an issue here that no one is bringing up. What do the NCAA woman do? They can't go adult because of eligibility and they can't bowl youth because they are too old. So what? Just not bowl for a few years? That will really help the sport on the collegiate level...
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The Cell Pimp

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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2009, 09:30:20 PM »
i started adult league tonight freakin drunks one guy whiffs a 10 throws his shoe at me. Wtf is that i understand frustration but buddy calm down go for a walk relax something.  GOsh some adults act like little kids.  Idiots rawr angry /rantoff
yes i sandbag im left handed.
Typical house bowler
need some balls p
Quantum Le

Funny. I deserved that though.  Look all I meant was that I don't think adult leagues are going to have the same competitive atmosphere as junior tournaments.  Sure there are some adult leagues that are competitive but I've gone and seen that they aren't the same and have been told as much by the people I know.  It just sucks to go through this season thinking I have another year in juniors and now I probably don't.  I have the rest of my life to bowl adult, why wouldn't I want to take advantage of juniors as long as possible?

Edited on 2/15/2009 10:31 PM


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2009, 09:49:13 PM »
So I am a moron for expecting kids to grow up, too many times I see kids bowling while they are old enough to get a job and support their own habits.
Congrats for you that you paid your own dues, but isn't that what bowling is about.
 1st and foremost you have no idea who I am, so to call me a moron for expressing my views is about as moronic as it gets.

And you're a moron. Who are you to say that just because 18 year old kids are bowling youth, mommy and daddy are paying for it?

I paid for my own bowling when I was in juniors, and I left when I was 20.

18 is the right age, when your in college you shouldn't be able to bowl in youth tournaments, you are a young adult. Buck up and start bowling leagues, get a job and help pay for your college tuition, YOUR PARENTS HAVE SUPPORTED YOU LONG ENOUGH
Dale Williams
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Dale Williams
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2009, 09:53:11 PM »
Shake it off how my birthdays July 27th..


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2009, 10:03:30 PM »
Sorry, but getting a job at 19 or 20 does not pay for college when tuition gets upwards of 20K
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2009, 10:07:28 AM »
What I want to know is...(and please don't take this personally),is it really that big of a deal.. Take your personal feelings aside if the rule effects YOU immediately. Is it really that big of a deal that you by law are classified as an adult, being moved to the adult level of bowling. Do YOU, as a 20 year old, really consider yourself a kid, or in this case a youth?

Why do some of the youth bowlers in this country find it okay to compete in Adult bowling tournaments, yet as soon as this age out change is announced, I've read about petitions being started to try to reverse the decision? Are you serious? No matter how you look at it, that's contradictory. To say, "I'm a USBC youth member, I'm going to go bowl the PBA Regional under rule 400 so I can compete against adult bowlers for the same money they are bowling for. Obviously I feel that I am able to compete at that level, because why else would I spent $275. But it's not fair to age me out of youth bowling at the age of 20 to go bowl against those same adults on a weekly basis." Tell me how that makes sense..

So you don't have Jr Gold, USBC Youth Open, etc. We have tournaments up in the old folks range too you know.. Honestly, more fun and challenging tournaments if you want to ultimately become the best you can be in this SPORT..The USBC Open, Masters, US Open, PBA, Team USA Trials, are not events you can just show up at and do well either.. But let me guess, the older kids are not going to be as dominant against the larger adult fields than they would be again Teenagers and Pre-Teens at national events. Ask Andrew Koff about that, he's 17 and still had 2 1/2 years to bowl at the youth level if he chooses to, and he's established himself as pretty capable of bowling against the best the scary adult bowling world has to offer.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2009, 11:50:04 AM »

I think you just nailed another thing that usbc screwed up.  I don't understand that rule either and haven't taken advantage of it so I can't tell you how those who have feel.  

I do know that in my case it really has nothing to do with those big major tournaments like junior gold and the youth open(which is run nowhere near the level of the adult usbc open in my opinion).  If I couldn't bowl them I really wouldn't care and I probably won't bowl the youth open this year anyway.  It has more to do with the week-to-week tournaments that are run like the jbts.  There just are not adult scratch tournament series that run as consistently as jbts do. I just checked the 20 tournaments I bowled in and about 12 or 13 were won by kids still in high school while only 7 or 8 were won by kids already in college.  So the notion that the older kids dominate the teenagers and pre-teens doesn't really make sense, not to me anyway.  It just seems to me to be a case that the system really wasn't broken so why try and fix it?  


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2009, 01:11:17 PM »

It was nothing personal against any one individual, but against those kids who have taken advantage of rule 400 and don't like this rule change,

that rant was a copy and paste that I took from my post on one of the tournament websites where I used to bowl their youth tour. But I felt that it would carry the same weight here.. On that tour we have a good amount of bowlers who do both the youth events and bowl some adult events, some who have bowled some regionals as well..those same kids came on and were the first ones to complain about the age out change..a lot of kids I have talked to recently feel they are good enough to compete against adults but are mad that they have to bowl against the adults next year..

I was a member of YABA until I was 21. I planned on finishing my last season, but I moved up in March, exactly one month before my 22nd birthday.. Since I turned 19 I was very uncomfortable bowling against little kids. It really hit me hard when I moved to North Carolina and joined a league and tournament circuit where I was constantly bowling with kids who were 12-13 years old.. The whole mentor/teacher thing got old by the time I was 20-21.. And shortly after I qualified for Jr. Gold that year, I called it quits and gave my spot away so a kid who had the "passion" and needed to go for the experience would be able to..


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2009, 02:09:40 PM »
Yeah, I feel the same way as the people you talked to in that I feel I can compete with adults right now but I know I'll have the rest of my life to bowl adult and thought I had one more year to really enjoy bowling juniors.  

It might be a moot for me though because the jbt isn't sanctioned with usbc anyway so the age limit for that might not change.  I just don't like the fact that usbc seems to have made the change without really giving any reason so far.  

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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2009, 07:02:25 PM »
I bowled in juniors till I was 22, and did I think it was a little too old, yes, but I didn't care. Like previously stated, I know I have my whole life to bowl adult, so why should I be in a hurry to get there? Also (FIG-alert), I knew that I could rack in some good scholarship money if I stayed for my full tenure, in which I did, and am still using that money today. I think 21 seems more logical of an age to cut it off than at 20. I do feel bad for those few that this new rule generally affects immediately though. I think those that are 19, 20, 21 should be grandfathered in and still be able to decide whether they want to stay and let this rule only affect the currect 18 year old's and younger.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2009, 07:22:49 PM »
I'm 20, and I use my scholarship money along with my 35 hours of work a week to help pay for my college education.  The fact that I just lost a year to lower my college expenses disappoints me.  I just turned 20 in January.  My big question is can I finish out this season with the tournaments?  Or do I have to move up by a set date?
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2009, 07:29:55 PM »
Stupid Seven Pin,

You are fine for the rest of the season.  The rule doesn't go into effect until next season starts.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2009, 06:04:43 PM »
I always thought a youth could only bowl youth events, except for rule 4oo that is for an adult singles tournament once in a while. We have a couple of youth bowlers who bowl youth leagues, youth travel leagues, youth tournaments, have their gold spots for this year and are full members of an adult scratch league. I've been told that as long as they are college they can bowl both as long as they are youth bowlers by age, not so? has them listed on both their youth and adult leagues for this year under their names.

willie makeit

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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2009, 10:51:54 AM »
You are correct. Under Rule 400, a youth may bowl an adult tournament if it is singles only AND the tournament director allows it. A sanctioned youth bowler no matter what age cannot bowl in a sanctioned adult league. A sanctioned adult bowler of "youth age" may bowl in youth tournaments if the rules allow it. This is currently done in the PJBT's. I suspect that based upon Brian Graham's responses around the age change that you will see other youth tours like the JBT's change their rules to allow youth bowlers under 22 bowl next year even if they are adult sanctioned. The JBT's are not sanctioned since they do not bank with SMART.