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Author Topic: Junior Age Limits Changed  (Read 20502 times)

willie makeit

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Junior Age Limits Changed
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:58:14 AM »
So USBC does it again. If you turn 20 before 8/1/09, you will no longer be a junior bowler next season. Anyone who read this care? How many of you bowl regularly in scholarhsip tournaments and now have lost a year to do so?



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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2009, 09:43:05 AM »
Well, I called usbc and it turns out I was wrong and these 2 kids are right. I was passed to 3 different people, got 2 I think its ok and the last person said as long as they are in college they can bowl as youth and adult. Still cant find the rule for this in the online rule book but if usbc says its ok, I guess its ok but I just dont think it makes any sense.

Edited on 4/15/2009 9:44 AM


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2009, 09:44:28 PM »
There is an issue here that no one is bringing up. What do the NCAA woman do? They can't go adult because of eligibility and they can't bowl youth because they are too old. So what? Just not bowl for a few years? That will really help the sport on the collegiate level...
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The Cell Pimp

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they quit the NCAA and just have a club team. there are much better female bowlers that are on school teams that are club and not NCAA. they need to make womens completely NCAA or completely intercollegiate. the intercolegiate teams are much better.
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2009, 10:00:24 PM »
Boycott USBC if you have a spot for junior gold and are being forced out do not give your spot away but do not go.  I just had 2 years of money wiped out for paying for college now you think im going to go to LORD MESSIAH OBAMA for a student LOAN HAHAHAHAHAHA o well i guess it is going to be weed and killin feds lol
Kiall Hill
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2009, 10:33:53 PM »
Heres one thing I never understand.

You complain that because you are no longer allowed to bowl youth, so you no longer have the opportunity to earn scholarship money to pay for college.

The last time I checked the money you can win bowling as an adult pays tuition just as well as scholarship money does. Whats to stop you from winning a couple hundred in brackets on league night and putting that towards your education?

At least be logical in your arguments


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2009, 07:55:00 PM »
ok just to clarify the rule. i didnt see it updates on

here is my situation:
i am 19. i turn 20 on 2/3/2010. can i bowl youth this coming fall season (09-10)?

my understanding of the rule because i have heard a few different things, is that i am allowed to bowl since i am 19 as of august 1stbut you are not allowed to bowl if you are 20 as of august 1st.

i have also heard i am not allowed to bowl because i am 19 as of august 1st.

can someone give me a definitive answer please?
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
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Duke of Earl

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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2009, 04:14:46 PM »
This is from the Youth Page of Bowl.Com. What you will find is that in order not to lose entries many of the junior tournaments will be changing their rules to continue to allow youth under 21 to bowl even if they have already gone adult. They are allowed to do this within the rules and I hvae already seen this with organizations that bank with Smart and those that don't.

Maximum age
Starting with the 2009-10 league season, USBC Youth membership will be available to bowlers who have not reached their 20th birthday on or before Aug. 1 of the current bowling season.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2009, 12:44:34 PM »
This is from the Youth Page of Bowl.Com. What you will find is that in order not to lose entries many of the junior tournaments will be changing their rules to continue to allow youth under 21 to bowl even if they have already gone adult. They are allowed to do this within the rules and I hvae already seen this with organizations that bank with Smart and those that don't.

Maximum age
Starting with the 2009-10 league season, USBC Youth membership will be available to bowlers who have not reached their 20th birthday on or before Aug. 1 of the current bowling season.

First off, don't refer to them as youth when they have already gone adult, whether its by choice or not.
And secondly, JBT has already announced that this is what their plans are for next year. Big headline at their website at that their age eligibility rules will not change, with more information to come later.

This means me, as somebody who turned adult last summer gets to bowl any JBTs in LI or at Super Match Game at Carolier. Stupid if you ask me, but Ill probably take advantage of it, although very rarely.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2009, 12:59:06 PM »
need to change it to 18 or 19 in my opinion im turning 20 in 2 weeks but i been bowling adults this year i mean really, i wish they would change the dart age for leagues to 20 or 19 but the bars and stuff but really when i bowled jbts there were a few kids that had 4 kids and full grown beard i mean really? 21 glad they changed it but needs to go lower another year.
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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2009, 09:19:13 PM »
First off, I must say that I am currently not a youth bowler, however I once was and this debate came up back in 1993 when I turned 18.  A friend of mine chose to stay in youth bowling until he was 21 and he used the same argument that it was for scholarship money.  The flaw in that argument is that you can move up to adult leagues, and tournaments, win money and put that money away to be used for college.  Cash pay for college just as well as scholarship money.  Just my .02.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2009, 12:41:09 AM »
Jeff Hemer is one of strongest advocates for Junior Bowling, check out for the best scholarship tour in the country hands down. Oh and by the way its 21 and under until hell freezes over.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2009, 01:16:59 AM »
Interesting.....the MEN's leagues I bowl in it's the 20-25 year olds getting drunk and bit**ing about the shot, while the more experienced men casually take your money....

i started adult league tonight freakin drunks one guy whiffs a 10 throws his shoe at me. Wtf is that i understand frustration but buddy calm down go for a walk relax something.  GOsh some adults act like little kids.  Idiots rawr angry /rantoff


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2014, 12:20:00 AM »
Reaching age 20 is no longer an a junior because as reaching that age your already a young adult category.


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Re: Junior Age Limits Changed
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2014, 07:39:18 AM »
This is a pretty good point, I know several guys in college who just bowl tournaments and sweepers and do brackets at league for supplemental income, they don't have to have a regular job.  They make a hell of a lot more doing that than they make off scholarship money. 

Heres one thing I never understand.

You complain that because you are no longer allowed to bowl youth, so you no longer have the opportunity to earn scholarship money to pay for college.

The last time I checked the money you can win bowling as an adult pays tuition just as well as scholarship money does. Whats to stop you from winning a couple hundred in brackets on league night and putting that towards your education?

At least be logical in your arguments
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