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Author Topic: Junior Gold Qualifier in St. Louis, MO 11/21/2010  (Read 5815 times)

Beef STL

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Junior Gold Qualifier in St. Louis, MO 11/21/2010
« on: November 03, 2010, 07:05:40 AM »

All information can be found on the event page above.  Entry is $35.  JOG Qualifier is an additional $10. Must have your JOG membership.  Can be purchased on site for $30.  Highest scratch score after 6 games qualifying will receive Junior Olympic Gold spot.  This month''s event will be held on the USBC White Pattern. Will be at Brunswick Zone Chesterfield located in Chesterfield, Missouri.  We also film each event in HD, which is post edited and put onto youtube.  The season opener''s video will be up on Friday for everyone to see.

Payout for tournament will be 1 in every 3 entries. All payouts will be in Scholarship.
Tournament will consist of two (2) divisions Scratch and Handicap. Each division will require a minimum of 10 entries. If one division does not have the minimum, all bowlers will bowl handicap. Bowlers with an entering average of 190 and above will be entered into the Scratch division. Bowlers with an entering average of 189 and below will have the option of bowling either Handicap or Scratch. Handicap is 90% of the difference between bowler’s 2009-2010 book average (minimum 21 games) and 190. An
accompanying score sheet from league, or, verifying entering average must be sent in with entry. If bowler did not bowl in a 2009-2010 league, and has a book average from the 2008-2009 Season, that average will be used. Averages can be verified by printing out the average in the “Find A Member” area of No book averages older than the 2008-2009 Season will be used. If no average is available, bowler will bowl in the Scratch Division. Tournament Director(s) reserve the right to re-rate any bowler.
Dress Code: All MJT bowlers must have a collared shirt, or bowling related shirt. Mock T-Shirts will be accepted. You may wear either shorts or pants, but if you choose to wear shorts, they cannot be denim or basketball type shorts. Dress shorts may be worn, as long as they are not distracting to other bowlers. Any clothing with a drawstring will not be permitted. Hats are not permitted while bowling. Sponsor/Company Names/Logos are permitted as long as they are not related to alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, or drugs. Shirts must be neat and clean with no rips. Women may wear dress shirts that are sleeveless, as long as they are neat, clean, and appropriate. Tank tops, muscle shirts, etc, may NOT be worn. Women may wear skirts of appropriate design. Clothing with advertisements or pictures depicting alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or inappropriate language will not be tolerated at any time. If you are not sure, do not wear it. If you are not in proper dress code, you will be given a warning that will be filed. If a second warning is given, bowler may not advance to next round unless clothing meets dress code standards before the start of next round.
Bowlers that wear PBA Compliant dress will receive extra points towards the invitational rankings. “PBA Compliant” refers to a bowling shirt with name embroidered on back, and dress slacks. Top 4 of each tournament will receive additional yearly points.
Format: All entering bowlers will bowl 6 games qualifying. If there are 16, or more, bowlers in the division, top 50% will advance to bowl an additional 3 games. After all bowlers complete their additional games, field will be cut to top 8 in each division for bracket style match play. In bracket style match play, the bracket will go as follows: 1st vs 8th, 2nd vs 7th, 3rd vs 6th, & 4th vs 5th. Any ties after qualifying will be broke by a one (1) ball roll off, and will continue until a winner is declared. Round of 8 will be best total score of two games. Bowlers will receive 3 minutes of practice before each round of match play. After practicing, higher placed seed will then choose which lane to start on. Bowler placed on the left lane will start competition, and bowlers will bowl match-play style. (Match-play style will be covered in meeting before bowling.) Bowlers in the handicap division will continue to receive their per-game
handicap in each game. Any ties after the two games in the “Round of 8” will be broken by one (1) ball roll off, with higher seed
choosing starting bowler. One ball roll offs will continue until a winner is declared. Bowlers that advance from “Round of 8” will move on to “Round of 4.” Bowlers eliminated will share an equal amount of scholarship, if all top 8 bowlers receive scholarship. If less than all 8 bowlers do NOT receive scholarship based on the payout of 1:3 entries, the eliminated bowlers overall score of all games bowled will determine their overall finishing position. “Round of 4” will be best total score of one game. Bowlers that advance from “Round of 4” will move on to finals. Bowlers eliminated in “Round of 4” will share an equal amount of scholarship. If less than all 4 bowlers do NOT receive scholarship, total from all games bowled will determine final finishing position. Bowlers will receive 2 minutes of practice before Finals. Finals will consist of a best-of-one game match. Winners of each division will receive a trophy along with the first place scholarship money. If there is separate Scratch and Handicap divisions, winners roll off in a one game handicapped match to
determine “King Of The Hill.”
JOG Qualifier: Bowlers must have JOG Membership. Applications will be available, and $30 membership fee must be paid at time of entry. JOG Qualifier will be an additional $10 per bowler, and highest scratch score after 6 games of qualifying will win JOG Spot. Any ties will be broken by a one ball roll off until a winner is declared.
Important Times: Check-in will open at 8:30 AM. Roll Call/Meeting will be at approximately 8:45 AM. We will make an
announcement. Practice will start at approximately 9:00 AM. Bowlers will be given 10 minutes of practice on their starting lanes. Last ball will be announced.
Professional Manner: The main goal of the MJT tournament is to simulate the look, and feel, of a PBA tournament, so we ask all bowlers to maintain a positive, professional image at all times. A tournament official may warn, or disqualify, bowlers for unsportsmanlike, or disruptive, conduct.
Any specified rules for the MJT tournaments are in addition to USBC Tournament Rules. Any rules not covered in the MJT rules will be covered by USBC Tournament Rules.

Have Questions? Feel Free To E-Mail me At

Edited on 11/3/2010 3:07 PM