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Author Topic: LAKERS  (Read 5053 times)


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« on: May 21, 2004, 10:07:43 AM »
Are the Lakers going to be stopped now? I dont think so. The only team that had a chance to beat them was the Spurs and they dismissed them. I want to know what you think about the Lakers and what your favorite team is. I know the So-cal bowlers here are mostly all Laker fans except for Matt Jones.
9 wins, 7 more to go
Josh (Spanky) Blanchard
Can't stop the 909



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« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2004, 05:24:29 AM »
I do not find the Pistons game ugly.

It is wonderful when a team has the right dynamics.

The power of rebounding by Ben Wallace is underestimated.

Both offensive rebounds and defensive rebounds.

I believe that his rebounding alone accounts for almost a 30 point difference to his team.  All the second shots his team gets and all the one shot only series that the Lakers get.  And the beauty of rebounding is it is more consistent than scoring.

I really don't believe it is truly the phrase "great defense" that is the difference.  It is the rebounding by Wallace combined with his new teammate Wallace!  Wow!


As important to their probable upcoming championship as Michael J. and Scottie Pippens ability to get their fingers on the ball from nearly anywhere(defense), Bill Walton's passing, and now Ben Wallace uncanny rebounding.
PS did you see Wallace's snuff of Shaq in the losing game 2 effort!  Wow!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana