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Author Topic: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!  (Read 8378 times)


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The 2005 Storm Las Vegas Main Event begins December 26 at Texas Statiuon, Las Vegas NV.

If you still haven't entered, there is still time.  You can mail your entry by December 17, and walk-in spots are available as space permits (mornings, likely).

First place is guaranteed at $3000 in scratch, $2000 in handicap, and $1500 in girls scratch.  In addition, we guarantee that 24 spots in scratch, 18 in handicap, and 10 in girls scratch will receive at least $100, so it's not too top-heavy a prize fund.   I don't know any other event that guarantees these prizes, especially on a $80 entry fee (I know its not cheap to get and stay there, too).  Sorry if I'm wrong about that.

All the info you need to know, and a complete entry list, is at

We hope to see you there.




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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2006, 06:41:08 PM »
i think it should be limited to one re entry squad... or just have it so u can bowl the last chance squad if you do not make the cut in the regular tourney play... and i know people are thinkin didnt you re enter and i did... i may beleive theere shouldnt be re entries except last chance... but if the oppurtunity is there to bowl again and i know i can bowl better... then why not try... its a great way to get the prize fund up and thats exactly what it did... i think its a unique way to run the tourney by haveing re entries... but bowling 3 squads or more i just rediculous.... that takes away from people that wanted to just re enter once possibly....
or maybe instead of making re entries less money... make them more so people have to pay more if they want to bowl that badly... i dunno... i think the tourney is fine but some minor changes might make some people happy and others discontent...

i think the best idea is to bowl and have the last chance tourney and no re entry... and make the cost of the last chance squad more to bowl... to add more scholarship and have it be for the people that really think they have a shot at making it and will spend the money to give it a shot... i dont think it should be cheaper... make it like a penalty for bowling again by paying more.... i dunno just random ideas like em  or  dont .... doesnt bother me
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2006, 07:42:08 PM »
I like mason's idea...either no re entry's or make it cost more...I say cut made 55 in the regular squads, and then i say have a huge "last chance" squad where you can fit like 200 bowlers, make it like 100-120 bucks

But no doubt re-entering gives you an advantage, you know how the lanes change...I re-entered, and i did a ton better, but I kind of hurt myself because I bowled so much trying to make cut, my hand was done in cut, but anyways it was a fun tournament with a great shot, deffinately higher scores this year
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J-Rad Lawrence

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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2006, 08:11:57 PM »
It was definitely a great tournament, but I am against the re-entries. It would have been a totally different tournament everywhere if there were none, and it is not fair for those who cant afford it or what not. Sure it does get the scholarship prizes up, but look at how much some bowlers put up to just to make some money. Even though this was my last year to be able to bowl it, I would rather pay more and have no re-entries. And I do too, agree with the last chance squad. Some of us thought of an idea that if you do have re-entries, that that squad your re-entering, you take its scores, no matter if they are better or worse from your previous squads scores. Its a gamble, and would make some bowlers think twice, except for those who did really poor of course, haha. But either way I say no re-entries. And if you ask me, it doesnt matter too much, cause even though I am aging out this year, I would still bowl The Main Event, just simply because it is an awesome tournament, that pays out a lot, and is ran great.
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2006, 09:13:49 PM »
I went +62 my first squad and made a little in brackets so i re-entered to try to make more money in brackets and went +57..i personally think if kids want to throw out money to build up the prize pool then go for it..
Dean Richards

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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2006, 09:28:23 PM »
to the guy thats affraid to say who he is...yea I re-entered, I bowled bad the first 2 squads...I am not complaining that I hurt myself, thats my own bad...I was playing the wrong part of the lane the first 2 squads...and even though I made cut in my re entry, that doesn't mean I like them...If the chance is there to re enter, then no reason not to. Are they fair? maybe so, maybe not...I did just fine with them the year before, and this coming year we will see how it goes...And I bet you re entered 3 times, whoever you are...just another computer trash talker
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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2006, 09:50:22 PM »
lol, I can handle the truth just fine, and I never said that playing the wrong part of the lane caused me to hurt my hand, guess your to dumb to notice that.  My hand ripped from just bowling alot of games...and as for finding a shot...I had found it in the 2nd squad once it was to late, or I should say a line that carries, because the whole 2nd squad I was in the pocket, it was a line that I never play anywhere and never really try it because I usually can't hit it consistantly...and the last squad I finally got some good carry in which always helps as well...Mason and I will be the first to tell you we bowled bad at first, but when we found it we hit it, plain and simple, how did you bowl mr or ms that seems to know oh so much about this shot...and the only stupid person here is you, because neither me or him are claiming that we are the best and we kicked everyone's butt, we both know how we bowled, and thats all we are claiming to have done, so stop your pointless posts, because we have nothing to do with you and don't want to
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Edited on 1/3/2006 10:42 PM
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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2006, 10:14:05 PM »
I do not bowl tournaments anymore, better yet bowl as a youth, but did remember the bit of controversy when I bowled the first Main Event Tournament and would like to pitch in.

If you want to go with a re-entry system, the tournament might want to go to a qualifying format that is more similar to the megabuck tournaments like High Roller and the Mini. What do I mean? Make the qualifying rounds shorter, but keep the costs proprotionate across the board.

This, however, puts the tournament director and tournament at risk because the tournament may not get as many re-entries as anticipated. However, in my opinion, for a tournament that has a qualifying round with re-entries allowed, 8 games is a bit much (and is not cost/time effective) and lowering the amount of games during qualifying while keeping the costs proportionate around the board could generate the same, if not more, money flowing in and out of the tournament, and at the same time it allows more players to be able to re-enter into the tournament because of the fact that more squads will be made available to those who wanted to re-enter.

I am probably just throwing more gas into the fire, but its just an opinion here and throwing it out...
-Jeremy Vitug


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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2006, 10:15:21 PM »
i think they should keep the re-entries or limit it, I mean I finished 6th and I knew I made the cut the first time, but I re-entered for brackets and I didnt do so great, it just more money in the pot. Look andrew and I come FL. It cost a lot of money to get there (not saying it doesn't for anyone else) but we need to make it worth coming out there spending the money. I made like 1000 dollars with brackets and still about didn't pay for coming out, but i also went for learning new things. What I am trying to say is that we want to bowl so andrew even leading the main thing the whole time re-entered just because we want to bowl. whether we win or lose we need to no there is something worth going for and that for any tournament. Anyways i thought the tournament was good before i bowled I say great job. I will be back out there for the august tournament too.

thank you, jeff
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2006, 01:34:33 AM »
lol the real truth, whoever you are, if you saw what I put, I had a shot in the 2nd squad the whole time with no carry, the first squad i started experimenting for the next squad, but who cares, why am I explaining it to wouldn't even understand...and I am never claiming to be some great bowler, your adding that part all by yourself, I bowled how I bowled, and thats final, and I know how I bowled, now get a life and criticize your own game
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And Then...........

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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2006, 02:14:41 AM »
this truth kid needs to learn if u dont wanna share you u are we dont wanna hear it and no one else does honestly... i was out of whack when i started and felt like playing a deep line... then decided the track area is the place to be and decided to rebowl playing there... fact of the matter is where did u finish or did u even bowl... i honestly dont care and until u unveil who u are it really doesnt matter either... notice how anyone that tries to talk crap straight to me jared or any other south bowlers they have to keep their identity secret... hmm wonder why? maybe cuz u know we will take u down anytime and place, only reason im wasting my time right now typing this is because i cant sleep at the moment and am so bored that i am going to respond to you because you ammuse me.. and were stupid for bowling again... hmm... maybe i figured out the shot the first squad but screwed aroudn too much... not like i cared really wut i bowled the first time knowing i could re enter... it was kinda like a practice 8 games and then my second 8 i stepped up and thats that, going into a tournament knowing i can re-enter and not bowling the last squad why not see what the shot is like for 8 games and see how htey break down, ever seen the movie Maverick (great movie i might add) where Mel Gibson is playing cards in that Saloon... what did he do for the first hour, he lost but learned all of the tell signs of the other players and saw how they played to ultimately start kickin butt when the time came... same thing here... bowl 8 games... see how transition goes, and then since there is a chance to bowl again... go for it and already know how the shot is going to play and break down, its actually not "Stupid" because its using the re entry to my advantage and other people did the same thing, and wow i re-entered once to try again many others bowled more than 2 squads, so why do we get picked on exactly? ..... all this drama over re-entering a tournament.. and its funny how me and jared get picked out for bowling again and not bowling well the first time... thanks for picking me! i feel so special that "the real truth" has a special place for me in his heart, if you wanna send me a valentine too you can :-) its funny it really is... just cuz there isnt really anything else to talk about you have to manifest this situation that does not matter one bit.. why because its overwith... i miss stuff like this now and then because it happens to rarely now... you ammuse me kid you really do.. thanks for giving me such a smile while i couldnt sleep... as ive said before keep the comedy coming... mr. i dont have a name cuz im too cool to say but decide to talk crap about people that did better than me at a tournament....

your words are totally un-necessary honestly... because the fact is we used the re-entry to our advantage thats all.. so we didnt hit it the first 8 games... there could be a million different factors going on that could have caused that... no one is saying it was hard or easy but just cuz we can score doesnt mean were gonna walk out and whack it every time.. im glad you have so much confidence in me thats great.. make some cheering signs and come on down to teh next tourney that would be fun... all you can do is go out there and bowl and have a good time, and in the case of the tournament why give it your all when you can try again... that is why i think the tournament should go to bowl a squad and if you dont make cut you can have a chance at entering the last chance... because walking into a tournament i know i can re enter does just what i said.. makes me not care as much at all knowing i can see how the lanes are and bowl again to bowl a lot better...

anyways all this talk has finally gotten me tired again so i think im gonna get to bed... hope everyone enjoys this late night reading... especially you MR. TRUTH SCARY MAN... dont forget to be tucked in and dont let those bed bugs bite   ;-)

"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2006, 02:20:06 AM »
whats with calling everyone an idiot.. thats not only rude but makes you look like a jerk as well.. no need for that at all... and contradict myself.. i do it all the time thank you :-D  and honestly dont care if i do...
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Mason Sherman
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2006, 02:23:05 AM »


i like all your colorful writing to.. its very cute  ;-)
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Mason Sherman
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2006, 02:25:25 AM »
cayson has some bomb ideas... and is a jerk for beating me by one the first match  (just playin) ... but anyways i think there are a lot of positve ideas on here as well and hopefully a few of us can get together with jeff and see about putting some of them into effect... i think it would be great to see the tournament go in a positive direction and with all teh camotion the re-entry thing still causes hopefully there will be a beneficial solution to it and cause for more people to smile :-D
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Mason Sherman
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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2006, 02:30:43 AM »
It must be a Jewish thing Mason, damn Hitler's kids
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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Las Vegas Main Event and $30,000+ in scholarships two weeks away!
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2006, 02:32:16 AM »
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Mason Sherman
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