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Author Topic: Mushtare is approved  (Read 8383 times)


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Mushtare is approved
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:52:13 AM »
if you go to and look on the front page it says that 2 of his 3 prebowled 900's got approved which to me is a complete joke but i guess it is usbc and they are making good moves so far
Mike Dole
 LU 06-07



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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2006, 12:56:23 PM »
Does anyone read anything, or are many of you stupid?  It has been stated many times that his dad is not the proprieter of the center.  His mom being lazy actually caused his first to be denied.  And as several have been trying to stress, throw on a THS and on a flat pattern are two different talents.  Not many bowlers excel on both.  Tons of people tear up a house shot and struggle on real tournament conditions.  I understand people wanting Mushtare to fall flat on his face, but he'd be no different tha 90% of the other house mouses out there.

And all you people shooting your mouths off on this forum better be posting your real name and scores at jog so we can see how you fare against the infamous Mushtare.
Telling it like it is.


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2006, 12:57:14 PM »
Lane1fanatic im glad you said that i do see how they would have lawsuit so unfortunately they had to accept it but bowling definitely has been hurt by this cheater!! I also know that a lot of people are talking like they are going to go prebowl 900s etc. but no one will because its obvious unlike the piece of crap mushtare everyone else has respect for the sport of bowling and would like to shoot honor scores legitimatly!! mushtare is a nobody and when i see him at JOG ill go up to him and put up any amount of money that he wont even make the first cut hes so good he should take the bet right? any takers?? what are the odds anyone know??


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2006, 02:21:30 PM »
I have many good bowling friends (average in teh 230 area) who claim they can see a corner coming by the way the pins are falling and must move before the next shot!  OR pling!

Also...bowled with a guy who stumbled in one night....and missed warmup.
He shot 65 thru first 5 frames.  Teammate put up a double wall at end of 5 and said come on now!.

He then went sheet sheet sheet!  Shot 815.  Stayed and turned alley's on and threw the 5 more...36 in a row!

He was not as powerful as Mushtare.  He did have multiple 300s 800s and 2 300s in a row!

He almost shot one with us going 289 300.  Jimmy Keeth (even more powerful was on our team) he never did it with us!

He was not real good on sport shot!  What he was...was a believer in himself!  That when hot...he couldn't be stopped!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2006, 03:13:01 PM »
Luckylefty all im saying is that im not doubting he can shoot high he has many eights at this house but he only shoots good there.. what i am doubting is his two 9s that were prebowled that no one saw ok doing something like shooting a 900 is supposed to be something special and he took that away by cheating go ahead praise him but when he falls flat on his face outside his retarded bowling center your going to have lots of questions to answer then and so will he!! by the way anyone want to see roberts queer myspace heres the link leave him a nice message he talks a lot on there claiming to challenge anyone in bowling god what an idiot!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2006, 05:32:06 PM »
I don't think doing well at JOG means anything one way or the other.

John Daly a great golfer on wide open conditions has never done well at a US open...but this doesn't mean he is not a very good golfer.  For years Hale Irwin could not contend in golf if the score was like -10 or better...but on a US open course he was awesome.

Neither was really better than the other...just different.

Few golfers combined the skill and talent of a Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods to both tear up wide open scoring condition courses and ALSO to contend when even par was the score.

Embarrassed if Robert Mustare doesn't do well on JOG...why should I be.
I'm only excited about the fact that he broke the mental barrier and shot 900 at least twice.  I believe he is wonderful open condition high scoring condition bowler!  bravo!

To me the lesson can be done!


PS the myspace thing...I doubt it is him...we had a user here who named himself Robert Mushtare and he talked all sorts of smack...things that if you've watched Robert Mushtare's interviews...I doubt he would ever do!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2006, 05:57:22 PM »
I can not imagine anyone bowling 4 or 5 "900" series, pre bowl or not.

This kid is a joke and I think USBC totally blew it.

I do not care if he used a 16lb ball or a 100lb ball, the scores are bogus.

Maybe it is time for us to burn our USBC membership cards.

He knows when he is going to leave a 10 pin so he makes the adjustment before he does.  Give me a break !!!!

One last point - You can threw the perfect ball and not get a strike as we all know.  Just have one or so bad racks and see what you leave.  Have not seen too many centers that do not give you a bad rack from time to time.

USBC, its too late to change the rules. You blew it !!!!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2006, 06:17:21 PM »
exactly stan u are right that is exactly what i was saying before...nowadays centers dont get checked like they did back in the day so a lot of centers have bogus racks and thats y i said its really hard to throw 36 strikes in a row especially two times and like three in practice give me a break!! Lane conditions are also not being tested either so its possible that a bogus shot was put out and then changed later i mean so many ways around the rules these days its rediculous!! Im sorry but up until him there has only been 9 900s in the history of bowling and then in a span of two months a kid named mushtare throws two u can not be serious in thinking that it is possible unless cheating has occured!! he should of stopped at one then everything would of looked better but another then another then three in practice give me a break!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2006, 11:40:38 PM »
Check the pins.....I bet those aren't legal either...


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2006, 12:40:36 AM »
very touchy subject...  but hey, they were approved..give him a pat on the back in Fort Lauderdale.  I hope it does not get out of hand.  People should not antagonize a fellow athlete at the most prestigious youth event.  If anything, cheer him on..cuz he might need it!

David Knight Sr. @ Joe's Pro Shop 7550 City AVe. Philadelphia, PA  
Ebonite, Hammer, and RotoGrip baby!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2006, 01:11:21 AM »
How can you cheer on someone who has disrespected the game like that?? Everyone will see when he doesnt perform at JOG then i want to see what everyone says. He tried to make a name for himself and unfortuantely he did it in the worst way possible. Ok good he bowled many high eights during league thats respectable although his house must be very easy because i hear a lot of high scores come from there but then two prebowled 900s within a month of each other cmon!! Just like barry bonds, it hasnt been proven yet but everyone knows he cheated and his performance in more difficult tournaments outside of his house will prove that!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2006, 01:25:35 AM »
this is sad for the sport of bowling... im not saying this kid has ruined it for the rest of us, USBC did that when they approved the scores... IF (and its a big IF) he really did shoot these 900's, the great... but do i believe it... NOPE!! Besides the fact it was totally walled up the ying yang, if this kid doesnt make top 16... he will be laughed at... because anyone who is that consistant, should be able to consistantly make great shots... esp on a sport shot... am i wrong? If he bowls great at JOG, makes the team... yada yada yada... great... ill clap for him... say congrats... whatever.. but i dont know if i would still believe the 2 900's... sad..........

anyways.... good luck to everyone!!
Karen Rosprim
CSU Fresno
"If you want some, come get some..."


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2006, 03:24:54 AM »
Rotofan, dont hold back, let us know exactly how you feel about this.  


I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"
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Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2006, 06:16:00 PM »
I agree rotofan he is a piece of crap and i hope hes as excited about JOG as we are because he is going to get so much s*it for this he will prob quit im not saying im necessarily doing anything but ive heard lots of people talk about not leaving this kid alone arent u glad u cheated robert??


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2006, 06:30:18 PM »
I have never heard such immature venom!

You would like to try to make him quit??



PS he did what?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2006, 06:52:02 PM »
Ok all,let's try this from another angle. Whether or not he did it is now a moot point because the USBC approved it regardless of whether or not we believe it.
 Everyone said the same thing in another way when Tiger destroyed Augusta,then went almost a year before he started winning with any consistency.We all know he was re-tooling his swing,but there was talk that he was a one shot wonder,like so many golfers who have only won one single major in their otherwise good careers.
 Let's reserve the jeers we all want to throw in this kid's face until he proves the he's a house hack that can't handle JOG or other tough tourney conditions,OR...........
 Congratulate him IF he wins some of the tournewys he bowls in on tougher shots away from his THS.
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.