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Author Topic: Mushtare is approved  (Read 8390 times)


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Mushtare is approved
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:52:13 AM »
if you go to and look on the front page it says that 2 of his 3 prebowled 900's got approved which to me is a complete joke but i guess it is usbc and they are making good moves so far
Mike Dole
 LU 06-07



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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2006, 12:02:21 AM »
Yeah, this is kinda like the athlete arguing with the ref about a bad call he made 3 minutes earlier.
Respect the Game


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2006, 01:08:44 AM »
im sorry but im pretty sure 900s are a big deal and if you are just going to accept a cheater like that then you better find another sport. im pretty sure this is well worth arguing about for a long time. Thats like saying if your sick or hearing about steroids stop watching sports all together..if its a big deal its going to be argued and im sorry but two 900s is a big deal..someone who needs to cheat at bowling should get a dont need proof that he cheated because its already obvious that he did..there have been ten 900s lifetime and then all of a sudden some hack knows how to shoot them whenever he wants..howcome he hasnt shot any since he shot them way back?  was 3 prebowled and 2 in practice enough for him??  did sammy sosa get caught cheating? no but where is he now yea in the japanese leagues where they dont test for drugs and he is skinny as hell!! robert mushtare will fail outside of his house and he will harassed so much i hope he quits bowling forever and returns his rings because he is pathetic!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2006, 02:15:22 PM »
OneRevaway...nothing is known about you! profile nothing.

Yet Robert Mushtare is outhere for the world to see.

I personally have thrown on many sport shots and WTC shots and my performance on them shows nothing about my ability to throw honor scores on difficult conditions!  Nothing.  Whereas when I have had the right equipment on sport shots I have usually averaged higher than I do on regular league shots!  Strange...but true(the vagaries of my type of ball roll).  I HAVE no honor scores...but I do have a profile!

If a person is throwing on a sport shot for the first time they can be a great bowler on a top hat and shoot 399!  EAsy!

REcently I went to a tournamment that acted like a sport shot with out of bounds outside of 10 and very little hold area.  On my pair were all the best bowlers in my area!  Mega numbers of honor scores and 300s ...800s and mucho money at megabucks tournaments!  I ended up high on the pair at about 585!

Do they all suck?  No they are great and some are nationally recognized megabuck performers.  Am I better? Of course..not!

Sport shot performance indicates NOTHING about the ability or veracity of throwing  high scores on top hat conditions!

You just don't seem to get it!


Ps Onerevaway...your statements make NO SENSE!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2006, 02:44:53 PM »
One more thought...if you cheated...would you go and hire an expensive lawyer to back you up!?

The cheaters I've met in bowling and confronted...several, have all buckled and walked away quickly and not shown up again!

You wouldn't set and take questions and hire lawyers etc to back you up...the hassle is not worth it!

Much like Jeff Carter had to spend the last few years almost apologizing for being so outstanding in league (I know there were witnesses every night)...he has now turned the page and ready to show the pro tour what he can really do!

Bowlers as a group do NOT really like success...take it from a guy who's spent a lot of time in other sports.  If this happened in golf he would not be so hassled!


PS Much of the little success I have had in bowling came because I refused to fall into the negative thinking that permeates bowling and instead would typically only associate socially with the highest stata of bowling achievers(lucky for me...they were around!)

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2006, 03:44:49 PM »
sorry luckylefty i dont think u get it...if u have bowled 5 900s idc how easy the shot is if ur that good then u should be able to repeat shots easily so JOG is a good determination for how good he really is because if he bowls terrible there and isnt able to repeat shots that shows a lot right there im sorry but harder shots for a house hack that can strike up the waz will determine everything!!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #51 on: June 24, 2006, 03:48:40 PM »
oh yea and another thing luckylefty of course he would go to the extremes as to hiring an expensive lawyer think of what is on the line!! if he gets caught in his cheating ways hes screwed so i figure if ur going to go through all trouble to cheat ur going to make sure u get away with it use ur head man!!!


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #52 on: June 24, 2006, 04:00:06 PM »
Bowling on a mega wall has nothing about repeating shots.  Have you seen the videos from the hundreds of bowlers on this site?  Lots of questionable form and lots of walls.  The few with really good form aren't the ones averaging 220+.  That's what many have been trying to stress.  Wall bowling has to do with being able to exploit the area that is given.  That's why so many young players have high backswings, high revs, and lots of axis rotation.  Get it through the heads, feed it to the dry and wait for the explosion at the breakpoint.  Although Robby doesn't have the first two qualities, his roll at the breakpoint at that house might be ideal.  I agree with most that the multiple 900's are probably bogus, but he does have plenty of big scores from when he didn't prebowl.
Telling it like it is.


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2006, 07:52:24 PM »
The thing I think that's the funniest of all, is how you guys flat out tell him he cheated and blame him, even though you don't have a damn clue what happened.

Now honestly, I think it's bull as well, but there is NOTHING you or any of us are going to be able to do about it, so get over it.. seriously, or if you can't take the fact that it's done and happened, I guess you should find a new sport / game to be a part of. None of us can do a damn thing, I've never heard so many people flat out blame someone and tell them they are a liar, when they don't know the person, and didn't see what happened, they listen to the rumors and hear the stories, make an assumption, and pretend it's the truth... get over yourselves, and just let it go. It may not be right if he did cheat, but for the last time, what are you gonna do about it? Just let it go... move on with yourself.. just my opinion.
Mike Marsico

Red Nelson Bowlers World
Gary Parsons
Camp Springs, Maryland

World Class Pro Shops
Hyattsville, Maryland

Very true... there is nothing we can do about it because they have been approved... they wont take them back (unless they found evidence of cheating). Like I said before, if he proves us wrong at JOG, great... if not, then I'm sure another topic will be started to taunt him more. (I am NOT advising this...) I would like to say this to the bowlers who are bowling JOG... Don't go around and make him feel more uncomfortable than Im sure he's already going to feel... Let him bowl, and try to prove us wrong... and if he does well, CONGRATULATE him... not harass him... please... Show good sportsmanship, and represent yourself and your state with more pride than that, please. BOWL GREAT EVERYONE!!
Karen Rosprim
CSU Fresno
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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2006, 01:05:44 AM »
My experience which may not be exactly the same as others as I am not a power that Sport shots are about two things...

Equipment...league equipment...or go long and snap hard equipment is a prescription for disaster!  And comfort zone of a new area of playing and standing is paramount...not repeating shots at any greater rate that on league.

Of course I am not an area bowler and seem to have little area on league conditions to strike.  So when I go on a sport condition I bring balls that are even weaker(good midlane...not much backend) the shot supplies that!

My carry often seems to go UP from leagues I've bowled in(as Steve Wilson the wonderful pro bowler told's not about striking...there is tons of backend on these tough's about controlling the midlane and hitting the pocket) ...and then all I have to do is make sure I don't push into the out of bounds.  And be comfortable in playing the small inside swing line that is the preferred shot...I am.

The bowlers I see Suffer on first exposure are those that bring go long snap hard equipment.  Bowlers with high speed that are not comfortable playing inside.
AND bowlers who are used to driving their ball hard out into the dry outside of 10(and there is none!).

However to get with a good driller and then practice and develop a game on these types of shots often can be accomplished in only a few practice sessions.
A wonderful regional champion I know in the JOG competition area this year is conducting training sessions for his junior bowlers on these shots and has set up his bowlers with a set of differently drilled balls for these conditions.

His bowlers are doing marvelously after just a few sessions and quite a few of them expect to be very competitive just because of the few weeks they have been training on these shots!

I believe it is an equipment thing...and a familiarity thing...and nothing more! Clearly mindset and sparemaking attitudes are very important!


PS Sorry...JOG doesn't prove or disprove that one has the game to throw ultra high 800 sets...It proves one is familiar with the different environment ONLY!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2006, 01:11:03 AM »
to me right now, you are talking a lot of nonsense... you blab on about stuff im sure no one cares about anymore... who are you!?!?!?
Karen Rosprim
CSU Fresno
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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2006, 01:52:30 AM »
I am not a junior...and I have a profile...I"ve been out here for 5 years!

Who are you?


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2006, 02:15:34 AM »
Profiles are overrated, don't really mean much.  Bowling is a weird sport where pretty much all you have is your name and what is known with it.  Statistics mean nothing.  I know I don't throw the greatest ball in the world as evident from my video, lol, but there are guys I bowl leagues with with unthinkable horrible physical games that average 20 sticks above me in the 220s.  Bowling is also weird in the fact that the person who throws it the best has less odds of winning over any other person in the field.  

What I am getting at is, Mr. Mushtare will always be associated with controversy not because of the fact that his 900(s) were sanctioned, but for the mere multitude of 300/900 games he claims with no substantial proof or other accolades to go with besides these.

What do all of the other 900 bowlers have in common?
-All successful amateur careers
-Proof of superior performance on tougher conditions
-Collegiate Accolades, scratch titles, big tournament experience
-Hundreds of people that can vouch for their credibility

What does Robert Mushtare have?
-a Claim of 3 sanctioned 900s and 2 practice 900s
-the support of his immediate family
-2 newclips of him pitching the ball into the track for strike after strike with many flawed mechanics

There are Junior bowlers in this kid's own state that have bowled with him and can't even vouch for him as being a credible player.  Not knocking his game because in these days anyone with that type of game can average 220+ on the softest of conditions, but to put it as cliche as possible....WHERE IS THE BEEF?  Where are the people, associations, tournament directors that can stand up for him and say:

"Oh well Robert is an accomplished player that has (xxx)tournament victories, youth cashes, titles, award scores, accolades on tough conditions.

THIS!! is why people just can't buy this kid.  It's the tree falling in the forest and no one around to hear it theory.  Did it happen or not?

In my honest opinion, I believe he shot a "900" be it practice, or what have you only because I've seen physically terrible bowlers come within 3-6 shots themselves of achieving ultimate perfection due to unbelievably easy conditions and high powered equipment.  Upon realizing what he did I believe that every effort made, legally or illegally was used to get this "feat" approved.  It's cut and dry, there's many ways to trick the CPU into registering all strikes, anyone that's ever operated any type of bowling computer system realizes this.  But who can prove anything?

I really don't care anymore because as we all know, scores are pointless....Wins is the only estimate in where a player can achieve respect in today's Bowling environment.  Lefty, you should know this....  I laugh at people impressed by scores, it's almost like people that watch illusionists and ohh and ahh at every "trick" that must be "magic" because there's no way they could have done it without "super powers".

Respect the Game

Edited on 6/25/2006 2:12 AM

Edited on 6/25/2006 2:13 AM


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2006, 03:08:05 AM »
I was asked who I was...I answered. You see...I don't consider myself a very good bowler usually.  Only once in a while...Let's put it this way...I know the power of mental focus...even if one's physical ability is not that great.

It is tough to get a lot of tournament wins...titles, at age 17!
Especially if you are still involved in lot of other team..swim team as is this young fella.

In waterskiing a few years ago a fellow tied the world record in a small town tourney after skiing officially in courses and tournaments for I think only a year or two years!  There was trememendous resentment towards this individual!

Favorable drivers were alleged...great conditions...etc.  The guy then went out to the pro tour and frankly suffered!  He frankly only seemed to perform well on pristine conditions and also cracked under pressure for a couple of years.

He stuck at it!  All of a sudden he became the World champion.  Then he broke the world record...then again.  If memory serves me right another World title came.  His name was Jeff the end of it he received a good amountof respect(I'm not sure if he ever became known as a rough water condition skier(aka sport conditions I guess in their sport).  But he did get known as being a guy that could set records on favorable conditions at the highest levels of competition!  After a long period of pain!

Today in the Pro Golf scene there is a pro who just about 3 years ago won his one and only title the British Open challenging to win for the first time in since.  His name is Ben Curtis..The British Open was his very first major entered as a Pro..and he won.  It was considered a tremendous fluke.  In many ways one would say he has a somewhat amateur looking swing...though better than it was when he became British Open champ!  Now coincidentally today he will probably win his first US title.  This could be a breakthrough for him and pave the way to a much brighter future!  

Now none of this means Robert Mushtare will ever become the World's greatest bowler...(I have no idea).

However what we do that great series are possible by people with the right mindset.

Right after I had my little out of body experience in my profile(I've had others in other sports also).  A friend of mine who had never had a 700...shot 848.  He told me point blank..."I saw what you did and I said...I can do something too"

I believe this is the way people should be looking at Robert Mustare's accomplishment...

"Hey...why not me!"

ESPECIALLY IF they like their own form better than his!  If you've got anger about his sets...turn it into positive energy...for yourself!  Don't waste your time decrying the USBC..state of bowling etc...go out...throw a 900!


PS if memory serves me right we have a member on here who can really throw it..32 in a row to start a set if I remember!  Go Jon GO!
PPS I believe all those with an 850 set should get mad and say...I'm gonna get me one!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 6/25/2006 3:08 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2006, 08:30:34 PM »
idk but is it just me or is his sister kinda hott


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #60 on: June 25, 2006, 10:33:27 PM »
lol where'd you see his sister?
- Richard (Ricky) Brown

When do I get a nickname?