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Author Topic: Mushtare is approved  (Read 8378 times)


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Mushtare is approved
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:52:13 AM »
if you go to and look on the front page it says that 2 of his 3 prebowled 900's got approved which to me is a complete joke but i guess it is usbc and they are making good moves so far
Mike Dole
 LU 06-07



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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2006, 11:13:58 PM »
in the video at missolanious shes kinda hott looks young but pretty hott


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2006, 11:21:51 PM »
So if you go to and read the article about him it has a link to his hometowns news station.

If you read along it has Robert saying this, "I'm over here every chance I get. I'm throwing as many games as I can. Even if I'm not bowling games, i'm just rolling the ball to roll the ball."

Is it just me or is this guy taking some "special" classes? Also is this the way he can predict when he's going to leave a single pin? If so I better get my butt to the bowling alley.  

The news station also had said, "Mushtare says he's rolled more than 30-300 games in his life."

How come none of them are in the record books on Those damn pre-bowls just didn't go through I guess...Atleast his 900s did. LOL

Edited on 6/25/2006 11:19 PM


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #63 on: June 26, 2006, 03:39:32 AM »
eh.... thats all i have to say...... EH
Karen Rosprim
CSU Fresno
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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2006, 11:33:14 AM »
Exact rev counts you are probably more right than me...less than Chris Barnes...more than me.

But I think you hit the nail on the head..."his style is very conducive to throwing a lot of strikes on a wide open shot".

I agree and it is firm, and forward...ball looks to have a ton of energy left at the pocket.  I bowl right now withabout 3 guys in our house look to have that type of energy but they are more around the ball and don't look to be as direct or what I call Mika style firm(ball released in a firm direct and somewhat accurate way as Mushtare.

They have a ton of 790s 800s and usually shoot a 279 on our tough scoring house nearly every time we pot bowl with them.

For the rest of us in our pretty competitive house in our medium size metro area...I don't see that type of energy!

NOW add the other element...the mental side of getting in a groove and holding it...a unique skill.  Much of it has to be PRE programmed.  Very few do that about 900!  In golf there is a unique school called Vision54(the ability to shoot 54 for 18).  Very few people spend time preparing for that.

Your two handed friend is close...he may now be in the early stages of preparing for 900 mentally.  I guarantee if asked Mushtare will tell you..."Well after a got a few 300s I sort of had a feeling ..."I had been thinking that if I got one..the shot was nice...I could get two...."

Probably on in this mode..."I had one in practice and then two one day...I started thinking about it...and then I found myself dreaming about it...".

It goes like do I know...well let's just put it this way...there is golf ...and Vision 54!

Recently in our very deep gutters and tough carry center....a great bowler...he averages 240 nearly in every area center but he doesn't go to those easier ones and does very well in nationals often.

Shot 300 300 248.  I don't know if 300 300 had been shot in our center since they added synthetics and got the gutters to 3 1/2 inches down(6 and 4 pin trap) (in fact I didn't think it could be done there).  He got a 9 count after about 26 in a row.... He nearly fainted with relief the pressure was so great!
(He had not prepared his mind as carry is never good enough to consider it).

Needless to say if he took his same game to Pine Plains or other centers in our area which have sidewalls like Pine Plains I believe he would develop the mindset to do it!  But not the other day!)

In takes soft conditions a powerful bowler and lively sidewalls to shoot 900!  AND most importantly...the mindset..that YOU EXPECT it!  THis is usually the missing element in all pursuits of 900!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 6/26/2006 11:32 AM
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

El Capitán

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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2006, 01:18:04 PM »
What I am getting at is, Mr. Mushtare will always be associated with controversy not because of the fact that his 900(s) were sanctioned, but for the mere multitude of 300/900 games he claims with no substantial proof or other accolades to go with besides these.


His high sanctioned series before the '900s' was 852 (i think). he has several 800s and 300s... which would be why some people think he may have done the 9s.
I don't think he did it though. I'm starting to give way to the idea that he might have done it the first time and only said he did it again cus the first one got denied. But i'm leary, lol.
The Striking King.
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More Spares Plus Strikes = 220 avg.

Edited on 6/26/2006 1:17 PM


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Re: Mushtare is approved
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2006, 01:35:35 PM »
I was recently told that Mushtare has never bowled on any sport shot ever they backed up him being able to bowl on hard shots claiming that he did good on PBA shots.  hahaha pba shots are a joke i cant believe how easy those shots are i wish the pba would grow a nut sack and put out something hard because those shots are just dumb. i bowl a pba shot league and a bunch of house hacks average 200 plus its sick plus i bowled a tourney on sunday on the scorpion pattern and for 16 games i was plus 364 the next closest to me was 230 plus.  I dont think anyone can use pba shots as a way of saying you can bowl on a harder shot cause those shots are not hard. If the pba bowlers bowled on JOG shots i guarantee they wouldnt rape it like they do their shots.