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Author Topic: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!  (Read 11018 times)


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Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« on: July 27, 2006, 04:15:55 PM »
Just want to know whose going to watch this pathetic show of mushtare on sunday and im just wondering what they are going to show considering he didnt do anything anyone interested??



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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2006, 11:07:57 AM »
Looks like 9:30 AM Eastern time on Sunday.


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2006, 11:15:38 AM »
I know that but he didnt make cut what is there to show of him he didnt do good at all thats what im saying!!

He might not have done well by your standards, but I think he did fairly well. He placed in the top 300 in the nation on the harder conditions to bowl on. I know someone and respect him as a good bowler from a different house who went to JOG and ended up around 400, and he was pleased with himself.

Saturday Youth League

Fins, your friend should feel proud, but he also hasn't claimed to have shot 5 900 serie either. Based on the skill he has "shown" and his quotes to the media, this was a disappointing performance for Robert. Think of Tiger Woods at 17. If he missed the cut in the Amatuer Championship, would it be considered good? Even if he beat 400-500+ other people, no. And Musthare has done more in bowling then Tiger did in golf at this age. Did I expect him to win, no, Tiger doesn't win every tournament, but he should have made the cut, anything less is a failure.

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2006, 11:20:20 AM »

Fins, your friend should feel proud, but he also hasn't claimed to have shot 5 900 serie either. Based on the skill he has "shown" and his quotes to the media, this was a disappointing performance for Robert. Think of Tiger Woods at 17. If he missed the cut in the Amatuer Championship, would it be considered good? Even if he beat 400-500+ other people, no. And Musthare has done more in bowling then Tiger did in golf at this age. Did I expect him to win, no, Tiger doesn't win every tournament, but he should have made the cut, anything less is a failure.

I could'nt have said it any better!
3 holes of fun!!


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2006, 11:41:21 AM »
I remember Tiger shooting 83 in a US open I think and missing the cut while a college student.  I think his last year in college.

I also think I remember him missing a lot of cuts in pro tournaments while an amateur.

Look at him now!

It also seems that while in high school college...Ben Crenshaw had an incredible run in pro tournaments including the US open(I saw him there I believe like the week of his high school graduation).  His career was wonderful but if we were to measure by performances at upper level tournaments while young...Crenshaw would have been picked to be the ONE!  

Instead Tiger!

None of these things point to predictability of future stardom, ability to shatter records on easy conditions or anything.  They are each sort of what they are!  Their own niche.

No one right now can tell me that Michelle Wie could end up the greatest woman golfer of all time  ...she may be but she MAY never become a great winner!  It is hard to know!  There is a young woman named Aree Song in golf...led the Nabisco Championship after 3 rounds when 18...choked and has hardly contended since!  While in the ages of 15 thru 18 she had actually been in contention several times in big pro events.

Would anyone be able to predict that every time he got in contention that Sergio Garcia would be more likely to go backwards in an event than five years ago when he played head to head with Tiger at the PGA and almost battled to a standstill.

Champion, tough condition bowler, easy condition bowler, record setter.  All different types of accomplishments and mind sets!  A great example yesterday.
Corey Pavin sets all time PGA 9 hole record score 26 for 9.  Of all the players on the PGA tour...who would currently pick him to do this the twilight of his career!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2006, 03:01:38 PM »
idc how he finished first of all the shots were way easier than they have been in the past just look at the last two years and then this year scores were way up!! i know there are good bowlers but for the scores to improve that much is sick!! Mushtare didnt make cut the expectations were if u can shoot that good than ur expected to at least make cut ok he doesnt have to make team but cmon cant even make cut what a joke!! Has anyone seen the new bud light commercial with that caveman in the bowling alley god its hilarious!!


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2006, 07:44:26 PM »
I think the kid did well probably a lot better than most of us on here with the conditions he bowled on I think if he had not of claimed to bowl the 900's probably everyone would have said he did really well for his first time. Weather or not he can make it to the pro's time will tell one things for sure he'll have to get a whole lot more versatile. One other point he said hisself he'd be happy if he averaged 200 so I guess he's unhappy
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2006, 10:59:45 PM »
HXC bowler...let me invite you to put me on ignore.

THat way you can make sure all that all the opinions you receive on the subject are the same!  "THE earth is FLAT!"  These would be words that if you lived in the 1400s would have been music to your ears...  EVERYONE KNEW those words were correct!

A serious question for those who don't have me on ignore...

Of the top 50 placers on the men's side in Junior gold.  How many of them was it there 1st Junior gold competition?  Also if it was...were they involved in a sport shot league?  I'm really would be an interesting fact to know.

Was it the winner's O'grady's first time???  Of the top 20...were there ANY who hadn't competed multiple times?



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2006, 12:22:29 AM »
well i know ronnie made the team his first year back in dallas, and last year was farish's first year and he made the yes there are people that show up their first year.


p.s. and im sure there is more
so-cal kid at heart always
06-07 lindenwood lions  

But what Lefty was asking further is if they who made the team their first year played in a sport shot league before. It may be a lie, but Mushtare did mention this is one of the first times he's bowled a sport shot tournament.

People like HXC Bowler need to stay out of topics like these. We're trying to have a civilized discussion, and you are just coming in here bashing someone just because he doesn't completely hate Mushtare.

Oh, and Jorge300 DID compare Mushtare's (non)achievements to Tiger Woods (good rebuttal by the way there Jorge. It's nice to see some people can post with a different opinion and not completely attack the original poster.)

Saturday Youth League


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2006, 12:31:27 AM »
luckylefty = mushtare... it has to be... no one else would fight as many battles to try and tell them he did shoot them.

who would waste that much time trying to defend someone?
ÈĻ Arsenèl
Track Mean Machine (Heavy)
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb (Med-Heavy)
Track Machine (Medium)
Brunswick Original Inferno (Light-Med)
Track Desert Heat (Light)
Brunswick Ambush (Spare)

I throw it all, just give me a ball, I'll throw it. =]
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2006, 08:46:02 AM »
From what I know of him on a small introduction Robert Mushtare is way more understated than I am and would never go to such length to defend himself.

I understand the mindset of record setting because as a young adult I pursued a similar line in golf when I already had realized I could not make the pro tour(luckily I had witnesses to the few things I did). I decided or the particular set of skills I had decided for me that low scoring on medium level difficulty courses was my thing.  So I pursued that for a few years.  Unfortunately there was already Tom Doty!  Also there was no money in it!

I would like to have his high scoring league tearing ability but many who know me from this site know a 700 is a stretch for me!  However, I love watching an 800 or a 300 unfold!

Again...the NEXT level of competition is hard.  It doesn't matter if it from league to SPORT or top amateur to pro whatever...the next level in any endeavor is HARD!
Whether going from wide open league shot to a very difficult sport shot tourney.
Or from Amateur to pro tour success or from world amateur competitions to is hard!

Good GOD the winning average in this Junior Gold thing was ? 21X.  This is a hard shot!  Only 29 guys over 200?  I saw some of these bowlers from a distance and some were simply fantastic...Comn..  IT is the NEXT level of competition...and in fact the level of difficulty may be slightly higher than the pro tour shots of last year.

I don't think anyone thinks the step from their league shot to a sport condition is not significant!  Do they?  From the scores I would guess that the shot is harder than the pro tour.  Because if based on what I saw...a lot of these kids could average over 200 on pro tour shots.  Way over? over 29 of them I would think yes.  Over 210 week after week...probably not.

Bolo above...I just talked to some bowlers last week who think the world of you and your game!  Kudos on your great win last year.  It is a bite when the media wants to interview someone that you are beating that week and would have wupped the year before too!  I've been there!  

However based on the interviews I heard a piece of and the intent of the media in this Outside the Lines segment...I'm sure you will NOT want to be interviewed and featured in this type of TV segment.  Some may even feel sorry Robert Mushtare after, others will feel he is getting what is coming too him(for their belief he cheated), others will cheer his fate even if he didn't cheat because of their belief that the rules were bad(prebowling), others will cheer his fate because he hurt the sport of bowling by making the ultimate goal look too easy. this time I think you'd rather be you...and I'd rather be me!

I've already ceded that the players that beat Robert Mushtare on the Junior Gold shot are better than Robert Mushtare on the junior gold shot!  NOW.  I again don't cede that 250 or 350 of them can beat him on a house shot.  I believe few!

At a seminar this weekend Richie Sposato of Lane #1 made the statement that there should be a reward for a powerful release in bowling.  Robert Mushtare has a marvelous powerful release and free swing(Rod Ross coach of team USA agrees).  We have a player very similar to him in free swing and ball roll in our area.  He had maybe 20 800s one year across the 5 leagues he is in.  He is well noted for struggling on oily and sport shots.
Like many free swingers and high scorers...he has his place to stand!  After several YEARS of struggling on these shots and being older than Robert Mushtare he is starting to move up on these tighter tougher scoring shots.  This several year struggle on tough conditions does not take away the validity of his tremendous ability to ROCK the RACK on league shots!  

Often when watching this local star I've felt if only a little calmer he could have scored a little higher even in some of these great sets!  But a free swing and powerful ball does not mean you don't get jumpy after 20 in a row!

Anyway...I'm sure that by now Robert Mushtare wishes he had a 879, an 868, and his sanctioned 859 from regular league...ONLY.  Ask yourself...If  you were him and did what he would you feel right now?  Would you like to be him?



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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2006, 09:46:53 AM »
At a seminar this weekend Richie Sposato of Lane #1 made the statement that there should be a reward for a powerful release in bowling.  Robert Mushtare has a marvelous powerful release and free swing(Rod Ross coach of team USA agrees).  We have a player very similar to him in free swing and ball roll in our area.  He had maybe 20 800s one year across the 5 leagues he is in.  He is well noted for struggling on oily and sport shots.
Like many free swingers and high scorers...he has his place to stand!  After several YEARS of struggling on these shots and being older than Robert Mushtare he is starting to move up on these tighter tougher scoring shots.  This several year struggle on tough conditions does not take away the validity of his tremendous ability to ROCK the RACK on league shots!  

Lefty, what about accuracy? Shouldn't that be the what you get rewarded for? The ability to hit your mark time after time after time. I will be the first to admit I am not the best at that. I need to create a little area and am usually lucky enough to do so. A powerful release is a gift and one that shouldn't taken lightly. But without accuracy, well i guess you wind up in 281st place. There have been many posts on here about Robert's lack of accuracy at JOG, including spare shooting accuracy. Now you can make excuses like it was his first time, even though in an interview he stated he was practicing on these types of shots. But, if we put the same emphasis on shot making as we do on how many boards we can get the ball to hook, maybe people like Robert could have done better.

As far as my comparison of Robert and Tiger. Different sports, yes. But at the same age, if Robert's scores are to be believed, the same sport changing talent. And as far as Tiger missing a US Open cut at 17, would be a fair comparison if Robert was trying to make a PBA cut. But not for JOG. Sorry Lefty, I guess you are fresh out of excuses as to why Robert's performance shouln't be looked at for what it really was, a big disappointment.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2006, 10:15:16 AM »
I think Tiger was missing a LOT of professional cuts at 17, 18, and early in his age 19 and missing them badly...if I remember right.  Many feared he was an amateur flash in the pan at that time.  In retrospect how foolish they all were(at the time many a golf magazine ran swing analysis stating he did not have a professional grade swing...)

Then he dropped out of Stanford..  New story.  1997 Masters!

Richie Sposato's point was that the best combination is a strong release AND accuracy!  He said that is the top Pro tour guys. He felt that many of the sport shots reward primarily accuracy over a strong release A style he called...the grinders!( of course Richie showed us how a trick drilling on a very touchy shot could improve his scoring by about 60 pins a game for a few games).  

Not being a grinder at all in golf (mediocre half wedge game(why I never could even thinking of attaining pro tour level)).  I understand this ability to score well in your wheelhouse while maybe never really having it on the tough conditions.  This is why I continue to emphasize the disconnect between the ability to tear up easy conditions and the ability to "grind it out".  I know they are different in golf...and I know they are different in bowling!  I have been on both sides in the different sports!  

In addition the mentality of record breaking is different than the mentality for winning, and different than the mentality of grinding for a nice finish!  Two days ago we had a noted grinder go into record breaking mode(Corey Pavin) and then set his thinking at the half way mark to regress to his mean!  Non recordbreaking thinking!

While in bowling I am more of a grinder(not a really good one) I would prefer to be a league phenom!  It's every's fun...there are brackets!
I am working on my release right now to see if I can turn the page!


PS at one time I was going to put out a game plan for throwing records in bowling(almost the same as my game plan for record breaking in golf)...but as there has been so much venom at the art of recordbreaking on easy conditions maybe now is a bad time!  Note this is a regime much different than setting out to be on Team USA!

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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2006, 10:58:10 AM »
The increase in difficulty between the courses for National amateur events and the US open in golf is less steep than the step in difficulty from an open house shot and the US Junior golf championships!  And yet Tiger failed miserably for several years...terrible scores many times!

You are right in a way...the increase in difficulty for Robert Mushtare was higher!

At no point am I saying Robert Mushtare is going to be better in bowling than Tiger is in golf.  I have no idea!  I've made the point that the step up at each level in any sport is tough to predict!

Again my point is simply this.  Bowling great on easy conditions has little relationship to bowling great on difficult condtions!  Record breaking for a single round or set is an art in itself!  Golfing great on medium friendly conditions has little relationship to contending on a US open course.  I know!

We all know bowlers who have shot 800s one night in league and then shot 520 or less on sport conditions the next morning!  And yet a guy from the same league the night before who shot 595 shoots 610 on the sport shot!  Where is the connect?


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2006, 04:45:09 PM »
you know lefty is sitting here comparing Robert mushtare to tiger woods which is like comparing a ford tempo to a Bentley.  As for him saying that jog this year was on a super hard shot.  Florida was my 5th jog and in my experience it was one of the easier years for scores.  Not to down grade anybody that bowled well because the better bowlers step up but when you go from indy where the leader is around +100 to having to be +100 when match play starts there is a difference.  I would of liked to seen mushtare in indy where it took good consistent shots and alot more then a wall baby mentality but that is my 2 cents
Mike Dole
 LU 06-07


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2006, 08:18:30 PM »
I could compare him to Lindy Miller, or John Stark but that would leave you lost!
Again...professional or amateur. For a while Tiger Woods failed miserably compared to some other amateur phenom predecessors who had tried the pro tour and done admirably.  It was for him...the next step up!

Robert Mushtare struggled mightily in the next step up.  Amateur or professional..with only 29 guys plus...the shot had to be hard for someone there!

I am making no prediction where I think he will go ultimately...except he like other 800 shooters who struggle on sport patterns will probably get better with experience, drilling knowledge and persistency!  



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana