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Author Topic: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!  (Read 11019 times)


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Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« on: July 27, 2006, 04:15:55 PM »
Just want to know whose going to watch this pathetic show of mushtare on sunday and im just wondering what they are going to show considering he didnt do anything anyone interested??



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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2006, 09:56:38 PM »
LuckyLefty, who else would defend the guy 24/7? Who would reply with such long paragraphs of bullshiat like you do? Who would waste their good old time anywhere else in the world, to defend some cheat? I do not get why you are wasting so much time comparing him to other athletes that would kill him in talent.

LuckyLefty - you have to be a disguise of Robert Mushtare for all the shi-t you defend him for.
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2006, 11:46:58 PM »
What most people dont understand about jr gold is that while it is a true testiment of how good bowlers are, its also about how hot that bowler is at the current time.  Take a guy like Jesse Buss... GREAT bowler, made his way through the field and got picked for the team, as did Ronnie Sparks Jr. Now while i would assume those two to make a run to the top 16, you cant ever just expect someone to be there, you have to be 100% on top of your game to reach that level.  I know kids who finished ahead of me this year that couldnt find a pot to sh*t in if their life depended on it, why you may ask?  Because for one or two days, they got hot/lucky and made a run. You cant say "this person is clearly better than this person based on this years junior gold" because it just doesnt work that way.  Bolo, IMHO, you're one of the best out there and you didnt make it into the top 16 this year. But i wouldnt say that someone like Kyle Paxson is better than you because of that. Its all about who catches the breaks.

As for the Robby revs television event of the summer, or so it seems, i'm going to choose to not be a participant of the debacle that ESPN is likely to make of it.  ESPN has never shown bowling in even a remotely respectable fashion (IE, bowling with the stars-esque show last year).  They just think its a joke and not a reputable sport, so why watch them make a debauchery out of it?  Not to mention, i'd rather watch an "outside the lines" on a bowler who actually deserves to be on there. Whether he shot two 900's or not, whether they were true 900's or not, and whether he made cut or not at junior gold this year is irrelavant to the situation. Why not put some of the nations BEST youth bowlers on there. I'm sure guys like Bolo, OG, Ronnie Sparks, and the boys from PA would be more than willing to give some advice on the game.  And at least coming from them, you might learn something about the game we all have come to love.

TGP, Bolo, and a select others, i await to hear your responses to this.

P.S.  My name is Brandon Tarabek and i'm from Grand Rapids, MI... i hate how people hide behind user names to avoid criticism.
I Bowl to win...

Edited on 7/29/2006 11:43 PM


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2006, 01:48:50 AM »
I think what upsets most people about this whole thing is the credibility of Mushy. If he had been a well known bowler either from JBT or around his area and had shot the 900s it probably would be believable. This is not the case, however, his average in JBTs is under 190 and I don't think they bowl JBTs on Sport shots all the time.

This guy has only one place where he claims to have bowled high scores. If he had bowled several leagues in his area and averaged 240+ in all of them, that would be something, but once again he ONLY has scores out of his home house.

They way he showed up out of virtually nowhere with 3 900s is the reason no one believes any of it.

PS - Using the Tiger analogy is not acceptable. Tiger has been a golf prodigy since he was a little kid, appearing on talk shows and winning at every level of competition. If this guy was as good as he and his daddy think he is, he would have done SOMETHING, ANYTHING before now.
Jon Brandon
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2006, 07:54:34 AM »
I'm gonna wait until I see the segment before I form an opinion on it.  The bottom line is that if bowling is presented in a positive light, then the show is good for the sport, regardless of the subject.  If the show chooses to portray the sport in a negative light, then maybe it was best left undone.  

Would a piece on Junior Gold, and its success stories be nice?  Absolutly.  JG is the biggest, and more than likely most prestigious jr. tournament in the country.  I would love to see it covered better by newspapers/TV.  I think the TV deal for the Teen Masters here in a couple of weeks is a HUGE step in the right direction for bowling as a whole...and would love to eventually see that sort of thing for junior gold as well.  

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2006, 09:01:10 AM »
129,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ..... dad says skip the polygraph hmmm.....the odds are against him its obvious look at what tim mack said he bowled there mushtare is rediculous!!!!


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2006, 09:05:43 AM »
The only reason it couldnt get denied is because it couldnt be proven and if they would of denied him they would of been sued he cheated and got away with it!!! Congrats for ruining bowling Robert!!


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2006, 09:08:26 AM »
I wonder why ESPN did not interview any witnesses?


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2006, 09:09:02 AM »
Haha couldnt find any!!!


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2006, 09:21:03 AM »
Watched the show.  Nuff Said.
- DP3
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2006, 10:36:21 AM »
I have heard a lot about Steve Black and his "difficult" attitude. I've seen him bowl on several occasions and was behind him when he shot 136 in the last game of JG semifinals which was obviously gut wrenching for him. BUT! Give much credit where credit is due. This kid stood up on National TV and told it like it is. Unlike all of this other BS to say the politically correct thing, he had the balls to say the right thing and more importantly, ESPN had the great sense to use the tape. My respect for him has increased immensely. Steve, I do not know you personally, but thank you from all the millions of bowlers for having the courage and guts to speak out in that forum.


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2006, 12:04:53 PM »
   Now that your boy Musthare isn't bowling Tim Mack, your bet is a push and you have little left in your arsenal. Tim Mack when asked directly if Musthare did it, he said "No."  He bowled with him, he has won titles and shot 300's on every contintent except Antartica, I believe. Are you still going to claim that you know him better? Musthare was willing to take a polygraph test, yet his father says no. Why? "He has nothing to gain and everything to lose", the only thing he can lose is if he lied. Not a very convincing statement. And lastly, the statement of the year - " I know I did it and I don't need 100 witnesses to prove it." This is the exact issue, he knows it, and he makes a comment like that. That is egotistical, self-centered, and totally tasteless to say that on front of the world. If you had any doubts of the validity of these scores, this did nothing to remove them and did more to add to the doubts. I can't wait to see how you defend him now.

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2006, 12:42:38 PM »
For the final time lefty. Tiger did his accomplishments in front of people at the SCHEDULED TIME! Mushtare did his in a prebowl with no witnesses and no compitition.

But then again, Tiger hasn't been taught to anticipate hitting a shot in the rough and adjust prior to swinging...but on the other hand, mustard knows he would leave a 10 pin prior to throwing the ball and can adjust.  You just can't compete with the supernatural abilities .

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2006, 12:55:30 PM »
Lucky let me get this straight you think a lot of these kids are better than the pro's or as good as they are now surely you don't mean that . Maybe I just misunderstood what you said. You're certainly have the right to your own opinion regardless of how wrong it is no way are any of them ready for the pro's at this stage in their game not even remotely
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2006, 01:15:56 PM »
Steven Black is from Pheonix, AZ and i bowl with him all the time. does anybody know what he said on the show???


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2006, 01:39:14 PM »
Just for the record the reason Steven shot such crappy games the last whatever they were was because the guy who drills his balls screwed him and his pitch was off an 1/8 of an inch to the left and his hand was torn and pretty disgusting, if you have watched him you know he is capable of much better, there must have been something wrong there. And as for the show Steven said that Mushtare didn't do it, he is a fake and he lied. And they came back with, well they had the print outs and Steven said, yes but it's a computer, a computer can be cheated with technology now a days. And that was about that Both airings of the show will have the same thing it's just later for lazy bums that don't want to get up at the butt-crack of dawn