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Author Topic: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!  (Read 11036 times)


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Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« on: July 27, 2006, 04:15:55 PM »
Just want to know whose going to watch this pathetic show of mushtare on sunday and im just wondering what they are going to show considering he didnt do anything anyone interested??


leftehh- LG

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2006, 02:29:56 PM »
Mush-TARES up the lanes!
Andy "LG" Reynoso
"Bowl to win"


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2006, 05:21:56 PM »
What would be even better would be to have his FATHER take one also.

I thought I read or heard somewhere that his father was not present at any of the 900's?

and Robert's mother stated it was because of the color of their skin.  


I still would like to see some statements from impartial witnesses on these 900's, even the practise ones.  With five, you would think there would be some.


I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #48 on: July 30, 2006, 06:07:14 PM »
of course his father wasnt present... its tough to coach your kid on from behind/above the pin deck
I Bowl to win...


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2006, 06:48:01 PM »
I taped the show this morning, I hope, so I haven't seen it yet.  I've said before that I don't believe him.  However, all you pathetic people need to stop worrying about him, especially whether he can pass a polygraph.  They aren't even admissible in court, so they aren't perfect science.  The main reason is that your opinion wouldn't change no matter what evidence, short of a security cam that captured every shot of at least one 900.  Heting Mushtare is just short of becoming a cult/religion.  Your beliefs about him won't change no matter what evidence is provided.
Telling it like it is.

iron chariots 02

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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2006, 07:04:41 PM »
does anyone know if he has shot any 300 games during league play?

it would very suspect if someone who claims to have bowled five
900 series has only one or two 300 games while he had everyone
watching him during a normal league setting. what are the odds that
if you start of with a 300 game that you are more likely to bowl two
more than not?

the ball companies usually jump at the chance to place an ad with someone
who shot a legit 900 series with their ball but i can't recall seeing one
with mushtare in it, much less two. i wonder why...........

his father looks like a bigger fool than mushtare because during the
interview he said that he told his son how this would look to everyone
else but he went through the trouble to threaten a lawsuit aganst the
usbc. if i had a chance to take a lie detector test on national tv to
clear my name i would jump at the chance just to make everyone who
called me a liar eat crow but if i knew that I had lied........

i throw both of them in the same pile of trash that barry bonds
and mark magwire are in. i guess when you don't try to make up rules
covering every possible scenario because you expect people to have
some integrity. if mushtare had any decency he would give back any
awards that he got from this and just quietly fade away.

i'm pretty sure mushtare and his father didn't count on this getting
this much attention in the beginning. this kind of reminds me of the
lady who found a severed finger in her chili but was later convicted
of fraud for putting planting it in the bowl of chili.

one final thought...... maybe he bowls in a nine pin no tap league.


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2006, 07:08:39 PM »
Mustare would beat most of the guys on here that slag him off .. id pay money to see that on ESPN. lol
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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2006, 09:33:27 PM »
Hello All...  I viewed a tape of Outside the Lines when I got back from Germany this evening.  I found the segment to be quite intriguing, let alone dissatisfying.  The amount of negativity that was featured on the broadcast was disheartening to me.  I believe ESPN had an agenda, which was to only broadcast negative comments towards Robert Mushtare.  I know a few people including myself who were interviewed and were positive about our sport and his accomplishments.  Yet in todays world, when are the good things ever heard??????  

I would like for good things to come from the show, but with all the televised negativity from  fellow junior bowlers, how can anyone look at bowling and gain respect for it????  This show means a bit more than proving if Mushtare rolled the 900s.  It was the groundwork of advancement for bowling becoming a bigger sport.  

Please keep the hatred to a minimum.

Matthew O'Grady
Jr. Team USA 2006/2007
William Paterson University


David Knight Sr. @ Joe's Pro Shop 7550 City AVe. Philadelphia, PA  
Ebonite, Hammer, and RotoGrip baby!

Edited on 7/31/2006 5:18 AM

Edited on 7/31/2006 5:25 AM


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2006, 10:11:27 PM »
First of all...I'd like to commend Matthew O'Grady...he
and I had discussed this issue in the past(after the first one and the single practice one)  the posts are here to see.

He has again made some very mature comments and with his stature and championships recently as a bowler...he frankly doesn't have to be.  I commend him as a champion and class individual.  Something that unfortunately does not apply to some of the other posters here!

I saw the segment on outside the lines and thought I'd spend a day with the family bowling and visiting friends and thinking about the short piece the facts presented and the balance of the piece.

I am not Robert Mushtare...I've put a post maybe here or somewhere else where I talk about the difference between being a tournament champion and the different set of abilities of the record setter.  I know of this because I pursued a course of seeking records as a young adult in golf while playing moderate level courses while not really being capable of advancing to a successful professional level of play.   (I couldn't grind it out on tough courses but I could rip the guts out of more moderate condition).

I understand both sets of abilities and admire the DIFFERENT set of skills that allow one to achieve in either arena!  I'm a big fan of anyone who breaks records or wins championships!  I understand the disappointment of others that these events were not witnessed in completion by a large crowd.

ONe was accompanied by a friend(the 3rd and 2nd sanctioned one).  One was partially witnessed by a Colonel from the Fort Drum base(2nd and first sanctioned)  And I'm not sure if the first one was witnessed.

As to other 300s and 800s if I have heard it right....Robert Mushtare had an 859 sometime slightly before this set of 900s in regular league and maybe 5 800s lower than the same house.  If I heard it right he had 10 300s all starting in the past year (also the 800s)before this streak of 900s.

I will not be able to finish this tonight...but the piece was more balanced than I expected...I did not interpert Tim Mack's statements referred to above as being as negative as related above.  I may listen to the tape again.

One thing I want to put out there is the statistic.

129, 26 -0s' to 1 against bowling even a SINGLE 900(was stated).
!!!  THis is a fascinating statistic and I'd like the assembled group here to think what this is.

I think I know what it is. but.

Is it based on the percentage strike ratio of the general bowling population times 36 times in a row?
IS it based on the percentatge strike ratio of 200 average bowlers times 36 in a row.
Is it based on the percentage strike ratio of 230 average MALE bowlers times 36 in a row occurrences?
Is it based on a 250 average bowler bowling on his home house with no other lane play strike ratio times 36 occurrences in a row?

What does it mean to YOU.  And based on this fantastic statistic...realize that it means that ALL 900s before Robert Mushtare are statistically improbable and maybe one won't happen for at least another 3,000,000 years of bowling!

I'll finish tomorrow.  Hope that doesn't offend you Machine 1.  I have my own business and yes...sometimes I do what I want!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #54 on: July 31, 2006, 02:56:30 AM »
Has anybody found the show online yet? or uploaded it? I had set my VCR player to record it this morning and it decided not to work. Then it was supposed to be on tonight at 11...but racing was on instead.
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #55 on: July 31, 2006, 04:18:40 AM »
You have guidelines on what you can and cannot say... You're not the only one I see that has done a 360 on their opinions after they have made Team USA or Jr Team USA.

Don't you mean a 180?  360 would mean they still have the same opinions...
- Richard (Ricky) Brown

When do I get a nickname?


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2006, 07:31:58 AM »
ONe was accompanied by a friend(the 3rd and 2nd sanctioned one).  One was partially witnessed by a Colonel from the Fort Drum base(2nd and first sanctioned)  And I'm not sure if the first one was witnessed.

Lefty, these people only sw part of the series, not the whole series. So they cannot attest that he actually rolled 900, maybe a 300 yes, but not a 900.

One thing I want to put out there is the statistic.

129, 26 -0s' to 1 against bowling even a SINGLE 900(was stated).
!!!  THis is a fascinating statistic and I'd like the assembled group here to think what this is.

I think I know what it is. but.

Is it based on the percentage strike ratio of the general bowling population times 36 times in a row?
IS it based on the percentatge strike ratio of 200 average bowlers times 36 in a row.
Is it based on the percentage strike ratio of 230 average MALE bowlers times 36 in a row occurrences?
Is it based on a 250 average bowler bowling on his home house with no other lane play strike ratio times 36 occurrences in a row?

What does it mean to YOU.  And based on this fantastic statistic...realize that it means that ALL 900s before Robert Mushtare are statistically improbable and maybe one won't happen for at least another 3,000,000 years of bowling!

Lefty, please rewatch the tape. That statistic for rolling 2 900 series, not one. So you point is flawed, as usual. I knew that the Musthare* supports would take the statistic and claim it was fake. The editor of Bowler's Journal came up with it, a credible magazine. They have no stake in this one way or the other. The only issue is the number of zeros, they said 26, but it has to be 24 or 27. Even if 24 still an outrageous number. And that's just for 2, Robert is claiming 5, I bet no calculator in the world has enough zeros to hold the odds for that. I can't wait unitl lunch so I can see the rest of your post. Still trying to defend him after that show, what a shame. I am glad you must make better business decisions or you won't be in business for long.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #57 on: July 31, 2006, 10:11:08 AM »
I will reply after a little time with my excel spreadsheet later today or tomorrow.

The 3rd one was shot to my understanding completely while with Jamie Grimm bowling beside during prebowling.

Jorge...I'm surprised but not surprised that you a statistics expert would accept these numbers...without thinking about or challenging the assumptions behind them.  (Scratch consecutive comment..thinking 30 years back to statistics....hmmmm)

Who's strike ratio were they using...anyone have the assumptions used in the bowling journal article?  


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/31/2006 10:12 AM

Edited on 7/31/2006 10:37 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #58 on: July 31, 2006, 02:40:22 PM »
Good Job Steven.  I also believe he changed the scores.  I really don't know what to think about this kid.

I believe the kid might or might not have shot only one 900, no more than that.  If he did really shoot his 900, it was denied because of a sanctioning problem.  So they say at USBC. I wasn't there.

Being a kid, shooting an honor score and it don't count, would get any kid upset.  I would be!!  So the kid and his family figured a way for him to shoot another one or two on paper so he can get his award.  I saw the scorers on the ESPN interview and those are very easy to change.  I've done that a few times and had 11 strikes on the scorer and called some people over and I shot the 12th and they were cheering me on thinking I shot a 300.  I'll admit there were a couple of times it was a 298 or 299, but they still cheered me on.  They didn't pay any attention to me changing the scores.  They actually believed I did it.  But in reality, it was more like a 222.   I'll have to do that one day and post on-line for all to see.

If he really shot the 1st one, I'd be jumping all over USBC saying the "Sanction was in the Mail."   "I mailed it on time!!"  Then try to fight with USBC and the USPO service to get that one over turned.  


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #59 on: July 31, 2006, 02:59:50 PM »
I will reply after a little time with my excel spreadsheet later today or tomorrow.

The 3rd one was shot to my understanding completely while with Jamie Grimm bowling beside during prebowling.

Jorge...I'm surprised but not surprised that you a statistics expert would accept these numbers...without thinking about or challenging the assumptions behind them.  (Scratch consecutive comment..thinking 30 years back to statistics....hmmmm)

Who's strike ratio were they using...anyone have the assumptions used in the bowling journal article?  


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/31/2006 10:12 AM

Edited on 7/31/2006 10:37 AM

You are correct, Jaime Grimm bowled with him for the last one and amazingly, shot his first ever 300 that set too. No one is claiming Jaime wasn't there. What I am saying is Jaime is not an unbiased witnesses. He is his friend and also has a stake in if they were doing something not on the up and up with his own 300. So his testimony alone is not enough evidence that this was done. That would be like asking the guy that drove the getaway car if he saw the robber coming out of the bank.

You are correct, i don't know the assumptions. But using my own and the published ratio of 131,000:1 of rolling a 300 game, my answer for 2 900 series was something like 500 and 27 zeros. And that was just using simple multiplication. So I would assume their is more accurate version of mine.

Now I really can't wait to see what excuse you come up with for him, getting out the spreadsheets and all.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Mushtare on ESPN Sunday Morning!!
« Reply #60 on: July 31, 2006, 06:10:31 PM »
Everything having to do with Mushtare and USBC is a joke!! Outside the Lines didnt spin it any other way just like with the Mcgwire piece before Mushtare!! Mushtare made himself look bad!! Tim Mack was honest with what he said and Steven Black was just repeating everything all of us have been talking about and i commend him on that as well!! WHY WERENT ANY WITNESSES PUT ON ESPN!!  Im guessing they couldnt find any!! No proof he did do it and no proof he didnt but all statistics and everything surrounding Mushtare points to no im sorry!!