Hello All... I viewed a tape of Outside the Lines when I got back from Germany this evening. I found the segment to be quite intriguing, let alone dissatisfying. The amount of negativity that was featured on the broadcast was disheartening to me. I believe ESPN had an agenda, which was to only broadcast negative comments towards Robert Mushtare. I know a few people including myself who were interviewed and were positive about our sport and his accomplishments. Yet in todays world, when are the good things ever heard?

I would like for good things to come from the show, but with all the televised negativity from fellow junior bowlers, how can anyone look at bowling and gain respect for it?

This show means a bit more than proving if Mushtare rolled the 900s. It was the groundwork of advancement for bowling becoming a bigger sport.
Please keep the hatred to a minimum.
Matthew O'Grady
Jr. Team USA 2006/2007
William Paterson University
David Knight Sr. @ Joe's Pro Shop 7550 City AVe. Philadelphia, PA
Ebonite, Hammer, and RotoGrip baby!
www.bowlersunited.com/www.Buddiesproshop.com/Edited on 7/31/2006 5:18 AM
Edited on 7/31/2006 5:25 AM