All ir says now:
Mushtare is a cheat - did not even come close to hitting them
USBC is just a blow hard - accepting two 900's when no evidence he did it, or no evidence he didn't. Why don't we all just get our own bowling alley, and have our dad put our scores on there for us!
USBC made theirselves look totallY stupid before JOG, interviewing Mushtare. And then when he failed to get in the cut, his name totally vanished.
ÈĻ Arsen

Track Mean Machine (Heavy)
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb (Med-Heavy)
Track Machine (Medium)
Brunswick Original Inferno (Light-Med)
Track Desert Heat (Light)
Brunswick Ambush (Spare)
I throw it all, just give me a ball, I'll throw it. =]