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Author Topic: NeJST Winter Break Scholarship Tournament  (Read 1582 times)


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NeJST Winter Break Scholarship Tournament
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:58:59 AM »
AMF Silver Lanes
748 Silver Lane, E. Hartford, CT

Saturday, December 27th: Squads 11 AM, 3 PM, & 7:30 PM - All entrants bowl a 6 game block across 12 lanes. The high qualifier in each division in each squad and the next five highest qualifiers in each division from all squads combined advance to Sunday’s match play.
Sunday, December 28th:  11 AM – Match play will consist of eight head-to-head matches. Winners of matches will receive 30 bonus points. In case of a tie, each bowler will receive 15 bonus points. Losers receive no bonus points. The top four bowlers in each division at the end of the eight matches will advance to the stepladder finals to determine the champion.    
Previous day’s scores do not carry forward.

1. However, all USBC 2008-09 playing and tournament rules are in effect unless otherwise listed in these rules.

2. Any person aged 21 and under as of 8/1/08 who has NEVER bowled in any competition where cash is offered as a prize may enter.

3. The tournament is scratch singles (no handicap). Re-entries allowed.

4. Three Divisions: Preps (ages 11 and under), Juniors (ages 12-15), and Open (ages 16 – 21)

5. DRESS CODE: No hats.  Proper bowling shirts and pants/skirts are required. No jeans. The Tour Director reserves the right to require entrants to correct any offensive or improper attire before continuing participation.

6. HIGH SCORE AWARDS: As the tournament is not USBC certified, only NeJST members will be eligible for high score awards.

7. ENTRY FEES:  $35  -  Expenses/Awards  $5, Lineage $18, Scholarships $12. Re-entries will be $30

Entry fees are due by December 20, 2008. Late entries postmarked, or paid, after that date will be $45. Mail to NeJST c/o Kathi McCaw, 116 Sidney Ave, West Hartford, CT 06110.

8. OTHER OPTIONAL FEES:  $5 for scholarship brackets each day. $3 for mystery score game each day. $5 for shoot-out Sunday only.

9. Scholarship fees are returned 100%. Awarded in 2007 per division: $250 for first, $125 for second, $75 for third, and $50 for fourth. Scholarship amounts listed are estimates until posted at the Tournament

<font face=''Script MT Bold''>Kathi McCaw</font id=''Script MT Bold''>

Edited on 12/5/2008 4:00 PM

Edited on 12/6/2008 7:53 AM