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Author Topic: New Topic concerning all of you.....  (Read 1182 times)


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New Topic concerning all of you.....
« on: April 19, 2006, 11:38:04 AM »
Each and Every Junior bowler will be affected by a new "USBC Law" proposed to be instated Augest 1st, 2006.  I have posted the topic under the General Tab, Miscellaneous Folder in order to gain exposure to the topic.  Since the Youth Bowling folder is only frequently viewed by us youths, we need parental guidance on this issue haha.  

Please feel free to post your comments on the topic, dont hesitate to speak your minds.  This is your scholarship money and your future awards.
OG  all your bowling needs at an affordable cost....offering frequent package discounts and specials on balls, shoes, and accessories.

Good Luck to Bill O'Neill on Tour this year.



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Re: New Topic concerning all of you.....
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 02:42:38 PM »
Look at how many changes have been made in the past 3 months at USBC.  I am a democrat and consider myself a Liberal person, but most of these changes are DRASTIC.  Now the USBC Open Championships, only to be conducted for a week after Junior Gold...I thought the merge of the Scratch Pepsi Division into Junior Gold was to eliminate excess room and board and being away from home for another week.  Yet again another skeem to take in the American Greenback.

I can not see the logistics behind all of the recent actions by the USBC.  Daniel Farish started a topic on that was quite interesting to if you all have time visit the opinions page of the never updated

Theo, God Bless me for being elderly and going up at the end of the summer.  I can not wait any longer until Augest rolls around......

NEXT Tournament--North East Xtravaganza Tournament  Memorial DAy weekend --

David Knight Sr. @ Joe's Pro Shop 3880 City AVe. Philadelphia, PA  -excellant proshop-
Ebonite, Hammer, and RotoGrip baby!  all your bowling needs at an affordable cost....offering frequent package discounts and specials on balls, shoes, and accessories.


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Re: New Topic concerning all of you.....
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 10:55:17 PM »
Well, as dumb as SMART can be, and has been...I think there is actually one possitive about this. I know for me and pretty sure all the juniors on here that have made good amounts of scholarship, it is hard to keep track of all your money.  In my junior career have probably had money being held in 10 different places at the least, and it's hard to remember what is where, how much, and keep all on top of that. So atleast with one overall fund, it will all be in the same place
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: New Topic concerning all of you.....
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 12:01:21 AM »

Please go read the thread on teh misc. section, it should be required reading.

Specifically on this, if the only reason the new rules make any sense to anyone is to eliminate multiple statements... then, well... yikes.  

After a conference call with USBS and other Tour directors, I proposed a middle ground that I and hopefully most Tours could easily live with:

 Established USBC approved organizations may continue to not use SMART, but their scholarship statements must ALL use the same basic claiming guidelines.  As an easy example, almost every group had a different maximum age for claiming.  It would be easy to stanardize that at 21, 22, 23, whatever.  All the other differeing points could be easily simplified into a Uniform Claiming Policy.

With uniform scholarship rules, a bowler will at least know the rules are the same for claiming.  Perhaps uniform rules will satisfy the NCAA's requirements for NGB status.  A bowler would still have to keep track of his multiple statments..but if you're a traveling bowler and can't keep 5 or 10 pieces of paper in good order..... man, college is gonna be tough for you!!!

This would allow for the concerns over SMART's interest that folks like CHuck pose in the Misc. thread, yet adress the confusion bowlers feel over multiple statements.   It should also be pointed out that non-SMART organizations are not complete mavericks; they (we) must still provide our claiming rules to USBC for approval, and submit final scholarship statements of each event, etc.

It's obviously more complex than that, but that will do for a message board.

Now go read the other thread for some real fun, lol.
