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Author Topic: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour  (Read 7071 times)


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Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« on: August 18, 2013, 08:15:21 PM »
My son participated in his first tournament today through the PJBT.  He participated in the handicap division and placed 4th (~63 enter). Challenge pattern today (Los Angeles) which was also a first for him.

They do a great job at the PJBT.  Extremely well run. Obviously my son is very happy and excited. He can't wait for the next one now.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion



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Re: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 10:40:16 PM »
My cousin bowled in that. You couldn't miss him he had the bright orange and yellow Seismic jersey on. I know he made the first cut but missed the second. I think he was 12th. Heard there was 120 youth between handicap and scratch there. That's awesome to hear. Also was told the proshop wasn't open for the event. Huge lost opportunity if you ask me.
Jason Baer
Seismic Staff/Sales Rep


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Re: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 07:02:00 AM »
Yes over 120. 60+ in each division. They do an awesome job.

It's funny I thought the same thing about the proshop. My son and I went to the championship event they had at Limerick bowl and it was the same. Okay granted, it's in a Sunday, but when you have 120+ avid bowlers (plus parents and other family/friends) right outside your door with plenty of down time, don't you suck it up for a Sunday? What of somebody forgot something? Tape, rosin, towel. Lots of opportunity if you have an ounce of marketing savvy I would think. But maybe they opened in the past and realized these bowlers have all their stuff and they don't really get any business.

Still a great time though. Looking forward to the next one.

Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion


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Re: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 09:02:03 AM »
Does Matt still run the tournaments? I bowled them over a decade ago when he first started up, it is great to hear that they are still going strong. He has ventured into the adult tournament series, but hasn't found the recipe for success in that area yet.

As for the pro shop not being open; unfortunately that is par for the course these days. Centers (and owner/operators) just don't "feel" like going in on a day which is normally a day off. However, if you told me that I would have 100 or more people than average in my center, and they are bowling a tournament, you better believe I'd be there! Doors open, specials and "closeouts" in the front, sales sales sales! Any profit is better than no profit, and I guarantee that they lost money that day by not opening the doors.
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?


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Re: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 09:33:17 AM »
Does Matt still run the tournaments? I bowled them over a decade ago when he first started up, it is great to hear that they are still going strong. He has ventured into the adult tournament series, but hasn't found the recipe for success in that area yet.

As for the pro shop not being open; unfortunately that is par for the course these days. Centers (and owner/operators) just don't "feel" like going in on a day which is normally a day off. However, if you told me that I would have 100 or more people than average in my center, and they are bowling a tournament, you better believe I'd be there! Doors open, specials and "closeouts" in the front, sales sales sales! Any profit is better than no profit, and I guarantee that they lost money that day by not opening the doors.

Yes Matt and his partner Travis are running the show, but Matt's family seems fully involved. At the risk of being redundant I will say again that they do an awesome job.

Yes I saw the flyer that there is an adult tour as well, albeit much smaller. I'd look into it more if I was good enough. Not sure but I think it's scratch only. I'd need career days in order to compete, but I'm joining my first full season league this fall, so who knows.

They also do special events like adult/junior which does have a handicap division so I'm sure I will do that with my son.

And yes that was my thoughts on the shop as well. Specials...door busters...promotions....heck, raffle off a ball of choice. But who am I to say what other people should do. Their loss I would think.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion


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Re: Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tour
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 09:23:34 PM »
Second time's the charm. Bettered his inaugural performance by winning the handicap division in his second.  Was the 1 seed after going 2-1 in match. Played the 5 at the end of the step ladder. Not his best game but it was enough.

Looking forward to Parker Bohn's scholarship tournament next week.
Current bag:
DV8 Turmoil 2 Pearl
Radical Squatch hybrid
Motiv Forza GT
Hammer Black Widow Gold
DV8 Vandal
DV8 Creed Rebellion