General Category => Youth Bowling => Topic started by: OGrady on July 07, 2003, 05:58:23 AM
who are the top 6 that are gonna make team usa next week??
I'm not going to say I'm going to make the team but I have been working harder then ever. I will agree that O'Grady does have a good chance. Hopefully if I do what I did last year I also have a good chance. I'll garentee Doane makes the team, he is a great bowler under pressure. See you out there O'Grady, hopefully it aint like Teen Masters weather!
Edited on 7/7/2003 11:44 PM
my junior team.....
doane cole
steve black
dave osullivan could be close
ivan miyasato
ryan ciminelli will turn a few heads
brian crane
ive never seen pj haggerty twang, and maybe a few beasts will come out of the plain states and show sum talent...but it looks like most of the talent is comin from the coasts
yes sterner is awsome...on long patterns as me and black know hahaaha....but he went adult...i dont even think he is goin to college...prolly c him in the rollers and hoinke soon
Yeah, Prolly bowling on 1&2 right wonder why he likes that pair? lol.....
It was prolly SHOES!!!!!!!!!
Ciminelli is from my neck of the woods, and an emerging young talent. In a year or two watch out for Lindsey Baker (Tom's niece) and a High Schooler by the name of Westfield from western NY.
Best of Luck to all.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were
lol u been man...hows va treatin u.....thanx about the striking stuff....too bad sterner stoped both of us at teen masters....if he would have just picked another pair.....or at least picked the short shot instead of the wall he made on the long pattern....if i coulda just doubled in the tenth of the 3rd woulda been a different story
as for ciminelli...kid is definitly a real nice basic game and knows his limits..will rip it up, if not this year no doubt
Hundred bucks it was SHOES!!!!
From seeing these players bowl in college I think they are almost locks for the top 16. Most of these guys are from my area of the woods so I can't speak for the midwest and west coast guys since I haven't seen them in person.
Ian Deuchki, from PA(missed top 16 by a roll off last year, but he is the most consistant player I've ever seen, regardless of condition)
David O'Sullivan, from NY(He's at the top of his game right now, he's my pick to win it all, if not to come in the top 4)
Richard Fairley, from VA(Unorthodox style but he's showed that he can play sport conditions with an unmatched consistancy. He CRUSHES the longer, heavier sport patterns BTW and he's already on Team USA so the experience factor definately plays a role.)
Jerred Poff, from PA(This guy is the man! I'm not sure if he's going or not but he also had a great year collegiately bowling on various conditions and his drive and determination is amazing.)
David Woffington, from PA(One of the best spare shooters I've seen collegiately that doesn't get alot of recognition. He finished 12th last year and he's extremely accurate and seems to find a consistant line to the pocket no matter how hard the shot is.)
Matt O Grady definately has a solid power game btw and I think he can do big things out there. I only wish I had the money to get out there my last year of youth bowling but hey, when you have to pay college tuition and car payments it can be rough. Good luck to all qualifiers expecially the MD,VA,PA guys. You have alot of people rooting you on that couldn't make it out there this year.
Only person that's i'll say is a lock is Steven Black.
NO ONE is a lock, yea maybe they are the overall better bowlers, but they can have one bad squad or something happen or other bowlers have really good or lucky squads and barely hold them outta the first cut then top 16. Hell even Decker might make top 16, ok ok i was kidding myself, thats pushing it to far but for the majority of bowlers anything can happen
Hey everybody. I agree with Silencer, nobody is a shoe in. All you bowlers should know by now, anything can happen in bowling. Anybody can come out of no where and whoop on everyone. Like I have said before, we will see how it ends up. Good luck once again.
Represting the 909, this was B-Car.
I haven't made a rock solid prediction on who will make the team... but this person will win/make the team if they...
-hit the headpin with some decency 90% of the shots they make.
-make 95-100% of their Single Pin spares... better yet ALL spares.
-be willing enough to make adjustments maybe even after every frame or two because of the number of bowlers on each pair.
=be able to read a lane early ( that includes the oil length/shape, and condition of the lane surface) because of the fact that there's 10 minutes of practice... and there's probably going to be 8 players on a pair.
-Keeps their head into it, even though bad breaks/shots occur (IE- a clean, yet strikeless 185-190 game).
So that's the guy who's gonna win.
-Jeremy Vitug Burning Sensations Bowling Team
Nope, I'm not going, I woulda qualified at state tournament last year and a couple other places but I had no money to pay for all the travel and hotels and all that other good stuff that is needed, but I am probably going to be trying out this year for it, just gotta convince the parents, but I would have loved to make that bet, you should bet platinum bowler that, i bet he would take that bet, B-Car or many others, peace
soon2b AZ star no one, i don't care who you are can average 279 on ANY shot for any length of time. That said, i believe Matt OGrady has a shot if he keeps his head in the game. I've seen the kid bowl and when he's on look out. That said, i haven't seen any of the others you have mentioned bowl. And as previously stated, no one is a shoe in in bowling and we all know that. Good luck to everyone making the trip out there.
When all else fails, become a lefty
Mop is a funny guy.....I think what's even funnier is that the top guys and girls that make Jr Team USA almost always(well maybe a high percentage) make the Amatuer Team USA team as well. 2 Years ago Scott Norton who was a jr bowler at the time made Team USA as well as winning the top spot on Amatuer team USA. Since then former youth bowlers such as Andrew Cain, Sean Rash, Mike Remaklus, Anita Manns, and Shannon Puhlowsky have all made Amatuer Team USA as youth bowlers. But you would already know that since you are THE MAN

BTW, I just got confirmation from one of my best friends Nathan Bolden from Maryland that he is going. Be on the lookout, he's been practicing on various sport shots hours a day since last year's Junior Gold preparing for this tournament. He has the experience and physical game to get there as long as he doesn't fry out. Not alot of people have heard of him outside of the east coast but anyone who has bowled with him can certainly tell you that he is probaly the number 1 youth bowler in the Maryland area.
Edited on 7/10/2003 0:20 AM
Jeff Mop, 237.84 was the high sport shot average and it was shot by a guy named Jeff, but not Jeff Mop, and everyone calls you by Mop so that must be your real last name meaning that wasnt you averaging that. Also I believe wheter ir was you or whoever averaged 237 on the sport shot, like 15 pins higher then the next person in the country, that was not a real sport shot because there would not be that much difference otherwise you would be averaging like 290 on a regular shot and would be the best pro bowler in the world better the walter ray and everyone else, but whatever, talk your trash about junior team USA because your such a high class adult you come and make fun of juniors, wow your so not cool
Edited on 7/10/2003 5:04 AM
This guy mustn't have the slightest idea of who Jeff Piroozshad(sp?) is or the calibur of bowler that he is. This guy has credintials up the wazoo so he's entitled to his opinion just like everyone else is when they post their predictions.
Well Gold is in 4 days and I'd like to wish everyone the best of luck!
Steven Black
Visionary Bowling Products
Yo, Theo, we start bowling on Monday, so the site should be updated then. Good luck to everybody, and have a safe trip.
Representing the 909, this was B-Car.
As far as team usa goes, it is always hard to say who will make it consider the increase of difficuly over the last three years at jog. But I think a few people that stand a good chance of making the finals and possibly team usa are:
richard brown eric vermilyea
mike burgess billy duncan
ian johns jeffery mersch
ian duetchki steven black
doane cole steven novak
ivan miyasato pj haggerty
these are 12 guys that are tough as hell when it comes to our sprot and have the game to back it up. good luck to all see you tomorrow.
Hey Guys! I'm in St. Louis right now in the hotel room getting ready for the tournament, being board off my mind because the rest of my fellow southwestern bowlers don't arrive till tomorrow. And feeling half dead because i've gotten 8 whole hours of sleep in the last 3 days, so i'm probably just rambling.
I was wondering how many of you are already here? Ohh and my pick for the win has to be Steven Black by far.
Well after reading all of these replys to this post, I have a few things to say as well.
1. As long as I have known Steven Black, he is good, but you can't make him or anyone else a lock to win JOG.
2. Who makes the team, I wish I could post my team, but I have been out of the Jr. thing for way to long to even know anyones name anymore. But I do know about Doane Cole, Steven Black, Ivan Miyasato. So those could be 3 favorties to make the team.
3. Watch out for a kid named Kyle Wilke, he is from Las Vegas, Nevada. Pretty good bowler, he can play with the big boys as well.
4. Everyone have a safe trip to St. Louis, have a great time and enjoy every minute of it! Good Luck And Bowl Good!
George Palumbo
Wish the best of luck to all the cali bowlers, represent WC.