It may not be illegal (although I believe if it isn't it should be) - HOWEVER - folks - there really is such a thing as manners.
It would be considered poor form for me to drip my soda pop all over the approaches or settee area. Someone could get hurt!! Likewise - poor form to leave powder substances all over the approach or settee area - WHETHER YOU MEANT TO PUT THEM THERE OR NOT!!!
If someone on my pair of lanes is using the ez slide stuff, I first tell my team, then go tell the offending person the CORRECT way to use the stuff (away from the settee area, gently put a little on the shoe, then wipe it off in it's entirety). They usually go along with it. If not, every time they use it I take a towel and wipe up the floor where they've stood, walked, and bowled. Tends to slow things down - and they get the message pretty quickly.
Best justice I've ever seen -tried to talk to a guy on the other team in our mixed league. He got mad at me, and put it all over his shoe. Left white footprints behind. got up to bowl, slid, and went about 10 feet out on to the lane... He learned what I was trying to tell him first hand!!!
There's no point teaching bowling theory at a quilting circle.
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