Im just opening up this forum so youth bowlers across the US can place interact with each other and can maybe make some friends before even stepping into the bowling arena. This forum can also be used to answer any questions about nationals that you have.,. Your up there to have fun, your there for the experience and the challenge. We all have to bowl 18 games and its more fun when you know the people there. If you respond to this message please state your name, state, hotel, and any other info you want about you that you dont mind putting on the net. I hope this is a succesful forum and plan to meet up with other bowlers there. My name is Austin Otocki, im 16 years old, born on 4-20, im staying at the host hotel and bowling in the 9AM squad for the killer b promotions tourney the first weekend.,. ill be at the baseball game and hopefully find a putt putt golf tourney to enter. I play all sports, i am head of palm beach counties youth leaders program and a certified level 2 coach,., I plan to join UCF's bowling team in 2 years and will go to MIT after that. Please Respond Thank you
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