General Category => Youth Bowling => Topic started by: HamPster on October 27, 2003, 10:17:16 AM
Who here either knows him well or just knows him? I bowl with him, as in on his team on a Tuesday night scratch league. He shot 764 last week . .
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
ive bowled a few tourneys with him he is very good
ive bowled in a few tournies with him, the most recent was a couple years ago in vegas for the invitational, that is one funny guy to hang out with, i remember it was like 2 in the morning and some little kid told him off, that was funny, he is from so cal, great lefty, and he shot 764 though, okkkkk, whats so special about that though, he has plenty of honor scores
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
Rhino is tight as hell. We are friends, and still talk occasionally online. Its not the same in SoCal with not bowling against each other every other sunday since he left for kansas for school. Thats one funny dude. But anyways, 764? Dude, no offense, but get off his nutz.
Representing the 909, this was B-Car.
What's up with this guy????....(Not Rhino)
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!
Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
Edited on 10/28/2003 1:57 PM
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I know Rhino, he is a MAN BEAST!!!!!!!!!
Lol, you guys suck. The reason I mentioned his score is because number one, it's in the top 5 in that house so far this season, it's typical for lack of carry. Number two, exactly my point, he shoots stuff like this all the time. Shot 755 tonight. He has a bad night and still shoots 680. And for all the talk I've heard about him here and everywhere else, you're gonna try to dog me for talking about him? Crazy mofo's . .
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
yea because um we are always bragging when someone shoots a 750 series, um no, we all know what he can shoot and average, but seriously who cares if someone shoots a good series, what did you shoot, 530? lol. not to mention this is a junior board so if your not even a junior posting, atleast post about a junior, not another adult, peace
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
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DUH! Yes, 750 is an average night, that's my POINT!!! Who else shoots 750 and has an average night? I was making the POINT that this guy is freakin awesome, and that it's incredible to watch him bowl every week. People are always asking "Where did he come from?" and "Does he ever miss the pocket?" I'm not bragging about him being on my team, I'm more or less stating how priviledged I am to be able to watch and learn every week. And seeing as how he's on my team, I actually get to pay attention to his game every week. I'll mention you to him, if I decide to remember . .
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
Well, Rhino has 13 300's and 6 800's, and is currently averaging 234. Don't know what he'd be jealous about, unless you're taller than he is. I'll ask him and see what he says . . .
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
Yeah, I'm not ripping on you or anything. Unless of course I keep getting ripped on, then I'll have to lower myself to arguing with a bunch of youth bowlers. What happened after he left?
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
Talks more than any girl I know, but at least it's interesting most of the time. We're all gonna see him on the PBA one of these years too, can't hold that kind of talent down.
I'm BETTER than you because . .
1) I've met the DNL leprechaun
2) I get paid to watch tv.
3) My dad's friend's brother knows Chris Barnes' stepdad.
4) Kristi's my buuuuuddy
5) I get to witness a man with the speed and revs of Robert Smith combined with the accuracy of the guards in the lobby scene of the Matrix average 240
6) I can throw a better fit over nothing than you can.
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Whoa, sorry. I've got gay friends and gay relatives, and a lot of family that lives in Lawrence. Maybe I'll save my comments for those of them that like to sarcastically joke about it with me. I'm removing my previous posts, I'll shut up. No offense meant to anyone. Me and my family used to live in a trailer (years ago), does this mean I should get upset about all the white trash and trailer park jokes? It's an ongoing thing nightly, and I choose to go along with it because I know that's just what it is, a joke. Sorry Eric, sorry Rhino, sorry everyone else. It's all a joke, nothing more.
No further comments . .
I wouldn't even go to work today seeing as your boss pretty much hates your guts now! 

In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!
Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
Eric I think is the ball driller guy, thank you for finally setting hamster straight, he has bugged many of us on here in our junior forum, now he just got straight out told for everyone to read, lol
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
Actually everything seems to be kind of ok. Those guys stood up for their turf, I respect that. I've got a lot of gay friends that are always making jokes about Lawrence, I got the quote about Carnival from one of them. He says he likes going to clubs there because he's guaranteed at least a few dates every night. Everybody on this forum is always calling something or other gay, I guess I was the lucky on that got called on it. I don't see how anybody thought I was ripping on Rhino, I spent the first half of this post sticking up for him. I think I mentioned about 4 or 5 times how fortunate I am to be able to watch him bowl every week. Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I'm not gonna tuck my tail, and I'm not a homophobe, not even close. You may not believe me, but that's your problem. Apologies again to anybody I offended, it wasn't my intent. Gay guys have the right idea anyway, women are too much of a pain in the ass.
No further comments . .
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Well, if you don't take me seriously, why'd you pick out that one thing to keep harping on? I'm a little tentative when I don't know exactly what's supposed to be done with a ball (if he's had a customer come in and drop a ball off for something when I'm not there), and more often than not I'll either call and ask or just leave it off to the side until he gets there, but if I know what needs to be done, it'll get done. I space things every now and then, but who doesn't? He's not the perfect boss and I'm not the perfect employee, but it works most of the time. If you thought I was bragging because I do nothing but watch tv at work, you need to get a hobby. It's not a fast paced job by any means, but I work most of the time. I spend a lot of my time here when I'm not at work reading reviews and keeping up on the latest equipment news so that if someone comes in and asks about a ball I haven't thrown or seen someone throw, I can give them opinions of other people instead of generic chart ratings. It looks and sounds a lot better to customers when you have answers instead of telling them "I don't know."
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.
And like it doesn't get old seeing you guys all "representing" something and bragging all the time about who's going to whoop up on who at what tournament. If I'm not supposed to take that seriously, then apply your own "advice."
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.
rhino is the MAN in bowling. he taught me everything i kno bout bowling. he taught me how to throw the right way and how 2 settle down when i approach the line and 2 not use my arm 4 power but 2 let it swing on its own. so 4 all u non-believers out there give him a chance or back off. Rhino luv ya man ure like the big brother i always wanted.
nah i didnt mean it like that man. but there r a few guys that posted talkin crap bout him so wut r u talkin bout?
Amoeba, rock on . .
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.
It's been a while since I've bowled, due to getting hit by a car at 35 mph and basically quitting after, but after reading this post, I just wanted to post a bit about rhino. Knowing Rhino as well as I did, he is one of the nicest guys i know, we were pretty good pals before he went to KU. He is one of the most open minded people I ever met and a pretty good bowler. I personally am not sure why people would have a problem with him, I mean it's been a while since juniors, and my tenure with the CSYABA, but I don't think he has changed much. We still chat every so often when we both have time, and from what I hear, he is still ripping it up, where ever he goes. Not sure if this is juust a bit too much blabbering, but if you ever wanna bowl and have a good time, keep Rhino (Ryan) around, he'll guarantee to crack a joke and make your day just a bit better. Oh ya, and if you don't believe me, just ask anyone who was in the pool at state scratch in antioch. hahaha
Edited on 11/4/2003 0:56 AM
Oh yeah, he's definitely good for a lot of laughs. And a lot of strikes . .
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.
i think that Decker should seriously get a life cuz he duznt kno wut hes talkin bout and he sounds like an un-educated person who crawled outta sum god-forsaken place and is lost in this worl. so Decker unless u kno wut u r talkin bout dont say n e thing at all. earlier when i sed people need 2 stop harrassin rhino i meant every 1 including u buddy. so peace yo. o and by the way Hamster Revolutions u rok tha house man i luv tha chat. l8a
lol, god is this even the junior forum, we have more adults posting then juniors, why dont you guys all freaking cook rhino dinner also, yea hes a great bowler and a coo guy, but seriously you guys are all just going on and on stating the same facts over and over and arguing abotu a boss and his shop and employee, atleast take it to an adult post because this is nothing about juniors at all anymore, Oprah is still on basic tv, go there
p.s. does anyone know if P. diddy beat oprah's time in that NY marathon, haha
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310
And I apologized because it was in no way my intent to attack anyone. Like I said, I have gay friends who joke about Lawrence all the time. KU's a great school, did I ever say it wasn't? My mom went there, I have cousins, and friends, that all went or are currently going there. Everybody on this forum is always "This is GAY," or "So and so is GAY," and I get nailed for it? Lol, geez, gay guys are a RIOT. I used to work with one, and I still go back to see him every once and a while. We're talking about them like they're not even people, that's wrong. Besides, it'd be like attacking straight guys for liking women, it just happens. Either you're gay or straight, I'm missing the big deal. I just thought it was hilarious how my gay buddies always talk about Lawrence, that's all. Maybe I should have clarified it. Lol, now Rhino and Alan probably are ignoring this post and won't see this . . .
But hey, if anybody wants to dog Topeka, go right ahead, I'll help.
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
8) People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.
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yea leftside, I was kinda like what the, white trash ball driller, I didnt say anything bad about you, i was thanking you for standing up to hamster (meaning im on your side) you got my post mixed with leftside's
J Rad
Only Bowler ever representing the 310