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Author Topic: Update on Mush are Gold  (Read 14561 times)

Joe Jr

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Update on Mush are Gold
« on: July 10, 2006, 07:43:51 AM »
Not sure anyone cares but Jeff Mop is giving updates.


If you want to read an ACTUAL report, I'm sitting here at Boca Bowl where Mushtare is actually bowling his first round (no, he didn't prebowl). His first game started off with a strike, then he went Big 4, missed them all (one of the corners was out, so it was 7-), then he flagged the headpin left leaving the 1-3-6 and chopped the headpin clean off. At this point, he had 32 in the third. He did make a nice comeback, though, going triple, then spare strike spare strike the rest of the game for 191.

I didn't see most of the second game, but I did see a runaway brooklyn where he left a 5-pin. He also finished the game X 7/ S8- XXX for 200 on the dot. He is now -9 after 2.

The pattern in this center is a 35 foot pattern. The breakpoint is out near 5, so bowlers are either playing up the gutter or freewheeling it. Mushtare is freewheeling it, but the lanes will start carrying down soon, so he will get some push in the middle, but it might come at the expense of bringing the ball back from the outsides. We'll see what happens.

The kid actually doesn't throw the ball half bad. He definitely throws it better than on that video clip from the news report we all saw. Still, he grabs and hits up on the ball a TON. His accuracy needs lots of work as well, partly because of how much he grabs it at the bottom.

There is a news crew here following him around. Rumor has it it's ESPN, but it could be a local crew. I can't tell.

I will update as the squad goes on

- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

House shots are killing this sport.



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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #106 on: July 20, 2006, 08:32:03 AM »
Have you ever heard of the match where Ray Floyd the major winner went to Lee Trevino's course say circa 1966 or 1967 or so and RAy was known as one of the best money players in the world. Trevino won all the cash...Trevino was soon on tour! This is a modern day equivalent of that...of course we don't know the outcome yet! Though you do!

This has got to be the worst comparison I think I've ever seen. Mushtare is now Lee Trevino when Mushtare couldn't make the cut at JOG????  I guess we will see him on tour this year.  It was bad enough with all the comparisons to records shot by past athletic greats...those who are suppose to break records.  And these records were single time records...not and 5 in 5 months (or whatever time frame).  How many 59s does David Duval have? Anika?  How many times did Wilt score 100 points?  You're reasoning makes no sense.

And using a quote from a Team USA Jr coach?  What is he suppose to say "Well, I've seen Robert's game and he really doesn't have the game to shoot 900".

I've bowled against Mack in college before he became really good.  I've bowled against him since then and he can strike with best of them and he can also hit the more challenging shots.  I've bowled with arguably one of the best strike ball throwers ever, Robert Smith.  However, Robert has the game to strike, to make Team USA, and to win a US Open.  I could quickly name at least a dozen other guys that can average 260 when needed but also can hit the more difficult shots because they have game.  Obviously they didn't have the so called "open only" shot and struggled on tougher shots.  They aren't separate and to argue otherwise is insulting to those great players.

If RM shot 1 900 there would be no speculation.  There would be complaints about how easy the shot was and his performance at JOG wouldn't have been an issue.  But 5???


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #107 on: July 20, 2006, 09:53:06 AM »
Have you ever heard of the match where Ray Floyd the major winner went to Lee Trevino's course say circa 1966 or 1967 or so and RAy was known as one of the best money players in the world. Trevino won all the cash...Trevino was soon on tour! This is a modern day equivalent of that...of course we don't know the outcome yet! Though you do!

This has got to be the worst comparison I think I've ever seen. Mushtare is now Lee Trevino when Mushtare couldn't make the cut at JOG????  I guess we will see him on tour this year.  It was bad enough with all the comparisons to records shot by past athletic greats...those who are suppose to break records.  And these records were single time records...not and 5 in 5 months (or whatever time frame).  How many 59s does David Duval have? Anika?  How many times did Wilt score 100 points?  You're reasoning makes no sense.

And using a quote from a Team USA Jr coach?  What is he suppose to say "Well, I've seen Robert's game and he really doesn't have the game to shoot 900".

I've bowled against Mack in college before he became really good.  I've bowled against him since then and he can strike with best of them and he can also hit the more challenging shots.  I've bowled with arguably one of the best strike ball throwers ever, Robert Smith.  However, Robert has the game to strike, to make Team USA, and to win a US Open.  I could quickly name at least a dozen other guys that can average 260 when needed but also can hit the more difficult shots because they have game.  Obviously they didn't have the so called "open only" shot and struggled on tougher shots.  They aren't separate and to argue otherwise is insulting to those great players.

If RM shot 1 900 there would be no speculation.  There would be complaints about how easy the shot was and his performance at JOG wouldn't have been an issue.  But 5???

Hear Hear!!! Another who sees through the idiocy of Lefty's arguements.

Where did you go to school Achappy? Is this by chance Anthony Chapman from Maryland? If so, you might remember Jorge from Penn State.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #108 on: July 20, 2006, 10:32:39 AM »
Where did you go to school Achappy? Is this by chance Anthony Chapman from Maryland? If so, you might remember Jorge from Penn State.

What's up Jorge!  That be me!  Of course I remember you.


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #109 on: July 20, 2006, 10:47:52 AM »
It generates MORE excitement because it will be filmed!

At the time Lee Trevino was not THE Lee Trevino, he was an unknown teaching pro slicer from Texas with a very very unusual swing that would have received from the ballreviews crew a ton of boos! if he had been a bowler.  It is still an action one has copied!

We already know Robert Mushtare is not a well rounded bowler!

Anyone who thought he would go on a sport shot tournament and win it in advance or expect him to win...that is a joke!  He went thinking maybe he could average 200...but he made the statement he was there to learn!  Me I am a different person and would have made sure I was as fully prepared as possible...he on the other hand charged forward with basically little preparation!

REgarding 59s on the protour...those are under difficult conditions.  I'm sure David Duvall has others or could have others on easier conditions.

Regarding Annika...she is a proponent of Vision 54!  The idea that a perfect round of golf birdies all 18 holes!  She and they spend time focusing and concentrating on this goal!

However the environment that in general produces 900s I'm quite sure is usually not the toughest shot one can imagine!

I understand that if he only had one...or had three 890 series he would be everyones friend.  That is why I put the statement I did...he should have corrected last ball in his second one and put 0!  890!  His third one he should have corrected and put a 1 in last frame!

Then everyone would feel sorry for him!

Again...the reason Rod Ross IS biased?  (Not whether he is or not...but why...what benefit to him?)

Again...we have statements from those involved in college bowling above.
Jorge, ACchappy and DP3.  Not surprising at all.  My observation is that the complete organization and thinking of the participants is a group thing and very impressed with name recognition and ranking of tough shot performance as the primary indicator of performance!  

Analgous thinking in golf would be that only US open play counts!

Thankfully I am an outsider.  A guy who picked up a bowling ball for the second time in my life in my 40s with my non injured hand.  I immediately sensed a lot of thing about bowlers different from golfers.  Tremendous name recognition and deference.  He's got a name...I must roll over!  Tremendous resignation of righties to lefties!

Fortunately I stumbled into a house where for whatever reason there were greats there but to me they were just my friends and acquaintances and needling buddies.  Dave Davis, Steve Wilson, Dennis Psarapoulous, occassionally Marcia Kamrowski would come in from the ladies tour and occassionally Patrick Allen would come in and throw before he was Patrick Allen!

All were better than me!  But they showed me some things.  Some were my friends, some acquaintances some hecklers(maybe they helped the most)  And I realized they were human.  Some had favorite lines...some liked dry...some could really soar on their great days others were consistent...some could really kill oil...some had killer strike balls some had consistent strike balls.

They took a lot of my money...a couple of bucks at a time!  But all of a sudden once in a while the old crippled fox had a little money handed to him!  Sometimes if I won they'd all quit!  Lefty condition...he's lucky hmmmmm!

Soon I realized the pins didn't know if it was me or Dave Davis knocking em down...they only knew one thing....physics.  Soon I realized that just like golfers I had played with...many other mortals(not the group above)did not like the lead...loose armswing then "I'm in the lead...bam"...TIGHTIE!

I am no different than others!  But I decided I would change!

The point being...if one has the attitude expressed above.  

"Tim Mack versus Mustare"...Mack will kill em!  He's bowled all over the world I would be a victim too!  Take down! Instead in my mind to those pins know...only one thing...whether my ball is rolling right or not!  

Otherwise the attitude expressed above...sounds to me like unconditional surrender!

Robert Mushtare has some very nice physics in his ball roll and some great biomechanics goin on in his let go!  There are many others I'm aware of that!
Jimmy Keeth was on my league team for most of a doesn't get much better than that.

Whether they become great bowlers or not is a matter of attitude, experience, adjustment to changing conditions etc.

I'm a great admirer of physics!  Not name recognition!


PS immediately I will be jumped on for name dropping but my point is this...
Until one decides that on their day they can hang with ANYONE for a short time...surrender is at hand!  If Robert Mushtare thinks like that..(I don't think he does) he has lost, we don't even have to have the match with Tim MAck!
Anyway it is a waste of time as there are only the ways listed above for Jorge300 to believe Mushtares feats per off the match...worthless! of the greatest qualities of champions versus non champions I've observed in any sport...I believe the champions are IRRATIONAL in their belief in themselves...their expectations are above their statistical average and reality.  Often they perform above their average performance at the end of the game...the end of the match etc.  The guy who falls off however as he approaches the 8th frame or the 16th hole with the lead says...."I'm way above my average...I can't keep doing this well!"  The only way anyone can shoot a 900 is with this same....IRRATIONAL thinking!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #110 on: July 20, 2006, 11:54:33 AM »
     How about giving us tonight winning lottery numbers for a few states? Since you seem to have some powers to see into others minds and stuff. You just know what Musthare* has going on in his head?!?

You get right to the end of sanity, then you fall back off. Physics is exactly what I'm talking about. All the bowlers you mentioned, I will throw in Anthony Chapman and Tim Mack, have great physics to their game. But none of them has thrown 5 900 series in 6 months have they? So what would make this kid so much different then these great bowlers? Mental attitude, i don't think so. Mr. Chapman was a star at Maryland and after. His mental game I am sure is as good as anyone's. Mr. Mack is coming back after doctors told him his career was over, how's that for some mental attitude. Yet neither of them have done what Musthare* is claiming. I would believe one of those two bowlers would do something like this before Musthare*.

And again I ask, if he has such a great mental attitude how come he could even sniff the cut at JOG? And by the way, you are wrong. In interviews Musthare claimed he was practicing on the sport shots used at JOG, so he wasn't going in blind. He had practice and should have been prepared. Yet, he faltered. Why? Physics - he could hit the same target consistently enough, even on his spares. Just in the post in this thread he missed 2 spares by throwing in the gutter, and one was a 3-6-10, so that is a big miss. Try again Lefty, this excuse for him doesn't fly either. So what's next? Aliens helped him do it!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #111 on: July 20, 2006, 12:07:23 PM »
I KNOW you are smarter than that!

I'm sure the type of competitor you are you can see your opponent...flinch, tighten up,  loosen up, anger...etc.  RIght?

Great english composition and can't see those things...come on now.

Consistency, ability to throw great on all conditions, winner,  what do those qualities have to do with setting records?  Nothing!

A friend of mine with one 700 to his credit saw me bowl in a finals for some money!  He KNEW he was better than me!  So the next Tuesday in league he shot 848!  WHA!  He told me later, "I saw what you did and I knew I could do something awesome too!".

Regarding sport shots and Robert Mushtare...I heard the statement tougher patterns???  Not copies of the patterns put out!  I saw...complete confusion regarding appropriate lane play...I can only report what I saw.

I did not see inaccuracy on strike balls.  I saw fishing and hunting!
Wrong drills...wrong break points...I've been there!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #112 on: July 20, 2006, 12:12:48 PM »
I read an infatuation.....  Robby up on a pedestal...... careful he's gonna break your heart......

You are going to the bank with a rubber check in your hand...

Enough know what I mean....

I know Jorge and achappy...and they know me


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #113 on: July 20, 2006, 01:50:28 PM »
There are many others I'm aware of that!

What does this mean?  Have you left out words?  
LL, you might not (just maybe) have so much trouble getting anyone to agree with you if you would edit your prose (prolix as it is).  Half of what you write  isn't comprehensible to the outside world.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"aroyskrikn zoln dir di oygn fun kop"
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #114 on: July 20, 2006, 02:27:43 PM »

Many other bowlers have balls that look good on the lane...

Wow...and I was awake?!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #115 on: July 20, 2006, 02:30:04 PM »
Rosey Ruiz


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #116 on: July 20, 2006, 02:53:31 PM »
She runs and bowls??


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #117 on: July 20, 2006, 09:43:36 PM »
I'm a great admirer of physics!  Not name recognition!



...and THIS is why none of us will ever be able to respect or take anything you say seriously.  What you've just done is take all credit from everyone in this sport who has ever put their life into a sport they loved and threw it out of the window because you have a mancrush on some kid who can hook a bowling ball and claims an outrageous feat with such a lack of evidence.

I had a ton of things lined up to say which totaled over 700 words but why bother with someone so thickheaded that rambles on like Abe Simpson about anything that he could compare to what the real story is only to try to make what you say seem insignificant.

Personally I don't care anymore because your opinions on this sport mean diddly squat to me.  Keep living in your fantasy land where you dream of a sport that is going to be taken over by two-handers, your "unfair to lefty" house condition in southern FL, and a million theories on bowling ball physics that are full of over-drama.  

So I say keep living through the success of others because that may be the only way you will feel complete as a person.  People like AChappy, Jorge300, the hundreds of kids who participate at Junior Gold every year aspiring to further their games to the professional level and the thousands of people that love this game for what it's worth and not for who's done what will continue to try to make a difference and further our great sport.  You can be that guy in the crowd at every PBA event with an autograph book in hand cause we need guys like you.  The ones that can live through the dreams of others without furthering their own.  But don't try to discredit the opinions of others who have actually done something worthwhile in this sport to further their own knowledge or pass it off to others just because you believe a Paul Bunyan'esque story of a stop-and-spray mountain man from the valley of Fort-Drum.

- DP3
Hoss Central Inc.
Respect the Game

Edited on 7/20/2006 9:55 PM


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #118 on: July 20, 2006, 10:37:36 PM »

I really don't get what you are trying to say.

I'm saying if you will step back and read what you have written you will see that you have a crush on anyone that college bowling!

If they are a big name as a college bowler...others might as well surrender.

Old guys, new guys, outsiders(like myself never involved in the sport till age 43).  Looking at the sport from the perspective of how does it compare to golf(poorly in many ways) and how do the participants think compared to other sports.  Strangely!

I love the game!  I think it is neat.  I'm not an autograph seeker and at one time I loved to bowl head to head with some of the most impressive bowlers in the game.  Lose more than I win...sure!  But squeak a few...yep!

I really amazed at the group think you college bowlers and past college bowlers are trapped in!  I don't remember if Tommy Jones is a past college bowler!
I don't remember if Steve Wilson is a past college bowler!  I could find out but I'm lazy!

I recently heard from a friend of mine a former Shocker...he is appalled at my comments regarding this 900 situation!  I am not mad...nor am I surprised!  Group think!

"The world is round!!"

At one time statements like that above would lead to execution!

It didn't mean it was wrong it just meant that group think predominated!

My statement.

(PARTICULARLY with prebowling allowed for sanctioned scores)
"multiple 900s should be shot by many top bowlers"
(if they devoted much of their time to bowling on a crowned condition).

A statement on this website in the past from a well known and well respected coach.  "I'm surprised more 900s have not been shot...there should be many more than there are".

This is why Robert Mushtares feat on league conditions, with lively pins and sidewalls and while prebowling is not a shock to my system.  Particularly when combined with his lively ball!

I refuse to be "one of the pack".  Haven't usually been so!  Sorry.  If I was and I thought like other people...maybe some of the IRRATIONAL things I have accomplished in more than one sport would not be under my belt!  IF only I had been more rational and statistical in my analysis of myself then I could have accomplished similar things to others of my meager abilities...NOT MUCH!  I should have applied a statistical analysis to each shot before I threw it...knowing that I was way above my average and then more properly returned to my mean performance so that I could have been more consistent!  I should have known the backgrounds better of my opponents and known that they had regional runnerups finishes and I should surrender or maybe a pro tour title or too and it was time to go home..(but I liked my ball better that day).  What was I thinking!?

Again...the type of thinking that creates a Tiger Woods or a Jack exceeds statistics!  The thinking of a record setter such as Homero Blancas in shooting 55 on a golf course almost 40 years ago when he was NOT Jack Nicklaus...IRRATIONAL!!  What was he thinking.  He should have been a lot more famous before he did that!

Lee Trevino beating Ray Floyd when Ray Floyd was already a famous pro golfer.
What was he thinking!?  It is the IRRATIONAL belief of the participant combined with talent(usually) that leads to outstanding performance...under pressure...while setting records...or winning!


PS I also believe this controversy and the excitement generated is good for bowling!  It leads to coverage and air time!
PPS if the 900s had no controversy it would also be good for would lead to more airtime.
PPPS high scoring excites the masses and makes them want to watch bowling and get out and bowl and become participants in the beautiful act of flinging the orb down the lane(the part I really love)!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #119 on: July 20, 2006, 11:10:04 PM »

I really don't get what you are trying to say.

I'm saying if you will step back and read what you have written you will see that you have a crush on anyone that college bowling!

If they are a big name as a college bowler...others might as well surrender.

Old guys, new guys, outsiders(like myself never involved in the sport till age 43).  Looking at the sport from the perspective of how does it compare to golf(poorly in many ways) and how do the participants think compared to other sports.  Strangely!

I love the game!  I think it is neat.  I'm not an autograph seeker and at one time I loved to bowl head to head with some of the most impressive bowlers in the game.  Lose more than I win...sure!  But squeak a few...yep!

I really amazed at the group think you college bowlers and past college bowlers are trapped in!  I don't remember if Tommy Jones is a past college bowler!
I don't remember if Steve Wilson is a past college bowler!  I could find out but I'm lazy!

I recently heard from a friend of mine a former Shocker...he is appalled at my comments regarding this 900 situation!  I am not mad...nor am I surprised!  Group think!

Ok...this is my last response to all of your foolishness.

Why should I not give respect to any great collegiate bowler?  These are the guys that have proven themselves on difficult conditions nationwide as well as earned the highest rankings of amatuer success before the PBA Regional and National levels.  

You are privledged enough to be in the homestate of one of the best collegiate programs to come out in the history of the sport with Central Florida University.  And have you ever even attended a collegiate tournament or a national collegiate even to see what all the "hooplah" is about?  No you haven't.  What can you attest to in this game?  Watching 4 or 5 former pros light you up on your house shot and watching your boy-god Mushtare shoot a bunch of 170s and 180s on a Junior Gold pattern?  

College bowling is my JOB albeit my 2nd job but I am obligated to know the who's whos, what's whats, and ins and outs of the game on all different levels.  I am a collegiate coach and have even been asked to write articles in publications on the sport which I am really considering doing for the following season.  This isn't just some recreational activity, it's one of the hardest and physically/mentally challenging levels of bowling that anyone can attest to, even Professional Bowlers and Amatuers can attest to that.  Why shouldn't the people that excell at this level not recieve any outstanding notoriety?  Just because they haven't proven themself to "Lucky Lefty" master of all bowling physics and everything technical about the game, yet can't crack an egg amongst his peers?

All I can say is this.....How about you find me ONE just one person anywhere be it on this board or that you know that can agree with you and I'll shut my mouth and give you all the glory you and your wonderboy wants, or you can put your money where your mouth is and back your wonderboy Mushtare at any level of competition.  I'll glady draw from about 100 names of people 21 and under that would drill this kid on just about anything.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Mushtare, I even believe he has shot a 900, what I am questioning is the circumstances under which he shot it be it sanctioned or not and the shakiness or his attempts to verify 900s after the first one did not go through.  What I do have a problem with is people like you who thinks your word is gold and nothing else matters because you believe what you believe.

Lets see how well Mushtare does among the collegiate ranks when he goes out this upcoming season.  I'll definately know about it and will probaly see him regularly throughout the season.  I'll be more than happy to keep you updated, but I'm sure you'll do a good enough job yourself rubbernecking to see his accomplishments at any level.

How about a wager with odds on the Tim Mack/Mushtare match if it even happens?  Well have an over/under on scores as well as the match outcome(assuming everything happens) and we'll have a neutral party hold all monies in their paypal account until the outcome has been decided, then the money can be released.  Lets see how much faith you have in your wonderboy now.  Talk is cheap.
- DP3
Hoss Central Inc.
Respect the Game


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #120 on: July 21, 2006, 03:51:31 AM »
I've finally got it?:??

What college team did Earl Anthony bowl on?
Mark Roth?
Marshall Holman?
Randy Pederson?
Ameleto Monacelli!?

I've think I've got the idea figured out.

It wouldn't click...wouldn't click...wouldn't click.

It clicks.

It's a posse.  Junior Gold, College bowling.

It goes like this...and we are starting to hear it.
Many are starting to say...well he probably shot 1.

It's the others we have problems with.

I've said before he should have corrected to 0 in the second one on the 36th ball.
With correction showing and to 1 in the 3rd one on ball 36. would all be different.

I kept wondering...why is the free prebowl pass being given to Jeff Campbell...?
Then someone said...well....he is a tremendous COLLEGE bowler or was!  AHHHH!


I wonder if Mr. Campbell shot another one would he have been given another free pass?  Maybe...or sort of a half of a pass!

Me is starting to think it could go like this.  Given the mention and admiration of college bowlers...difficult conditions and the hierarchy and pecking order of same!

Robert Mushtare...maybe 1 prebowl free pass.
Ogrady and Jeff Campbell 2 prebowl free passes 900s.
Sean RAsh and Bill O'Neil 2 prebowl free passes and 1 practice 900
Time Mack 3 prebowl free passes and 1 practice 900.
Pete Weber 4 prebowl free passes
Tommy Jones 5 prebowl free passes and 1 practice 900.

Somethin like that!

I do understand the logic in it particularly if I was going to try to get in to college bowling.

It also clicked something off in my mind regarding
I actually almost wanted to jump down and bowl Junior Gold while there and show RM what an old cripple guy bowling with his wrong hand could do.  Maybe about the same as him!  I figured it would be my last chance because he will only get better on these types of shots with proper drills, knowledge, experience and coaching!  But I am the proverbial outsider.  Never bowled growing up...
Won golf tournaments the first time I played in them over local heros...
Set records but luckily with witnesses ...phew for me!  Lucked into a bunch of money too early for my bowling experience....

No wonder I relate to Mushtare.... he is an outsider...considered too young to do this...accomplishments such as his must be backed by years of experience.

This is why I loved Lee Trevino...Jeff Rodgers in waterskiing...Sevriano Ballesteros...too early to set records...etc.

I know all of a sudden clearly see yours, other college bowlers posting here and junior gold posters and there vehement denial of the possibility of it and understand the pecking order or an approximation of it what would be accepted by the bowling community.  I think.

I believe these are the current values of the group think junior gold and college programs....
1. Only versatile bowlers rank high in value.
2. Performance and placing on difficult conditions is the most important.
3. High scoring on easy conditions is not very relevant and is actually sort of frowned upon(everyone can do it).
4. Great performances only come with experience and must be worked up to...very gradually.

Being an outsider and not really in the bowling insider community...

I think different.
1.  Bowlers can be specialists and be very that one set of skills or conditions.  Ernie Shlegal for example on US open conditions and Robert Mushtare on wide open conditions.
2.  Bowling is failing as a sport...and it's not because of bowling's because low scoring every week is BORING!  Pro bowling which is the dog wagging the tail(college bowling and jr gold) losing money.
It is apparent that they have decided to go to a slightly higher scoring environment and we may start to see the old diversity of players winning with higher scores.  Some weeks crankers some weeks strokers and this trend seemed to be starting last year.  Just as noted...scoring at JR gold was slightly up.
3.  My most vehement disagreement....NOT everybody can score real high on wide open is it's own beautiful skill and something I personally love to watch...and if you ever talked to does the public!
4.  Great performances can come from outside the queue or posse!  Some of the greatest bowlers ever Earl Anthony ...Walter Ray came in from a side entrance!
Part of their greatness is they SAW things differently!  If they saw things the same they would not have been so great.  As I covered before I believe all great winning champs and record breakers are IRRATIONAL in their beliefs in themselves, in relation to if they evaluated their probabilities of success on each would be lower than their execution rate actually ends up being.  Their irrationality drives their success or recordbreaking.  The better statistical calculators and rational evaluators of their success end up interfering with their performance because of the rapid calculations!

Regarding Robert Mushtare...I expect him to never shoot a 900 again!  After being properly indoctinated to the thoughts above...combined with a Pavlovs dog reaction to shooting 900s ...= pain!  This one thought is similar to Jeff Carters statment that he probably could not equal his average setting record after being on the protour for awhile even though he is a better and more versatile bowler....  In versatility usually is a decline in the specialized skill of either being just a tough condition bowler or an easy condition bowler.  If one is already an extreme performer on either of these conditions.  In my mind.

Regarding betting...I will stay up a little longer and message you as to my preferred bet.


PS didn't a guy named Rod Ross say that he believed Robert Mushtare shot all those he somebody?

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/21/2006 4:01 AM

Edited on 7/21/2006 4:02 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana