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Author Topic: Update on Mush are Gold  (Read 14570 times)

Joe Jr

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Update on Mush are Gold
« on: July 10, 2006, 07:43:51 AM »
Not sure anyone cares but Jeff Mop is giving updates.


If you want to read an ACTUAL report, I'm sitting here at Boca Bowl where Mushtare is actually bowling his first round (no, he didn't prebowl). His first game started off with a strike, then he went Big 4, missed them all (one of the corners was out, so it was 7-), then he flagged the headpin left leaving the 1-3-6 and chopped the headpin clean off. At this point, he had 32 in the third. He did make a nice comeback, though, going triple, then spare strike spare strike the rest of the game for 191.

I didn't see most of the second game, but I did see a runaway brooklyn where he left a 5-pin. He also finished the game X 7/ S8- XXX for 200 on the dot. He is now -9 after 2.

The pattern in this center is a 35 foot pattern. The breakpoint is out near 5, so bowlers are either playing up the gutter or freewheeling it. Mushtare is freewheeling it, but the lanes will start carrying down soon, so he will get some push in the middle, but it might come at the expense of bringing the ball back from the outsides. We'll see what happens.

The kid actually doesn't throw the ball half bad. He definitely throws it better than on that video clip from the news report we all saw. Still, he grabs and hits up on the ball a TON. His accuracy needs lots of work as well, partly because of how much he grabs it at the bottom.

There is a news crew here following him around. Rumor has it it's ESPN, but it could be a local crew. I can't tell.

I will update as the squad goes on

- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

House shots are killing this sport.



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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #121 on: July 21, 2006, 04:01:45 AM »
OH...on rubbernecking...

It's not OK for me to follow Robert Mushtare's career with interest?  Or it's rubbernecking?  

If that is the case...Are you possibly rubbernecking the careers of Bill Oneill, Nathan Bohr, and Sean Rash?


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #122 on: July 21, 2006, 05:06:30 AM »
All of you, get a freaking life, WHO CARES ANYMORE, it is done with and will soon be forgotten about!!!
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #123 on: July 21, 2006, 08:00:41 AM »
    I was going to write this exceedingly long reply to all of the drivel you've been spewing. But I decided to keep short and simple, in deferecne to you. You say you have an "outsiders" thinking. That statement is only half true, you maybe an outsider, but you aren't thinking. Thinking means you take in information, dwell on it, and produce new and improved information afterwards. You dismiss everything anyone says that isn't yours, without thinking. You make comparisons to golfing scores that are irrelevant and you never, ever, respond to or answer the points others are trying to make.

I was never an elite college bowler, I was ok, no where near the level of Tony Chapman, Chris Viale, et. al. But I have been through that experience and I have thought and changed my views on bowling because of that. I have bowled a few PBA regionals and been lucky enough, or good enough to cash. Again, after bowling on those shots, my thinking has changed. And DP has it right, great college bowlers deserve the credit he is giving them. I see your list you failed to mention Chris Barnes, an all American Shocker, who won $300,000 in 2 weeks last year. So it works both ways.

The bottom line is this: Musthare*'s claims go beyond the realm of believability. No one has ever said he throws a bad ball, people have said and video has proven that he isn't very accurate (or haven't you seen that great brooklyn on the local news video). Now subtract the prebowling/practice advantage he gained and the fact that he was pretty much alone while doing it. That equation does not add up to 5 900 series in 6 months. It doesn't even add up to 1 900 series. Yet, as I have said before, I think the first one was real, he overacheived he used his "irrational" thinking as you call it. But having done so once is no indication that he can do it again, especially with what he has working against him. Do you think Nolan Ryan ever went out to the mound thinking he was going to lose, or thinking he couldn't strike out anyone who faced him? Positive thinking can't overcome the physical. It can't make you not pull a ball if you stick at the foul line a little. Unless a witness appears out of nowhere, an unbiased witness comes forward saying they saw everything, these are not believable. No matter how irrational his thinking is.

I guess I lied at the beginning of this, saying this would be short, but I guess my irrational thinking got the best of me, I just knew I could write a long rambling post, just like you.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #124 on: July 21, 2006, 08:40:58 AM »
Better add my name to this great topic.....

Just one thing....Lucky Lefty for President!!!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #125 on: July 21, 2006, 09:35:22 AM »
I appreciate it!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #126 on: July 21, 2006, 10:00:28 AM »
Everyone knows...that Chris Barnes is a "SHOCKER".

The number of "SHOCKERS" on tour is very high!

A friend of mine got the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Barnes at the open!

They had lunch one day...My understanding is that a conversation that started like..."Have you considered the possibilities of...?"  took place.

This same inspirational person gave the same conversation to me once...I thank him for it!  He does not give it lightly....  it is not given to all...

$330,000 including overseas winnings...yes...I'm aware of it and posted regarding it somewhere on this site and how much more correct Chris Barnes has looked on getting that ball level and out on the lane in these victories!  He looks fantastic...


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #127 on: July 21, 2006, 10:29:43 AM »

You can say I'm not thinking...but I can assure you that one of the most respected regional champs in America has absorbed my type of "drivel" and has shot raised his personal average dramatically.  While almost ceasing any practice.

Shot more 300s and 800s than at any time in his career.

Recently I believe he had 30 in a row in a set in real league.

He has infected several others with this type of thinking to their great benefit!

Discount...pooh pooh it!  It doesn't bother me a bit!

With it...the sky is the limit...without...people say..."we always thought you could have been somethin...almost but it's never quite clicked for you".

"It's not's drivel".  Repeat that 100 times a day.
Check the results and get back to me.


PS "it can't make things happen", "it can't make things happen", "it can't make things happen", "one MUST perform to their statistical probablilities", "it can't make things happen"...over and over again...OH already did!
PPS oh and remember...if you decide to go the other way...and try must eat tofu while thinking..."have you considered the possibilities of....?"
Baccala told me that!  I guarantee you without TOFU...Robert Mushtare do all other record setters(his own version...per his Mother).
PPPS...To follow up...DP3 and I have decided to not discuss any discussions we hae had priately (that v thing)regarding this topic!  Some people on this site are so pricklish at this time...  
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/24/2006 8:48 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #128 on: July 21, 2006, 01:06:31 PM »

You can say I'm not thinking...but I can assure you that one of the most respected regional champs in America has absorbed my type of "drivel" and has shot raised his personal average dramatically.  While almost ceasing any practice.

Maybe if you spoke English your points would get across, who do I get my "shot raised" by the way? And is there a stool involced anywhere? LOL

Shot more 300s and 800s than at any time in his career.

I've done that too, you get into a groove, didn't need your new age babble to do it either.

Recently I believe had 30 in a row in a set in real league.

Very nice, great shooting. Not close the 180 Robby is claiming though, guess he needs another does of your medicine.

He has infected several others with this type of thinking to their great benefit!

Infected, huh. Last time I checked the connotation of infected is a bad thing, infected by a disease, infected cut, lol. Actually maybe that is a good way to look at it, an infection that needs to be removed (remember your words not mine, got the quote).

I guarantee you without TOFU...Robert Mushtare do all other record setters(his own version...per his Mother).

So you know for 100% fact Robby is this new age believer like you? Why? Cause his mother said so. What was she going to say - "No, he thinks he stinks and has a bad attitude" or maybe "He always thinks he going to do bad." Did you talk to Robby, did you "infect" him or is this all just speculation on your part?
DP3 and I have I believe made arrangements for a decent size bet!  I agree with him....if you believe it back it up!  I have..and he will!  FUN!quote]
I'm glad you are willing to bet on a 17 yr old. Isn't that illegal by the way, LOL. I don't care enough about this match to setup a Paypal account and go through the trouble that you and DP3 did. Does that mean I can't express my opinions on here?!?

And lastly, what the hell is with the postscripts?!? Why can't you just put things you want to say in the post? PS, PPS, PPPS, maybe if you put the crytsals down for a minute you could create a rational thought and put it down in the post, rather then having to add it later.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #129 on: July 22, 2006, 04:47:21 PM »


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #130 on: July 24, 2006, 08:45:03 AM »
Ann Coulter says it so well.

Disagree with a liberal and sexual accusations or rumors of drinking are mentioned.

On this forum disagree with a former college bowler and the same comes out or complaints about grammar. are the main important points I hae made(sorry..old computer is losing the v on most key stroke attempts).

1. I talked to a well known coach.  He agrees with me...less 900s are shot than one would expect based on the conditions available in many leagues and houses.
2. Had the opportunity to visit with Richie Sposato this weekend President of Lane#1.  He talked about the how the sport should reward powerful releases and that grind it out bowling and high scoring bowling are dramatically different tasks.  (as listed in another post....he went out and showed us the reward for a powerful release(tearing up what we thought was a tough pattern with a pin axis drilled plastic).
3.  Mental training and preparation would do world's of good for many players.
NOt walking in the center and saying.  "I am the best".  That is not preparation.  Mental training consists of picturing in viid detail on a daily basis what you want to picture happening.  It means dreaming it(often can be set up by gentle musing about the topic) before bed.  I like the word infection and don't care about the connotation.  Get it inside...or don't get it at all!

Bowlers have a choice to avoid this type of preparation or do it!

The ANTI mental preparation task I would advice anyone to do would be to spend a lot of time calculating statistics on how difficult a task is to do!
REpeating that mantra oer (v's again) and over (about 50%) again in writing, in discussion, in thinking, maybe thinking before bed and then maybe in dreaming.

"It can't be done, statistically far fetched, impossible, he can't do it, I can't do it".  Delicious food for a brain that wants to perform slightly below ones ability!

As a great bowling friend of mine used to chide me...."can't...or won't?"


PS after 7 years posting on this forum with a PS I'll probably continue...bon appetit!
PPS I like them but I haven't explored why!
PPPS and another thing...
PPPPS The statistically improbable argument is tired and old but does get repeated a bit!
PPPPPS no body else is required to prove a point by betting.

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/24/2006 8:53 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #131 on: July 24, 2006, 08:48:09 AM »
Actually, I did walk into the 1991 San Antonio YABA tournament in 1991 saying, "Ya'll go home now!" and won. Sometimes it works!
That's right. I said it!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #132 on: July 24, 2006, 09:04:22 AM »
30 days and nights is a good starting point.

This is offerred in with all good intention.

I still loe repeating the story of a friend of mine who saw me "fall into some cash" as he stated!

His thought..."If a bum like you (luckylefty) can do something like that"!
"Then it was time for me to do something great!"  His second 700 series...848!

How can people do this!?


PS a mental spur...or preparation makes the nearly impossible for others...seeable...doable...(here come some spelling tips!  Thanks, Jorge!)
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #133 on: July 24, 2006, 12:24:31 PM »
Ann Coulter says it so well.

Disagree with a liberal and sexual accusations or rumors of drinking are mentioned.

On this forum disagree with a former college bowler and the same comes out or complaints about grammar. are the main important points I hae made(sorry..old computer is losing the v on most key stroke attempts).

1. I talked to a well known coach.  He agrees with me...less 900s are shot than one would expect based on the conditions available in many leagues and houses.
2. Had the opportunity to visit with Richie Sposato this weekend President of Lane#1.  He talked about the how the sport should reward powerful releases and that grind it out bowling and high scoring bowling are dramatically different tasks.  (as listed in another post....he went out and showed us the reward for a powerful release(tearing up what we thought was a tough pattern with a pin axis drilled plastic).
3.  Mental training and preparation would do world's of good for many players.
NOt walking in the center and saying.  "I am the best".  That is not preparation.  Mental training consists of picturing in viid detail on a daily basis what you want to picture happening.  It means dreaming it(often can be set up by gentle musing about the topic) before bed.  I like the word infection and don't care about the connotation.  Get it inside...or don't get it at all!

Bowlers have a choice to avoid this type of preparation or do it!

The ANTI mental preparation task I would advice anyone to do would be to spend a lot of time calculating statistics on how difficult a task is to do!
REpeating that mantra oer (v's again) and over (about 50%) again in writing, in discussion, in thinking, maybe thinking before bed and then maybe in dreaming.

"It can't be done, statistically far fetched, impossible, he can't do it, I can't do it".  Delicious food for a brain that wants to perform slightly below ones ability!

As a great bowling friend of mine used to chide me...."can't...or won't?"


PS after 7 years posting on this forum with a PS I'll probably continue...bon appetit!
PPS I like them but I haven't explored why!
PPPS and another thing...
PPPPS The statistically improbable argument is tired and old but does get repeated a bit!
PPPPPS no body else is required to prove a point by betting.

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/24/2006 8:53 AM

Dude, I think you definately need to put down the pipe and stop smoking that stuff or please up the dosage on your medication because it certainly isn't working. Maybe once you get done playing with your crystals and get back from your accupuncture class you'll realize what a jerk you sound like. Are you one, I can't say and won't not my place, but comment and generalities like at the beginning of this post certainly make you seem that way. Last time I checked Ann Coultier wasn't a very respected journalist because of comments like this, and this is coming from someone classfied as a liberal by any means.

Now if you would actually take the time to read a post maybe, just maybe you can post something of value:

1) You say less are shot then expected. Well guess what, that is a statistic that you hate so much, and if that's true, then it's even more of a reason to disbelieve what Musthare* has done.
2)No one has said anything about a powerful release. I'm glad a guy who doesn't put his thumb in the ball can tear up a shot with plastic......did he shoot 900 by the way? I'm guessing not... and from what I have heard Richie is a very good bowler. So this goes too Robert's scores at JOG. If he is so good as you proclaim, and has such a powerful release why didn't he tear up what was supposed to be a difficult shot throwing new, modern equipment? HMMMMMMM
3) What is "viid detail"? Some sort of new age mumbojumbo. No bowler of any skill, junior, college, adult, pro goes into a house thinking they are going to roll bad or going to lose, if they are then they don't belong there. What you suggest is done by thousands of bowlers everyday, so you have 1-2 examples where it worked out, what about all the other times when the people dream of a 300 and shoot 150? You don't mention how many times it hasn't worked just 1-2 that is has. Now I see why you don't like statistics so much!! HMMMMMMM


PS For 7 yrs you've has this, have you seen a doctor
PPS You like them cause you have to have the last word? Another reason to sit on a couch and discuss your feelings.
PPPS  no other thing needed, you've done quite enough damage to yourself already
PPPPS Sorry you hate statistics. The world is full of them and all have meaning. Maybe old to you, but it is the truth. It was never said it was impossible by the way, improbable yes, impossible no.
PPPPPS Another couch issue, betting proves a point, maybe gambler's anonymous needs a call too.
PPPPPPS I have never wished I was shrink more, I could retire just by having you as a patient.


"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #134 on: July 24, 2006, 12:27:11 PM »

No offense, but don't harp on a typo like "viid" when you can not spell "DEFINITELY". There's no "A" in that word. Otherwise, I side with you on the Mushtare issue.
That's right. I said it!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #135 on: July 24, 2006, 12:31:38 PM »
30 days and nights is a good starting point.

This is offerred in with all good intention.

I still loe repeating the story of a friend of mine who saw me "fall into some cash" as he stated!

His thought..."If a bum like you (luckylefty) can do something like that"!
"Then it was time for me to do something great!"  His second 700 series...848!

How can people do this!?


PS a mental spur...or preparation makes the nearly impossible for others...seeable...doable...(here come some spelling tips!  Thanks, Jorge!)
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

How many people have followed this and shot worse, or done it more then once?
You so gladly bring up the 1,2 or maybe 3 times it works. Even if it worked 100 times, how many bowler's ahve tried it, thousands, hundreds of thousands. So it has a success rate of what less then 1%, if 100,000 people try it and 100 find success that gives you a whopping .1%. One tenth of one percent. Not a very good likelyhood of success. Oopps, I'm sorry i'm using statistics again aren't I? You don't like stats, maybe now we see why!!

No spelling tips, they are lost on someone like you. Maybe us college graduates are the ones giving tips because, well, we are college graduates and learned how to spell and write properly, and it has nothing to do with bowling. I am glad to see all your dreaming and visualization the you "loe" and you do in "viid detail" works so well on your bowling, maybe you ought to try dreaming about your posts at night and see if it helps your spelling?!?

And wasn't it 40 day and 40 nights, oh wait that was another story.......

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"