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Author Topic: Update on Mush are Gold  (Read 14575 times)

Joe Jr

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Update on Mush are Gold
« on: July 10, 2006, 07:43:51 AM »
Not sure anyone cares but Jeff Mop is giving updates.


If you want to read an ACTUAL report, I'm sitting here at Boca Bowl where Mushtare is actually bowling his first round (no, he didn't prebowl). His first game started off with a strike, then he went Big 4, missed them all (one of the corners was out, so it was 7-), then he flagged the headpin left leaving the 1-3-6 and chopped the headpin clean off. At this point, he had 32 in the third. He did make a nice comeback, though, going triple, then spare strike spare strike the rest of the game for 191.

I didn't see most of the second game, but I did see a runaway brooklyn where he left a 5-pin. He also finished the game X 7/ S8- XXX for 200 on the dot. He is now -9 after 2.

The pattern in this center is a 35 foot pattern. The breakpoint is out near 5, so bowlers are either playing up the gutter or freewheeling it. Mushtare is freewheeling it, but the lanes will start carrying down soon, so he will get some push in the middle, but it might come at the expense of bringing the ball back from the outsides. We'll see what happens.

The kid actually doesn't throw the ball half bad. He definitely throws it better than on that video clip from the news report we all saw. Still, he grabs and hits up on the ball a TON. His accuracy needs lots of work as well, partly because of how much he grabs it at the bottom.

There is a news crew here following him around. Rumor has it it's ESPN, but it could be a local crew. I can't tell.

I will update as the squad goes on

- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

House shots are killing this sport.



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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #76 on: July 19, 2006, 11:09:17 AM »
He started in the 3rd frame no practice..

No I'm lying?!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #77 on: July 19, 2006, 11:26:47 AM »
I told myself I wasn't going to respond to anything related to the 900 topics, but I just have to throw my $.02 in: Obviously 900's are POSSIBLE - there are, what 11 of them sanctioned now? Lefty all your examples fail to answer the main question I have had about the whole situation: HOW COME THERE ARE NO WITNESSES TO HIS 900s?? And don't give me that some people have said they saw a couple of his shots - if it were me, and I had shot 1 900 prebowling that was rejected, then I shot another 900 pre-bowling that was being questioned, the next time I pre-bowl I'm going to make SURE I have a credible group of witnesses there with me watching EVERY shot so that if I have the opportunity to do it again I would have WITNESSES. By the way, 1 witness who happens to be a friend doesn't count in my eyes.

Is it possible that he's done it? Of course. Anything is possible. Do I believe it? Nope, sorry I don't. If he is such a celebrity at his home house having shot a 900 people would be lining up to watch him pre-bowl. Especially once he started running them.


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #78 on: July 19, 2006, 12:00:23 PM »
Lucky I think you are doing one of two things.

1) You are pulling our chains, making up wilder and wilder things and posting them.

2) You have not been taking your medication like you should.
The man is back!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #79 on: July 19, 2006, 12:02:25 PM »
   Id put your quote in here but it would take up a page and it's all BS anyway. Cut through all your babble and you still don't answer the questions.

What good will it do for Tim Mack or Pete Weber to bowl him at his house? No matter what happens it won't mena anything. Why is it that 5 other people posted the Robert was spraying the ball, and you are the only one that says he is accurate. The only taped footage of him, the local news footage, shows this including a very nice brooklyn strike in this supposedly walled house. And if he gets that nervous with a local camera crew, how could he have held it together to through 5 900 series?

Now before you twist what I say again, I never said you said Musthare* was the greatest bowler ever. You mentioned bowlers from your past that you say could have shot 900 series, they have the "look", whetever the hell that is. And Iasked how many did these bowlers have, your non-response proves that my guess of zero is correct. Now is 900 possible, yes it has been sanctioned 9 times, and a few more that should have been, i.e. Glenn Allison. But all these bowlers who you say have the ball to do it, couldn't. So Musthare* must have more mental prowess then them? I highly doubt it.

And his family being nice has nothing to do with whether the scores are legitimate. And of course they were nice to you, you are one of the 5 people on planet earth that actually think these scores are legitimate.

So now if you want to debate some facts, I'll be glad to. If you want to ramble on for 57 pages again about absolutely nothing, go ahead. But in all honesty, the more you talk the more you make my point for me, so I say ramble on.


"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #80 on: July 19, 2006, 12:03:16 PM »
Lucky I think you are doing one of two things.

1) You are pulling our chains, making up wilder and wilder things and posting them.

2) You have not been taking your medication like you should.
The man is back!

I definately think it's number 2!!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #81 on: July 19, 2006, 12:26:39 PM »

Your thinking has you trapped in a box!

Thinking that record setting ability and championship ability on a tough shot are the same thing.

I've laid out the case for you that they are not!

You have not refuted one thing I have said nor debated it at all.

You are trapped in a small box called...."only the best winners at any sport can set records".  Sorry ...wrong.  Or another small box stating "that performance on a tight condition relates to performance on a wide open condition...Wrong!"

You've never thrown a brookln?


PS the fact is you are a closed mind and will never believe he did it unless you sat there and watched him do it in front of you.  There is nothing he could do to prove he did it in your mind except come out and win the US open this year!  Name the thing he could do to prove it?...of course you can't because there is nothing!  Or now that he has not won JOG in his first try on a sport condition there is nothing he could do to prove it.  I maintain EVEN If he won JOG you would have been sketical still!
PPS...Want to debate..address the issue of non world champion record setters.  Explain the record setters above...let's even reduce it to 1.
MOE Norman in golf...why wasn't he Jack Nicklaus????  HOw could he do what Jack Nicklaus NEVER did???  Moe Norman exists: he is not a figment of my imagination.  Once you acknowledge his existence you now acknowledge the existence of non world champion record setters.  Game set and match...over!
They exist!  In your world...they can' must deny their existence.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #82 on: July 19, 2006, 12:31:58 PM »
LL, I've thrown lots of Brooklyns; also a number of Jersey Squashers.  But then I cannot adjust, on the fly, to the 10 pin that Im about to leave.  Musthare claims to do that, so I'm sure he would never cross over.  

I do agree with you on one thing - asking him to replicate his "feat" on a tough condition isn't fair.  I ask that he replicate it on any other easy condition than his own house, with folks watching.  And don't give me that crud about going to his house and trying it myself.  You know that's bait and switch, so lay off it.  Heck, I don't even ask that he shoot 900.  I only ask that he go somewhere else, on a typical house crown, and shoot 300 twice in 12 games.  I'll give him  10 warm up games if he wants.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"aroyskrikn zoln dir di oygn fun kop"
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #83 on: July 19, 2006, 12:46:49 PM »
LL, are you RM's number one fan, because as far as I can tell, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE DEFENDING HIM!!.. And for what.. why are you fighting his battles for him...?  You said you didn't really get a chance to see other bowlers, but yet, you sit here and say you wanna see a match between RM and O'Grady...? HA HA HA... sorry man, but O'Grady would rip him to shreds... no doubt... and why BEFORE the competition... why not now... cuz you know he's a joke... and you said you saw him bowl, and you didnt see a lot of inaccuracy?? Then why did he NOT make the first cut?? Dont give me that "he said he couldnt find a line" bull... because im sorry, if you're that good of a bowler, YOU CAN FIND ANYTHING... SO....

I think this is wasting everyone's time about this kid... A. there is nothing we can do. B. He's gonna be a one hit wonder....

Another note.. I want to say good luck to everyone going to Germany... Bring home some gold...

Karen Rosprim

"You only wish you were as good as me"

Edited on 7/19/2006 12:43 PM


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #84 on: July 19, 2006, 01:19:08 PM »

Your thinking has you trapped in a box!

Thinking that record setting ability and championship ability on a tough shot are the same thing.

I've laid out the case for you that they are not!

You have not refuted one thing I have said nor debated it at all.

You are trapped in a small box called...."only the best winners at any sport can set records".  Sorry ...wrong.  Or another small box stating "that performance on a tight condition relates to performance on a wide open condition...Wrong!"

You've never thrown a brookln?


PS the fact is you are a closed mind and will never believe he did it unless you sat there and watched him do it in front of you.  There is nothing he could do to prove he did it in your mind except come out and win the US open this year!  Name the thing he could do to prove it?...of course you can't because there is nothing!  Or now that he has not won JOG in his first try on a sport condition there is nothing he could do to prove it.  I maintain EVEN If he won JOG you would have been sketical still!
PPS...Want to debate..address the issue of non world champion record setters.  Explain the record setters above...let's even reduce it to 1.
MOE Norman in golf...why wasn't he Jack Nicklaus????  HOw could he do what Jack Nicklaus NEVER did???  Moe Norman exists: he is not a figment of my imagination.  Once you acknowledge his existence you now acknowledge the existence of non world champion record setters.  Game set and match...over!
They exist!  In your world...they can' must deny their existence.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

I think it's time to up the dosages Lefty.

How is it that people YOU said can shoot 900 but haven't, this is your words not mine, are now the best bowlers in the world and I'm comparing apples to oranges. You said these guys have the ability to do it, yet no one of them has a sanctioned 900 series. So if you follow your logic from the quote above, then Musthare* should have any either?!? Small minded, hello Pot im kettle.  I never said anyone had to be world champion to set a record. Im going by what you said. Now that I have proven you wrong, you twist it into this garbage above. And if you read the posts, I have refuted everything you said, well everything that was stated coherently. Im taking your examples, based on your earlier quotes. Now are you saying you were wrong about these guys? maybe they aren't good enough or have the physical game to shoot 900 as you have said? or do things work differently for Musthare*? Maybe he has the FORCE and can control 10 pins and 8 pins with his Jedi Mind power? LOL. You are a joke.

What would prove to me he did it, One of two things: 1) Produce an unbiased witness ( not a friend, relative, or center worker) that saw him throw these games or 2) have Robert* and every witness take a polygraph test with an impartial and documented observer and see if they all pass. If any one of them fail, then it should be thrown out, if they all pass, I will believe they occurred. THose are the only ways I will believe it. He can roll matches against Pete Weber, Tim Mack, Walter Ray, or whoever you want. The outcome doesn't prove a thing, no matter who wins.

Lastly, Moe Norman exists, so what, golf and bowling are two different disicplines (sp) and they don't correlate. So for his sake, I hope he exists, lol.
Nice spelling by the way, lol, joke!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #85 on: July 19, 2006, 02:05:37 PM »
You've only proven one thing to me.

That you have self limiting thinking!

I gave a list of about 6 bowlers.  One half who have the talent of winning at the highest levels of the game.  The other half I believed more likely to throw 900s.  I seperated for you what I believed were the different talents.

I related that one of them who bowled very little had 36 in a row.  Half a game after the set.  If his goal had been to chase after this non income producing goal..I'm sure he could have done it!

In golf I have knowledge of golfers who's talent WAS breaking 60 for 18 holes and shooting scores under 27 for 9 holes on easier courses.  Yet for the fact this is a non income producing talent!  So they move on and stop doing it!

JOKE...are you kidding me..?

I do have a profile.

I have been fortunate enough to have experiences in other sports that are near Mustarian!  Luckily and I mean it that,  I have written witnesses.  I have had a little fortune in bowling also...oh bowling with a completely uncoordinated hand due to a long term injury.  Ask 1800 other bowlers what they saw me do under pressure and most of em knew they were better than me!  How did I do that?

AS a competitor I personally know ...record setting, winning, and large money winning...more than once and in more than one sport!  By the way I classify each of those items as seperate mental skills.  Others do not and this is their problem.

I assure you the people who have seen my meager talents accomplish what I have
know that I am no joke...great sort of a joke NOW), but accomplishments versus talent...I'll be proud to compare with many!

Those that know me that the thing that stands out in these success periods(I have many failures also) is one thing!  Raw unguided belief and little else!  That when hot...I will not stop!  When cold...send me home!

This is the thing that maybe amazes me the most about the complete Mushtare saga.  Is that where it should be an inspiring to others that they should be able to do it! (especially the 840 and up club) they have spent their time decrying the scoring, moaning about easy scoring conditions and in general convincing themselves that it can't be done(and I believe in particular that THEY can't do it).  A sort of self loathing that is rampant in our country today.

You JORGE would be the leading proponent.  Your talent appears to be high from your profile!  What wonderful bowling accomplishments.  I wonder with a simple switch in thinking from..."statistically it can't be done".

To "I like my form better...I should be able to do it" how much that would benefit you.  Instead an onward bleating on it "it can't be done, it can't be done, it can't be done" only solidifies that thinking in your mind...restricting your future performance.

How sad the state of bowling that where other sports once mental barriers are broken the sport as a whole advances to the next level of accomplishment.  Bowling as a reflection of it's participants instead takes this accomplishment and tries to denigrate it and disprove it and mentally prove to themselves it can't be done.  Leaving the participants as a whole...worse off than the were before the event.  Not only this accomplishment but Jeff Carter's average record while not questioned for veracity left bowlers in a self loathing mode.
"Scoring is too high, the sport is losing it's integrity, when I was a kid 200 was a great score..."  Yuuch!
Contrast even with weightlifting...the 500 pound record followed by 60 some men breaking the same record in the next 12 month period after years of being stuck at 499.  Or the 4 minute mile record!  Followed immediately by a plethora of fellow record breakers...a new mindset was created.

Yes, are a product of the bowling mentality.  The mentality that is the most negative of the sports I have been involved in!

You have thoroughly convinced me that 900 cannot be done except by the greatest bowlers in the game.  


PS ask the multi regional champ I am friends with and described what I saw of the bowling mentality compared to other sports where people have more socio economic success as what he thinks of me as a joke.  As we have progressed together his average I believe has progressed from 219 to somewhere in the low 240s or high 239s in the same house.  All through changing his mental switch!
20 pins...."it can't be done, lefties have an advantage, it can't be done, lefties have an advantage" to "I can do it", "if it can be done, I AM the one to do it".
PPS thanks for the spelling comments...I love your paragraph structure too!
PPPS oh yeah here comes the tired only statistical argument...yawn!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/19/2006 2:22 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #86 on: July 19, 2006, 02:07:11 PM »
Hey Jorge,

You know, once I bowled in the 3-game pro-am where a different pro would come to your pair and bowl on your "team", I beat Mike Aulby, Ryan Shafer and David Ozio in each game that they came to my lane.

Think I'm ready for a 900?  Maybe Lucky thinks I am.

You know what, I think I am ready for that next step.  Yes, THAT next step.  I have thought about it long and hard and I am beginning to change my tune.  I'm sorry to be changing my mindset mid-stream here and waver like this, but I'm afraid it's true.  I am actually seeing Lucky's side here.  Darnit!!  I hate to admit I'm wrong!!!

I have been thinking all day about this.  I believe that it can come true.  I believe that it is possible since I have put myself in the frame of mind that this can happen.  So, without further ado, here goes........................

[Cue dreamy music]........Today, when I leave work, I am going to head home for a round of golf, and my wife will not give me a word of grief about leaving her at home with a 3-week old infant and 2 dogs until 8:30pm.  Then, when I come in the door at home, I will be met by Jessica Alba wearing nothing but my Peyton Manning jersey and some nail polish, and we will share a gourmet meal cooked by my wife, who really can't cook a lick.  Next, I will go downstairs to the basement where Scarlett Johanssen, the PussyCat Dolls, and Beatrice Arthur will all be waiting for me to play strip billiards.  Then, we will all snuggle on the couch and watch the documentary about the guy hanging out in the woods with the bears.  And at the end when he gets torn to shreds, we will all laugh uncontrollably.  For dessert, we will all go out for Italian ices with Yogi Bear, Guppy Troup, and the lead singer from Simply Red.  As soon as we order, David Hasselhoff will emerge from the back of the store and treat us to the newest single off of his new compilation of love songs, titled "Call me
(K)night Rider".

I'll write tomorrow to let you know if since I thought this, it will assuredly come true, since I stepped out of my little box and through the door of what's possible.

"Enjoy every sandwich."
--a cancer-ridden Warren Zevon's reply to David Letterman's question of, "What have you learned from life?"

Edited on 7/19/2006 2:23 PM


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #87 on: July 19, 2006, 02:31:35 PM »


I believe he did it!  I feel bad for the state of bowling that we cannot advance into success oriented thinking that this should ignite!


PS  If Robert Mushtare's strike ball is rated a 10 in striking power,,,I am a 3.5 maybe!  If I could just get to what I believe is a 6...I'd like to make a stab at it too!  I love and admire that mind set that makes these types of things happen!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #88 on: July 19, 2006, 02:52:27 PM »
Hey Jorge,

You know, once I bowled in the 3-game pro-am where a different pro would come to your pair and bowl on your "team", I beat Mike Aulby, Ryan Shafer and David Ozio in each game that they came to my lane.

Think I'm ready for a 900?  Maybe Lucky thinks I am.

You know what, I think I am ready for that next step.  Yes, THAT next step.  I have thought about it long and hard and I am beginning to change my tune.  I'm sorry to be changing my mindset mid-stream here and waver like this, but I'm afraid it's true.  I am actually seeing Lucky's side here.  Darnit!!  I hate to admit I'm wrong!!!

I have been thinking all day about this.  I believe that it can come true.  I believe that it is possible since I have put myself in the frame of mind that this can happen.  So, without further ado, here goes........................

[Cue dreamy music]........Today, when I leave work, I am going to head home for a round of golf, and my wife will not give me a word of grief about leaving her at home with a 3-week old infant and 2 dogs until 8:30pm.  Then, when I come in the door at home, I will be met by Jessica Alba wearing nothing but my Peyton Manning jersey and some nail polish, and we will share a gourmet meal cooked by my wife, who really can't cook a lick.  Next, I will go downstairs to the basement where Scarlett Johanssen, the PussyCat Dolls, and Beatrice Arthur will all be waiting for me to play strip billiards.  Then, we will all snuggle on the couch and watch the documentary about the guy hanging out in the woods with the bears.  And at the end when he gets torn to shreds, we will all laugh uncontrollably.  For dessert, we will all go out for Italian ices with Yogi Bear, Guppy Troup, and the lead singer from Simply Red.  As soon as we order, David Hasselhoff will emerge from the back of the store and treat us to the newest single off of his new compilation of love songs, titled "Call me
(K)night Rider".

I'll write tomorrow to let you know if since I thought this, it will assuredly come true, since I stepped out of my little box and through the door of what's possible.

"Enjoy every sandwich."
--a cancer-ridden Warren Zevon's reply to David Letterman's question of, "What have you learned from life?"

Edited on 7/19/2006 2:23 PM

Chris, I wish you luck!! When you are done send Jessica over to my house will ya, I've been thinking it would happen for the last 2 years, but she always sems to get lost.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"

No Fear

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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #89 on: July 19, 2006, 02:59:43 PM »
"Either way I'm so over this kid. Let it go, move on it's over"...LL this is Your Quote From a few days back.....PLEASE take Your own advice!!!!..In the last few days You have written volumes of pure garbage.....Do You have a job?...Get a life....Most children stop believing in the Easter Bunny when they are 5....When this "Bowling Fraud" is exposed....And He will be in time....You will probably still defend Him....WHY???


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #90 on: July 19, 2006, 03:05:32 PM »
You've only proven one thing to me.

That you have self limiting thinking!

I gave a list of about 6 bowlers.  One half who have the talent of winning at the highest levels of the game.  The other half I believed more likely to throw 900s.  I seperated for you what I believed were the different talents.

I related that one of them who bowled very little had 36 in a row.  Half a game after the set.  If his goal had been to chase after this non income producing goal..I'm sure he could have done it!

In golf I have knowledge of golfers who's talent WAS breaking 60 for 18 holes and shooting scores under 27 for 9 holes on easier courses.  Yet for the fact this is a non income producing talent!  So they move on and stop doing it!

JOKE...are you kidding me..?

I do have a profile.

I have been fortunate enough to have experiences in other sports that are near Mustarian!  Luckily and I mean it that,  I have written witnesses.  I have had a little fortune in bowling also...oh bowling with a completely uncoordinated hand due to a long term injury.  Ask 1800 other bowlers what they saw me do under pressure and most of em knew they were better than me!  How did I do that?

AS a competitor I personally know ...record setting, winning, and large money winning...more than once and in more than one sport!  By the way I classify each of those items as seperate mental skills.  Others do not and this is their problem.

I assure you the people who have seen my meager talents accomplish what I have
know that I am no joke...great sort of a joke NOW), but accomplishments versus talent...I'll be proud to compare with many!

Those that know me that the thing that stands out in these success periods(I have many failures also) is one thing!  Raw unguided belief and little else!  That when hot...I will not stop!  When cold...send me home!

This is the thing that maybe amazes me the most about the complete Mushtare saga.  Is that where it should be an inspiring to others that they should be able to do it! (especially the 840 and up club) they have spent their time decrying the scoring, moaning about easy scoring conditions and in general convincing themselves that it can't be done(and I believe in particular that THEY can't do it).  A sort of self loathing that is rampant in our country today.

You JORGE would be the leading proponent.  Your talent appears to be high from your profile!  What wonderful bowling accomplishments.  I wonder with a simple switch in thinking from..."statistically it can't be done".

To "I like my form better...I should be able to do it" how much that would benefit you.  Instead an onward bleating on it "it can't be done, it can't be done, it can't be done" only solidifies that thinking in your mind...restricting your future performance.

How sad the state of bowling that where other sports once mental barriers are broken the sport as a whole advances to the next level of accomplishment.  Bowling as a reflection of it's participants instead takes this accomplishment and tries to denigrate it and disprove it and mentally prove to themselves it can't be done.  Leaving the participants as a whole...worse off than the were before the event.  Not only this accomplishment but Jeff Carter's average record while not questioned for veracity left bowlers in a self loathing mode.
"Scoring is too high, the sport is losing it's integrity, when I was a kid 200 was a great score..."  Yuuch!
Contrast even with weightlifting...the 500 pound record followed by 60 some men breaking the same record in the next 12 month period after years of being stuck at 499.  Or the 4 minute mile record!  Followed immediately by a plethora of fellow record breakers...a new mindset was created.

Yes, are a product of the bowling mentality.  The mentality that is the most negative of the sports I have been involved in!

You have thoroughly convinced me that 900 cannot be done except by the greatest bowlers in the game.  


PS ask the multi regional champ I am friends with and described what I saw of the bowling mentality compared to other sports where people have more socio economic success as what he thinks of me as a joke.  As we have progressed together his average I believe has progressed from 219 to somewhere in the low 240s or high 239s in the same house.  All through changing his mental switch!
20 pins...."it can't be done, lefties have an advantage, it can't be done, lefties have an advantage" to "I can do it", "if it can be done, I AM the one to do it".
PPS thanks for the spelling comments...I love your paragraph structure too!
PPPS oh yeah here comes the tired only statistical argument...yawn!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/19/2006 2:22 PM

You're first line is the joke. I am not talking about your bowling ability, i would never put down one's ability. I am not even putting down Musthare*'s ability, im putting down the fact of what he is claiming.

Now again to my point that you seem to convienently overlooked. Of the half of those bowlers you say have the ability to throw a 900 series, how many have? My guess is none, 36 in row with half a game coming in practice is impressive, not a 900 though, lot less pressure on the last 6 which would have been the hardest in league, or even prebowl when sanctioning is on the line. So even these bowlers you claim to have the ability, none have a 900 series. Yet, Musthare*, with his limited experience, and documented difficulties in accuracy ( being accurate doesn't matter if it is a tournament or a house shot, the house shot you just don't have to be to score, and all the witnesses plus the tape show he isn't very accurate), he shot 5 of them, while your friends have none.

Where do you keep getting at big money bowlers vs house bowlers stuff. I haven't even mentioned anything about that. You twist others words around to avoid the true point. Same with all the golf stories. And if you are really using his name like that, then your accomplishments are ridiculed by the sports community at large, highly suspicious in nature, making their owner a laughing stock at his own expense. I certainly don't want anything I do to be Mustharian.

You know nothing of my bowling mentality. When I step into an alley, I know I am the one to beat, I am the best bowler that day in that house. And I bowl that way. Somedays I am right, somedays I am not. If I had to put my life on the line and pick someone to roll a strike in a 10th frame, im picking me. That's the mentality I have. I don't worry about 900's, 800's or 300's. I just want to be the best that night. Depending on the shot, that might be 550, might be 650, might be 750 or higher. As long as I beat my man and win my points and my team wins, I go home satisfied. Cause for most of us, this is still a team sport more then half the time. I want to win and for my team to win, and I will do whatever it takes for that to happen. And lefties have no advantage, In CA i bowled in a house that was supposedly lefty advantaged. All I did was lead the league in average by almost 5 pins at 230, so stick your mental game crap where the sun don't shine.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"