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Author Topic: Update on Mush are Gold  (Read 14574 times)

Joe Jr

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Update on Mush are Gold
« on: July 10, 2006, 07:43:51 AM »
Not sure anyone cares but Jeff Mop is giving updates.


If you want to read an ACTUAL report, I'm sitting here at Boca Bowl where Mushtare is actually bowling his first round (no, he didn't prebowl). His first game started off with a strike, then he went Big 4, missed them all (one of the corners was out, so it was 7-), then he flagged the headpin left leaving the 1-3-6 and chopped the headpin clean off. At this point, he had 32 in the third. He did make a nice comeback, though, going triple, then spare strike spare strike the rest of the game for 191.

I didn't see most of the second game, but I did see a runaway brooklyn where he left a 5-pin. He also finished the game X 7/ S8- XXX for 200 on the dot. He is now -9 after 2.

The pattern in this center is a 35 foot pattern. The breakpoint is out near 5, so bowlers are either playing up the gutter or freewheeling it. Mushtare is freewheeling it, but the lanes will start carrying down soon, so he will get some push in the middle, but it might come at the expense of bringing the ball back from the outsides. We'll see what happens.

The kid actually doesn't throw the ball half bad. He definitely throws it better than on that video clip from the news report we all saw. Still, he grabs and hits up on the ball a TON. His accuracy needs lots of work as well, partly because of how much he grabs it at the bottom.

There is a news crew here following him around. Rumor has it it's ESPN, but it could be a local crew. I can't tell.

I will update as the squad goes on

- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

House shots are killing this sport.



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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #91 on: July 19, 2006, 03:13:16 PM »

I really do love that story...

I think your golf score would be the key element in your new way of life and also probably your wife's cooking could improve also with your improved outlook!
The rest of it...I like your choice in woman...they would be in my dream also!

On a serious note..we never give these thoughts ie unreasonable to people who don't have "it"!

In other words if working with a stroker we would not emphasize possibilities to shoot 868 or higher...  instead one would emphasize ability to shoot great scores on tight conditions.  Mentally challenging other grinders etc.

Only those with a potential of shooting 900 would that seed be planted.
There are very few.

A friend of mine last year probably had 55 279s or higher last year in practice, pot games, and 300s.  No 800s.  Probably 40 the year before!

A strapper and a nervous guy looking for approval...I told him his style was perfect for our house and I was shocked at his low number of 300s and 800s! 0!
I asked him if he had thought about it...dreamed about it?

The next week his first 3 and then two weeks later his first 800.  And the first one in the house this year!  

I believe he now has about 5 300s and I think 2 to 3 800s.  In less than 1/2 of a season.

Ready for 900...not we don't tell him so!  Do I really think his nature will allow it...ummmm...not really!  But if we can get him to see the transitions in game 2 properly...maybe a slim chance.  If we can get him over the next hump re transitions and him seeing them.

Maybe we'll mention the possibility to him...but not yet!

One must have that talent and calmness to do it!  Of course a nice shot helps!


PS I've heard that Chris Barnes was given a dose of this medicine at the US open this year....results after???....was it $330,000?'s starts with..."have you considered the possibilities of..."

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #92 on: July 19, 2006, 03:29:16 PM »
Saw your funny comments over on another post on Mustare...

It only lowers you..those type of comments...

Here is a link from the past of Robert Mushtare.


I see no brooklyns...I didn't count but are there 8 strikes...all sweet..and I thought the ball was going about 10 to 5 pretty consistently.

Again what I saw at Junior Gold was a guy with probably the wrong drills standing the wrong place and hunting.  If my son had shot 3 900s he would not have gone unprepared to Junior Gold...I wish I had had the time to arrange for him to practice on the patterns at another center and get the right drillings for his explosive ball for the different patterns.  Clearly I felt as I always do when watching non buffed sport type patterns that ball reaction must be muted to make the patterns hittable.


PS why are you holding him to another standard than other 900 shooters?  More than 1?!
PPS if my son were in the sport of bowling at that type of level and ready to shoot a second 900.  I'd tell him shoot it and then put a 0 in for the 36th ball...sad!  They'd see the correction and he could tell them...290!  Then everyone would want to be his friend!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 7/19/2006 6:24 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #93 on: July 19, 2006, 03:33:05 PM »
I think like this: a person with talent and the mindframe can accomplish GREAT things, however, I don't whole-heartingly agree with that. I've had my hands at numerous 300's and i had confidence in myself that i could shoot them, and i strung front 10, back 10 etc, but i never got that 300, because of the ball jumping off the dry harsh, or hitting too hard and leaving a 10 or 7 pin, or ball reacting late, or any of the numerous reason. Point being said, getting a 300 is VERY VERY Rough and Hard, so for a 17,yr old, by the way he throws like crap from the video, to shoot 3 consecutive, i FIND THAT VERY HARD TO BELIEVE. A person can have all the confidence in the world and still not break 100.

Those scores to me are ludicrous.
No offense, but he's NOT  a Phenom in the making at all. Jus  an average or a bit above average bowler.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #94 on: July 19, 2006, 03:34:43 PM »
Why the PS crap all the time? Just write it. We don't need a postscript.
That's right. I said it!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #95 on: July 19, 2006, 03:45:46 PM »
If my son had shot 3 900s he would not have gone unprepared to Junior Gold...I wish I had had the time to arrange for him to practice on the patterns at another center and get the right drillings

Well Mushtare seemingly did go unprepared - or  did  he?  Do you know?  
Mushtare stated in one of the interviews I've read from him, that he WAS PRACTICING ON THE JOG PATTERNS prior to the tourney.  
I also doubt that all of the 200+ (I think?) that finished ahead of him had "the right (aka  magic?) drillings".  Many of them were probably bowlers who could find a shot given the equipment they had.  But, again as you say, this has nothing to do  with his ability to shoot 900 on a wall.  I offer again my challenge.  let's get Mushy on a wall, at another house, with witnesses.  I'll eat crow if he can do that and shoot 2 300's in 12  games, with up to 10 games practice.  I feel quite  safe in telling the chef to leave the crow in the freezer.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"aroyskrikn zoln dir di oygn fun kop"
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #96 on: July 19, 2006, 03:48:28 PM »
Oh and P.S.

This one time at Band Camp, Robert Mustare stuck a flute in his bunghole and strangely enough played Beethoven's 9th Symphony. His dad was the only witness and his mother loved it as the day is long!
That's right. I said it!

Edited on 7/19/2006 3:46 PM


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #97 on: July 19, 2006, 03:49:58 PM »
Oh and P.S.

This one time at Band Camp, Robert Mustare stuck a flute in his bunghole and strangely enough played Beethoven's Symphony. His dad was the only witness and his mother loved it as the day is long!
That's right. I said it!

Even more impressive, he did it "inhaling."
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"aroyskrikn zoln dir di oygn fun kop"
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #98 on: July 19, 2006, 03:51:22 PM »
Oh and P.S.

This one time at Band Camp, Robert Mustare stuck a flute in his bunghole and strangely enough played Beethoven's Symphony. His dad was the only witness and his mother loved it as the day is long!
That's right. I said it!

Even more impressive, he did it "inhaling."
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"aroyskrikn zoln dir di oygn fun kop"

The only question I have is "How did he make 'Ode To Joy' so magical?"
That's right. I said it!


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #99 on: July 19, 2006, 03:54:24 PM »

Go away, son. You're bothering the adults.
That's right. I said it!

Edited on 7/19/2006 3:51 PM


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #100 on: July 19, 2006, 04:04:34 PM »
why another house?


PS there are claims out there of a 48 by an amateur golfer in chicago.  For a long time the lowest I had heard of was a 55 by Homero Blancas a one or two time tour winning pro!
PPS again you are confusing the ability to shoot low scores on easy conditions as being a quality of top pros...Tiger I believe has a 57 or 58 to his credit.
I am not sure he would be the person I would expect to shoot the lowest score on an easier course!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #101 on: July 19, 2006, 04:07:32 PM »
Saw your funny comments over on another post on Mustare...

It only lowers you..those type of comments...

Here is a link from the past of Robert Mushtare.


I see no brooklyns...I didn't count but are there 8 strikes...all sweet..and I thought the ball was going about 10 to 5 pretty consistently.

Again what I saw at Junior Gold was a guy with probably the wrong drills standing the wrong place and hunting.  If my son had shot 3 900s he would not have gone unprepared to Junior Gold...I wish I had had the time to arrange for him to practice on the patterns at another center and get the right drillings for his explosive ball for the different patterns.  Clearly I felt as I always do when watching non buffed sport type patterns that ball reaction must be muted to make the patterns hittable.


PS why are you holding him to another standard than other 900 shooters?  More than 1?!
PPS if my son were in the sport of bowling at that type of level and ready to shoot a second 900.  I'd tell him shoot it and then put a 0 in for the 36th ball...sad!  They'd see the correction and he could tell them...290!  Then everyone would want to be his friend!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

I clicked on the link, no video. Still the only video is the local news, and the post of unbiased witnesses that say he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Now, playing the wrong line, with the wrong ball drilling doesn't excuse the fact that he isn't accurate!! He could be playing the lanes wrong all day, but does he hit his mark consistently. From what all the unbiased witnesses said, he couldn't, especially on his spares. He may have a great ball, a lot of bowlers do, and he may have the Jedi Mind Power you credit him with, others do as well. But if he can't hit his mark consistently, even on a wall, these scores are even less believable. If he claims he can move before he leaves a 10 pin, then misses his mark by 3-4 boards, guess what, you just might leave a 10 pin anyway, or it gets to the dry a little too early and bang, a 9 pin. His skill level from witnesses and from video don't match up with what is needed to acheive what he is saying he did. I actually believe he shot a 900 series, the first one that was declined due to sanctioning. I think he had the luck of the gods on his side and he did it. Then when it was declined because (now this is what I read, I will freely admit I don't know it's true) his mother was league secretary and didn't send in the sanctioning for him and the league in time. SO because of her error, other adults got together and decided to help him get another one. Then while waiting for that one to be approved, the USBC almost passed a bill saying it would not honor prebowling scores when alone. So when it looked like that would pass, his friend Jaime Grimm bowled with him and jsut so happened to shoot his very first 300 while he shot 900 number 3. Again adults way of making things right, then low and behold, the legislation fails, now he's got 2 series and they are both approved. Now all the stories keep coming out, the 288 LH with a house ball in sneakers (although if you losten to his Dad it was 11 in a row, can't even get their lies straight), etc. Then the story of 2 more in practice come out, why didn't they mention it after the first one or the second, only  after the third, trying to make it sound more believable. All the while, they are making it more and more unbelievable. Why? Cause it is impossible, no, although as a Math major, I am a little insulted in your dismissal of statistical improbabability, I took the course, it is 100% real thank you. The real reason why is his game doesn't match up to what they are saying. So there is my take on it, I can't take credit for it, it was originally posted on bowl.ocm by Becks03, but I tend to agree with it's premise.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #102 on: July 19, 2006, 06:50:50 PM »
I've fixed the link to the newcasters!

Click on their faces!

If there is a brooklyn there I didn't see it!
I thought he was swinging 12 to 6 on this clip over and over!

At the tourney though his finish was much more posed deep and stuck!

On the second day I believe he had finally found a ball to work but was playing too shallow.  He adjusted by amping up his speed and revs considerably and was using an open handed finish!  It was not the answer but an impressive display of bowling power unfortunately I thought from the wrong spot!

UNBIASED observer...what is that???  There are those who say he did and those who say he didn't!  There are few on neither side!

The closest I can imagine to unbiased would be coach Rod Ross...what is his bias again?...Mushtare is not on the team is he?

His quote again.
From the article...Mustare fails to make cut at

Among those who had a chance to watch Mushtare during qualifying was Junior Team USA head coach Rod Ross.

"I was very impressed with his physical game," Ross said. "He throws a phenomenal ball and has a nice loose arm swing. He has a lot of raw talent. He can definitely strike and strike a lot, and there's no doubt in my mind that he shot those 900s."

Also I question what is accuracy?  Hitting the pocket...or hitting the breakpoint you are aiming at?  Using the wrong match ups and constantly moving can make to the casual observer like you are missing...when in fact you are fishing and missing the proper break point but hitting what you are aiming at.

Also on sport condition spares...anyone can look like a fool on those using a hook ball...they ARE tough!  I saw hundreds of fools the day I was there and hundreds of scores that looked a lot like this...13x.

I am glad to see Jorge that you are starting to acknowledge the possibility of at least one 900!


PS I eagerly await the Tim Mack/Robert Mushtare match.  Which I think will show he has an ability to tear up a league crown with the best of em!  Two that he is a very well composed young man for his age!  3. that he throws one of the most dynamic strike balls in America does Tim Mack.  4. when dialed into a shot with the right balls I believe he will show a high degree of accuracy given his speed loft and power!  When I was in Tamarac florida I heard gasps from the crowd on some of his high powered shots...almost like being at a long drive contest!  Fun!  Like bowling with or against Jimmy Keeth in league!
It should be a fun and great match with I hope high scoring by both!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #103 on: July 19, 2006, 11:24:41 PM »
If there's one thing I got out of this entire thread is that now has an official laughing stock.

....and it ain't Mushtare.
- DP3
Hoss Central Inc.
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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #104 on: July 19, 2006, 11:55:27 PM »
The count is 500 to 2.  It's easy to be in the majority.

After this exciting match with Tim Mack are you kiss my ....?
If it ends up 785 for Mack and 767 for Mustare I'm sticking to my position.
If it ends up 800 for Mushtare and 640 for Mack...well I don't know if I want my gluteus kissed that much!

If instead it is 805 for Mack and 560 for RM...well...I'll have to do some puckerin!  But based on what I saw in Florida...on a league crown shot he knows that has lively pins and sidewalls...can the kid shoot under 700?  HOW?

PS DP3 I respect your opinion on many things...but we disagree on this one...that's clear.  Tim Mack is a great and very experienced bowler...It's the perfect answer to what we've all been waiting for...someone to find their keys!
Now ESPN probably thru the magic of cash has helped someone find the keys and he is real good! And he is going to meet Robert Mushtare on his home turf where I think he is REAL good and real comfortable!  Instead of being in foreign territory..he is in his element!

Have you ever heard of the match where Ray Floyd the major winner went to Lee Trevino's course say circa 1966 or 1967 or so and RAy was known as one of the best money players in the world.  Trevino won all the cash...Trevino was soon on tour!  This is a modern day equivalent of that...of course we don't know the outcome yet!  Though you do!
PPS...the point on Rod Ross and being favorable to Mushtare's technique(and he did NOT comment on accuracy).  IS why does he have a reason to be biased again???  I don't get that?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Update on Mush are Gold
« Reply #105 on: July 20, 2006, 07:14:30 AM »
The count is 500 to 2.  It's easy to be in the majority.

After this exciting match with Tim Mack are you kiss my ....?
If it ends up 785 for Mack and 767 for Mustare I'm sticking to my position.
If it ends up 800 for Mushtare and 640 for Mack...well I don't know if I want my gluteus kissed that much!

If instead it is 805 for Mack and 560 for RM...well...I'll have to do some puckerin!  But based on what I saw in Florida...on a league crown shot he knows that has lively pins and sidewalls...can the kid shoot under 700?  HOW?

PS DP3 I respect your opinion on many things...but we disagree on this one...that's clear.  Tim Mack is a great and very experienced bowler...It's the perfect answer to what we've all been waiting for...someone to find their keys!
Now ESPN probably thru the magic of cash has helped someone find the keys and he is real good! And he is going to meet Robert Mushtare on his home turf where I think he is REAL good and real comfortable!  Instead of being in foreign territory..he is in his element!

Have you ever heard of the match where Ray Floyd the major winner went to Lee Trevino's course say circa 1966 or 1967 or so and RAy was known as one of the best money players in the world.  Trevino won all the cash...Trevino was soon on tour!  This is a modern day equivalent of that...of course we don't know the outcome yet!  Though you do!
PPS...the point on Rod Ross and being favorable to Mushtare's technique(and he did NOT comment on accuracy).  IS why does he have a reason to be biased again???  I don't get that?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

One question Lefty. If Musthare is as good as you say he is, why does this match have to be at his home house? If he is sooooooo good he can 5 900 series, why not go to a neutral house, one neither of them has seen? Then they both have to adjust and find the shot and see who's better. Doing this at Musthare*'s home house will not a damn thing, NOTHING!!

If Musthare* wins, will it improve his standing in the bowling community, no. He will still be a laughing stock and suspected cheater.
If Musthare* loses, then everyone that thinks he did it, will change their mind, i doubt it.
Plus besides you, I haven't heard a thing about this supposed match, and we all know how unbiased you are.

Coach Ross' comments show he has a bias towards him, if he didn't mention the 900's I might have put more stock into what he said. If he thinks he did it, then his comments are tainted by that.

And a few oohs and aahs, hell i can do that in league, got that last night, and I only had 918 for 4 on PBA regional pattern 2, nothing spectacular. So far all you have shown is he throws a powerful ball, so do 9000 other bowlers out there. If his mental approach is supposedly so good, why was it that it fails him when ever other people are around? Your statements are just incredbily ridiculous, and your support is weak at best. We should believe him cause his Mom is nice, OK. And after watching him for 1 day, you now know his entire mental makeup too. Maybe you should start your own Miss Cleo pyshic hotline then, since you can read peoples minds.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"