I think like this: a person with talent and the mindframe can accomplish GREAT things, however, I don't whole-heartingly agree with that. I've had my hands at numerous 300's and i had confidence in myself that i could shoot them, and i strung front 10, back 10 etc, but i never got that 300, because of the ball jumping off the dry harsh, or hitting too hard and leaving a 10 or 7 pin, or ball reacting late, or any of the numerous reason. Point being said, getting a 300 is VERY VERY Rough and Hard, so for a 17,yr old, by the way he throws like crap from the video, to shoot 3 consecutive, i FIND THAT VERY HARD TO BELIEVE. A person can have all the confidence in the world and still not break 100.
Those scores to me are ludicrous.
No offense, but he's NOT a Phenom in the making at all. Jus an average or a bit above average bowler.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws gutterballs back to back at one point in their life

Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!